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State Capital Since Area Population MSA/µSA CSA Rank
Alabama Montgomery 1846-01-01 159.8 198525 373290 461516 3
Alaska Juneau 1906-01-01 2716.7 32113 32113 3
Arizona Phoenix 1912-01-01 517.6 1680992 4948203 5002221 1
Arkansas Little Rock 1821-01-01 116.2 197312 742384 908941 1
California Sacramento 1854-01-01 97.9 513624 2363730 2639124 6
Colorado Denver 1867-01-01 153.3 727211 2967239 3617927 1
Connecticut Hartford 1875-01-01 17.3 122105 1204877 1470083 3
Delaware Dover 1777-01-01 22.4 38079 180786 7209620 2
Florida Tallahassee 1824-01-01 95.7 194500 387227 7
# Settings for Atom
nross83 / .git%2FCOMMIT_EDITMSG
Last active April 5, 2017 14:46
Settings for ST3
nross83 /
Last active February 17, 2017 01:40
Immutable Data Structures Comparison


  • Freezes objects in development mode, but not in production. Allows for much better performance
  • Can be used as regular JS objects and arrays. Allows destructuring, rest operators, etc
  • Adds helper functions such as setIn, merge, update, etc
  • Much simpler API than ImmutableJS
  • Allows for converting an Immutable object to mutable for common mutation tasks (push, unshift, etc) and then sealing it back up with a new Immutable constructor call.
  • 2809 stars on GH
