title={Human3. 6m: Large scale datasets and predictive methods for 3d human sensing in natural environments},
author={Ionescu, Catalin and Papava, Dragos and Olaru, Vlad and Sminchisescu, Cristian},
journal={IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence},
- Download all archive files from the site.
- You have to register with an academy mail.
- Extract all archive files.
- NOTE: All training/test data must be extracted in the same path.
- "The setup for our experiments requires that all the archives are extracted in the same directory (we call this the experiment directory)" quoted from ${code archive}/README.data file.
- Download and extract all dependencies described at ${code archive}/README file.
- Update VideoUtils from v.1.2 to v.1.2.4.
- The memory release bug was fixed.
- The maximum number of instances is increased from 128 to 1024.
- R, T: Camera transform parameters
- R: Euler angle
- T: World position
- f, c, k p: Camera calibration parameters
- f: Focal length
- c: Principal point
- k: Radial distortion
- p: Tangential distortion
- db: H36MDataBase instance
- s: Subject number (camera is monocular if s == 0)
- c: Camera number (1 <= c <= 4)
- obj: Camera instance
- X: 3D position list
An abstract class for H36MFeatureDataAccess, H36MPoseDataAccess, H36MTOFDataAccess and H36MVideoDataAccess classes. In H36MBL/H36MComputeFeatures.m, the Exists property is used to check if the precomputed data exists and the Permanent property is used to save the precomputed data if necessary.
- Exists: If the precomputed data exists
- Permanent: Save the precomputed data into the file
- obj: DataAccess instance
- fno: Frame number
The preloaded data from metadata.xml file. This includes camera parameters, joint relations and etc.
An abstract class for H36MPose2DPositionsFeature, H36MPose3DAnglesFeature, H36MPose3DPositionFeature and etc.
Called by H36MPose(2DPosition|3DPosition|3DAngles)Feature.serializer(Sequence), it reads whole precomputed feature data specified by the feature and the sequence.
- Buffer: Precomputed data
- obj: DataAccess instance
- fno: Frame number
Similar to the factory design pattern, generates the bounding-box mask DataAccess instance.
Generates the bounding-box mask DataAccess instance.
- obj: H36MMyBBMask instance
- Sequence: Sequence instance
%% Sample code
sequence = H36MSequence(4, 3, 2, 1, -1)
bb_factory = H36MMyBBMask();
bb_handle = bb_factory.serializer(sequence);
bb_mask = bb_handle.getFrame(100);
Similar to the factory design pattern, generates the background mask DataAccess instance.
Similar to H36MMyBBMask.serializer(obj, Sequence).
close all;
tof = H36MTOFDataAccess(6, 13, 2).getFrame(800); % subject, action, sub-action
figure(1); imshow(tof/10);
Delete the following code.
- ${code archive}/external_utils/xml_io_tools/xml_read.m
%% Check Matlab Version
v = ver('MATLAB');
version = str2double(regexp(v.Version, '\d.\d','match','once'));
if (version<7.1)
error('Your MATLAB version is too old. You need version 7.1 or newer.');