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Created October 14, 2019 23:09
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from collections import defaultdict, Counter
import pprint
def encode(x, known):
seen_vowels = {}
seen_other = {}
def check(seen, x, m):
if x in known:
return x
if x not in seen:
seen[x] = (len(seen) + 1) * m
return seen[x]
return tuple(
check(seen_vowels, i, -1) if i in "AEIOU" else check(seen_other, i, 1)
for i in x
def decode(text, cipher):
return "".join(cipher.get(i, i) for i in text)
def most_common():
# Read the cipher text.
lines = open("cipher19.txt").readlines()
cleaned = "".join(x.replace(" ", "").strip() for x in lines[1::2])
text = [cleaned[i : i + 3] for i in range(0, len(cleaned), 3)]
# Read the code book.
code_to_word = dict(
tuple(x.strip("\n").split(" : "))
for x in open("codeBook_19.txt", encoding="latin")
# Assume THE is the most common word.
cipher = {}
most_common_codeword = Counter(text).most_common(1)[0][0]
the_codeword = next(x for x, y in code_to_word.items() if y == "THE")
for l, r in zip(most_common_codeword, the_codeword):
cipher[l] = r
# Solve the rest.
word_set = set(text)
while len(cipher) < 26:
encoding_to_possible_pairs = defaultdict(lambda: set())
for code, word in code_to_word.items():
encoding_to_possible_pairs[encode(code, cipher.values())].add((code, word))
for word in word_set:
encoding = tuple(cipher.get(i, i) for i in encode(word, cipher.keys()))
possible_pairs = encoding_to_possible_pairs[encoding]
if len(possible_pairs) > 1 or all(i in cipher for i in word):
for l, r in zip(word, possible_pairs.pop()[0]):
if l not in cipher:
cipher[l] = r
" ".join(
code_to_word[decode(i, cipher)] if set(i) < set(cipher) else "?"
for i in text
if __name__ == "__main__":
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