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Created February 13, 2023 16:29
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import { ZuploRequest, ZuploContext, ResponseFactory, environment } from "@zuplo/runtime";
import { SegmentClient } from "./segment";
export async function postLogin(
request: ZuploRequest,
context: ZuploContext
): Promise<Response> {
if (!environment.SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY) {
throw new Error("SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY environment variable not set")
const client = new SegmentClient(environment.SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY);
const { user, stats, geoip, language, user_agent, ip } = await request.json() as Auth0LoginEvent;
await client.identity({
userId: user.user_id,
traits: {
emailVerified: user.email_verified,
username: user.username,
lastName: user.family_name,
firstName: user.given_name,
logins: stats?.logins_count,
createdAt: user.created_at,
phone: user.phone_number,
phoneVerified: user.phone_verified,
avatar: user.picture,
context: {
active: true,
ip: ip,
location: {
longitude: geoip?.longitude,
latitude: geoip?.latitude,
city: geoip?.cityName,
country: geoip?.countryName,
timezone: geoip?.timeZone,
locale: language,
userAgent: user_agent
return new Response(null, { status: 200 });
const API_URL = "";
export class SegmentClient {
private authHeader: string;
constructor(writeKey: string) {
this.authHeader = "Basic " + btoa(`${writeKey}:`);
identity(data: SegmentIdentity): Promise<void> {
return"/identify", data);
track(data: SegmentTrack): Promise<void> {
return"/track", data);
page(data: SegmentPage): Promise<void> {
return"/page", data);
screen(data: SegmentScreen): Promise<void> {
return"/screen", data);
group(data: SegmentGroup): Promise<void> {
return"/group", data);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
private async post(pathname: string, data: any): Promise<void> {
const response = await fetch(`${API_URL}${pathname}`, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Authorization: this.authHeader,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(data),
// Segment always returns a 200, unless the request is in an invalid
// format or it is too large (32KB).
if (response.status !== 200) {
throw new Error("Error posting to segment API");
export interface SegmentBaseEvent {
userId?: string;
anonymousId?: string;
context?: Partial<SegmentContext>;
properties?: Partial<SegmentProperties>;
* Timestamp when the message itself took place,
* defaulted to the current time by the Segment
* Tracking API, as a ISO-8601 format date string.
* If the event just happened, leave it out and
* we’ll use the server’s time. If you’re importing
* data from the past, make sure you to provide a
* timestamp.
* See the Timestamps fields docs for more detail.
timestamp?: string;
export interface SegmentPage extends SegmentBaseEvent {
* Name of the page For example, most sites have a
* “Signup” page that can be useful to tag,
* so you can see users as they move through your funnel.
name: string;
export interface SegmentScreen extends SegmentBaseEvent {
* Name of the screen See the Name field docs for more details.
name: string;
export interface SegmentTrack extends SegmentBaseEvent {
event: string;
export interface SegmentGroup extends SegmentIdentity {
groupId: string;
export interface SegmentIdentity {
userId?: string;
anonymousId?: string;
traits?: Partial<SegmentTraits>;
context?: Partial<SegmentContext>;
* Timestamp when the message itself took place,
* defaulted to the current time by the Segment
* Tracking API, as a ISO-8601 format date string.
* If the event just happened, leave it out and
* we’ll use the server’s time. If you’re importing
* data from the past, make sure you to provide a
* timestamp.
* See the Timestamps fields docs for more detail.
timestamp?: string;
export interface SegmentContext {
* Whether a user is active
* This is usually used to flag an .identify() call to just update the traits but not “last seen.”
active: boolean;
* Information about the current application.
app: Partial<{
name: string;
version: string;
build: string;
* Dictionary of information about the campaign that resulted
* in the API call, containing name, source, medium, term,
* content, and any other custom UTM parameter.
* This maps directly to the common UTM campaign parameters.
campaign: Partial<{
[key: string]: string | number;
name: string;
source: string;
medium: string;
term: string;
content: string;
device: Partial<{
id: string;
advertisingId: string;
manufacturer: string;
model: string;
name: string;
type: string;
version: string;
ip: string;
library: Partial<{
name: string;
version: string;
locale: string;
location: Partial<{
city: string;
country: string;
latitude: string;
longitude: string;
region: string;
speed: string;
network: Partial<{
bluetooth: string;
carrier: string;
cellular: string;
wifi: string;
os: Partial<{
name: string;
version: string;
page: Partial<{
path: string;
referrer: string;
search: string;
title: string;
url: string;
referrer: Partial<{
type: string;
name: string;
url: string;
link: string;
screen: Partial<{
density: number;
height: number;
width: number;
* Timezones are sent as tzdata strings to add user
* timezone information which might be stripped
* from the timestamp, for example America/New_York
timezone: string;
* Group / Account ID.
* This is useful in B2B use cases where you need to
* attribute your non-group calls to a company or
* account. It is relied on by several Customer
* Success and CRM tools.
groupId: string;
traits: Partial<SegmentTraits>;
userAgent: string;
export interface SegmentTraits {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
[key: string]: any;
address: Partial<{
city: string;
country: string;
postalCode: string;
state: string;
street: string;
age: number;
* URL to an avatar image for the user
avatar: string;
* ISO-8601 date string
birthday: string;
company: Partial<{
name: string;
id: string | number;
industry: string;
employeeCount: number;
plan: string;
createdAt: string;
description: string;
email: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
gender: string;
* Unique ID in your database for a user
id: string;
* Full name of a user. If you only pass a first and last name Segment automatically fills in the full name for you.
name: string;
phone: string;
* Title of a user, usually related to their position at a specific company. Example: “VP of Engineering”
title: string;
* User’s username. This should be unique to each user, like the usernames of Twitter or GitHub.
username: string;
website: string;
export interface SegmentProperties {
[key: string]: string | number | boolean;
revenue: number;
currency: string;
value: number;
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