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Last active July 2, 2020 13:50
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public class ExoModule {
* Provides the user agent for the device
* @param context represents an instance of {@link Context}
* @return an instance of user agent
public String provideUserAgent(@NonNull Context context) {
return Util.getUserAgent(context, Constants.EXO_PLAYER_USER_AGENT);
* Provides an instance of {@link DefaultBandwidthMeter}
* @return an instance of {@link DefaultBandwidthMeter}
public DefaultBandwidthMeter provideDefaultBandwidthMeter() {
return new DefaultBandwidthMeter();
* Provides an instance of {@link HttpDataSource.Factory}
* @param userAgent represents the user agent
* @param bandwidthMeter represents an instance of {@link DefaultBandwidthMeter}
* @return an instance of {@link HttpDataSource.Factory}
public HttpDataSource.Factory provideHttpDataSourceFactory(@NonNull String userAgent, @NonNull DefaultBandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter) {
return new DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory(userAgent, bandwidthMeter);
* Provides an instance of {@link TrackSelection.Factory}
* @return an instance of {@link TrackSelection.Factory}
public TrackSelection.Factory provideTrackSelectionFactory() {
return new AdaptiveTrackSelection.Factory();
* Provides an instance of {@link DefaultTrackSelector}
* @param factory represents an instance of {@link TrackSelection.Factory}
* @return an instance of {@link DefaultTrackSelector}
public DefaultTrackSelector provideDefaultTrackSelector(@NonNull TrackSelection.Factory factory) {
return new DefaultTrackSelector(factory);
* Provides an instance of {@link DefaultRenderersFactory}
* @param context represents an instance of {@link Context}
* @return an instance of {@link DefaultRenderersFactory}
public DefaultRenderersFactory provideDefaultRenderersFactory(@NonNull Context context) {
return new DefaultRenderersFactory(context);
* Provides an instance of {@link LoadControl}
* @return an instance of {@link LoadControl}
public LoadControl provideLoadControl() {
return new DefaultLoadControl();
* Provides an instance of {@link SimpleExoPlayer}
* @param context represents an instance of {@link Context}
* @param renderersFactory represents an instance of {@link DefaultRenderersFactory}
* @param trackSelector represents an instance of {@link DefaultTrackSelector}
* @param loadControl represents an instance of {@link DefaultLoadControl}
* @return an instance of {@link SimpleExoPlayer}
public SimpleExoPlayer provideExoPlayer(@NonNull Context context,
@NonNull DefaultRenderersFactory renderersFactory,
@NonNull DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector,
@NonNull LoadControl loadControl) {
return ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(context, renderersFactory, trackSelector, loadControl);
* Provides an instance of {@link DefaultDataSourceFactory}
* @param context represents an instance of {@link Context}
* @param bandwidthMeter represents an instance of {@link DefaultBandwidthMeter}
* @param factory represents an instance of {@link HttpDataSource.Factory}
* @return an instance of {@link DefaultDataSourceFactory}
public DefaultDataSourceFactory provideDefaultDataSourceFactory(@NonNull Context context,
@NonNull DefaultBandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter,
@NonNull HttpDataSource.Factory factory) {
return new DefaultDataSourceFactory(context, bandwidthMeter, factory);
* Provides an instance of {@link LeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor}
* @return an instance of {@link LeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor}
public LeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor provideLeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor() {
return new LeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor(Constants.EXO_PLAYER_VIDEO_CACHE_DURATION);
* Provides an instance of {@link DataSource.Factory}
* @param cacheDataSource represents an instance of {@link CacheDataSource}
* @return an instance of {@link DataSource.Factory}
public DataSource.Factory provideDataSourceFactory(@NonNull CacheDataSource cacheDataSource) {
return new DefaultCacheDataSourceFactory(cacheDataSource);
* Returns an instance of {@link ExtractorMediaSource.Factory}
* @param factory represents an instance of {@link DataSource.Factory}
* @return an instance of {@link ExtractorMediaSource.Factory}
public ExtractorMediaSource.Factory provideExtractorMediaSourceFactory(@NonNull DataSource.Factory factory) {
return new ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(factory);
* Provides an instance of {@link SimpleCache}
* @param context represents an instance of {@link Context}
* @param evictor represents an instance of {@link LeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor}
* @return an instance of {@link SimpleCache}
public SimpleCache provideSimpleCache(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull LeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor evictor) {
return new SimpleCache(new File(context.getCacheDir(), context.getString(R.string.cache_type)), evictor);
* Provides an instance of {@link CacheDataSource}
* @param simpleCache represents an instance of {@link SimpleCache}
* @param factory represents an instance of {@link DefaultDataSourceFactory}
* @param cacheDataSink represents an instance of {@link CacheDataSink}
* @return an instance of {@link CacheDataSource}
public CacheDataSource provideCacheDataSource(@NonNull SimpleCache simpleCache,
@NonNull DefaultDataSourceFactory factory,
@NonNull CacheDataSink cacheDataSink) {
return new CacheDataSource(simpleCache, factory.createDataSource(), new FileDataSource(), cacheDataSink,
CacheDataSource.FLAG_BLOCK_ON_CACHE | CacheDataSource.FLAG_IGNORE_CACHE_ON_ERROR, null);
* Provides an instance of {@link CacheDataSink}
* @param simpleCache represents an instance of {@link SimpleCache}
* @return an instance of {@link CacheDataSink}
public CacheDataSink provideCacheDataSink(@NonNull SimpleCache simpleCache) {
return new CacheDataSink(simpleCache, Constants.EXO_PLAYER_VIDEO_CACHE_DURATION);
* Returns an instance of {@link CookieManager}
* @return an instance of {@link CookieManager}
public CookieManager provideCookieManager() {
CookieManager cookieManager = new CookieManager();
return cookieManager;
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bmbariah commented Jun 29, 2020

Using this with android Hilt results in Exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Another SimpleCache instance uses the folder: /data/user/0/

Any ideas?

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nuhkoca commented Jul 2, 2020

@bmbariah thanks for your issue. Are you somehow mistakenly introduce multiple cache instance in Dagger?

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