- Public Github Repo with Packer VirtualBox templates for Fedora 19, 20
- Script capable of creating box, testing, and uploading to S3 on success (to be run via CI)
- Bare-bones Vagrantfile example
- Packer VirtualBox template to build Vagrant box from Fedora ISO
- Box should contain recent 'omnibus' Chef install
- Box should be Vagrantitized (vagrant user, ssh key, guest-additions, etc)
- Template should have ability to add additional provisioning options (i.e. other yum packages, etc)
- Box should be as small in size as possible
- Include templates for Fedora 19, and Fedora 20 alpha
- Should initiate box build
- Should have ability to run arbitrary testing commands on box to determine success/failure
- Should have (optional) ability to upload box directly to S3
- Contact [email protected] with questions, time-to-complete, and cost.
- Well-factored CentOS packer template: https://github.com/smerrill/packer-templates/tree/master/centos-6.4-x86_64-netboot
- Fedora 19 VeeWee template: https://github.com/jedi4ever/veewee/tree/master/templates/Fedora-19-x86_64
- Official Fedora hosted cloud image kickstart files: https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/cloud-kickstarts.git/
- Packer http://www.packer.io/docs/builders/virtualbox.html