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Nuke 🌄 nuke-web3

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xlc /
Last active February 2, 2024 12:31
Polkadot Project Ideas

Polkadot Project Ideas

If you are looking to build something on Polkadot ecosystem but don't know where to start, here is a list of the ideas that I would love to see them implemented.

If you actually start building one of those, or are already building something similar, please reach out to me and I can help you with mentoring & technical support (either from myself, someone from Acala team, or connect you to Parity or other ecosystem teams) and funding support (Polkadot Treasury, Kusama Treasury, W3F grant, Acala grant, other ecosystem grant).

If you have other ideas, please comment below and I can add it to the list.

Note that many teams are already working on various important common good library and tools such as generic multichain transaction history service so I will refrain to list those to avoid potential duplicated works.

cryptoquick /
Last active November 14, 2021 19:19
crypto research notes - noise

just some notes on some research i've been doing as an application developer looking to better understand crypto libraries and cipher suites


with a focus on noise protocol

noise adds additional higher-level constructs to common ciphers used in other cipher suites that are useful for transport encryption (replacing openssl more than libsodium)

useful concepts

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am cryptoquick on github.
  • I am cryptoquick ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDXCcZQ7YZY7bhAQL0sGNeO0RAjlVahzwKB-wRk6oCTjgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

aymericbeaumet /
Last active February 18, 2025 03:06
[Recipe] Delete all your likes/favorites from Twitter

Ever wanted to delete all your likes/favorites from Twitter but only found broken/expensive tools? You are in the right place.

  1. Go to:{username}/likes
  2. Open the console and run the following JavaScript code:
setInterval(() => {
  for (const d of document.querySelectorAll('div[data-testid="unlike"]')) {
jalbam / unfollow-non-followers-twitter.js
Last active January 26, 2025 19:17
Code to stop following those ones who are not following you back on Twitter and keeping those you want or follow anyone you want, with certain filters (working in July 2019)
Unfollow (stop following) those people who are not following you back on Twitter (or unfollow everyone if desired).
This will work for new Twitter web site code structure (it was changed from July 2019, causing other unfollow-scripts to stop working).
1) The code may need to be modified depending on the language of your Twitter web site:
* For English language web site, no modification needed.
* For Spanish language web site, remember to set the 'LANGUAGE' variable to "ES".
* For another language, remember to set the 'LANGUAGE' variable to that language and modify the 'WORDS' object to add the words in that language.

Trying to deploy WPA3 on my home network


Recently, news broke about a new possible offline attack on WPA2 using PMKID. To summarize the attack, WPA2 protected APs can end up broadcasting PMKID values which can then be used to offline-brute-force the password.

These PMKID values are computed this way:

mikepea /
Last active November 19, 2024 02:31
Pull Request Etiquette

Pull Request Etiquette

Why do we use a Pull Request workflow?

PRs are a great way of sharing information, and can help us be aware of the changes that are occuring in our codebase. They are also an excellent way of getting peer review on the work that we do, without the cost of working in direct pairs.

Ultimately though, the primary reason we use PRs is to encourage quality in the commits that are made to our code repositories

Done well, the commits (and their attached messages) contained within tell a story to people examining the code at a later date. If we are not careful to ensure the quality of these commits, we silently lose this ability.