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External Penetration Testing Commands
# External Penetration Testing Cheatsheet
## 1. Reconnaissance
### Cloud Enumeration
# Cloud Infrastructure Discovery
./ -k somecompany
# Third Party Misconfigurations
./misconfig-mapper -target company -service "*"
### OSINT Collection
# Email Discovery
emailfinder -d domain
python3 -k domain -o emails.txt
#Username Enumeration
# Metadata Analysis
metafinder -d domain -l metafinder_limit -o osint -go -bi
# Domain Information
python3 -d domain
### Dorks Discovery
# Using Flare (Preferred Method)
### GitHub Reconnaissance
# Comprehensive Secret Scanning (Preferred Method)
trufflehog github --org=$DOMAIN \
--token=$GITHUB_TOKEN \
--include-forks \
--include-wikis \
--include-members \
--issue-comments \
--pr-comments \
--gist-comments \
--comments-timeframe=180 \
--include-detectors="all" \
--filter-entropy=3.0 \
--results=verified,unknown,unverified \
--detector-timeout=45s \
--archive-max-size=10MB \
--archive-max-depth=10 \
# GitHub Dorks
gitdorks_go -gd dorks.txt -target domain -tf tokens
# Repository Analysis
enumerepo -token-string token -usernames company
gitleaks detect --source repos -r gh_secret.json
## 2. Domain Enumeration
### Passive Subdomain Discovery
# Multiple Sources
subfinder -silent -all -d $DOMAIN
github-subdomains -d domain -t tokens
gitlab-subdomains -d domain -t tokens
# DNS Analysis
python3 -d
echo domain | dnsx -recon
### Active Domain Discovery
# DNS Bruteforcing
puredns bruteforce wordlist.txt domain -r resolvers.txt
massdns -r resolvers.txt -t A -o S -w results.txt
# Resolution and Validation
dnsx -retry 3 -a -resp
#Wildcard removal
dnsx -silent -wd $DOMAIN
### Network Reconnaissance
# Find Related CIDRs
cat domains.txt | dnsx -silent -a -resp-only | python3
# Remote Desktop Discovery
rdwatool -u domain -k
# Analytics Relationships
analyticsrelationships -u domain
## 3. Service Discovery
### Technology Detection
# Web Technology Fingerprinting
httpx -tech-detect -status-code -title
whatweb -a 3 domain
# Screenshot Capture
nuclei -headless -id screenshot
### Port Scanning
# Fast TCP Scan
naabu -silent -p 80,443,8080,8443
smap -iL ips.txt
# Service Version Detection
nmap -sV -sC -p ports target
# Comprehensive Service Scan
masscan -p7,9,13,21-23,25-26,37,53,79-81,88,106,110-111,113,119,135,139,143-144,\
49152-49157 --rate 10000
### Infrastructure Analysis
# WAF/CDN Detection
cdncheck -resp -silent -nc
wafw00f -i hosts.txt
# Virtual Host Discovery
ffuf -w wordlist -H "Host: FUZZ.domain"
# Service Analysis
nmap-parse-output scan.xml web-servers
## 4. Content Discovery
### Web Crawling
# Advanced Crawling (Preferred Method)
katana -u $URL -d 5 -jc -jsl -kf all -aff -timeout 15 -retry 3 \
-s breadth-first -iqp \
-sf url,path,fqdn,rdn,rurl,qurl,fqpath,file,urlkey,value,kv,dir,udir \
-em png,jpeg,woff,woff2,gif,jpg
# Alternative Crawlers
gospider -s domain -d depth
hakrawler -url domain -depth depth
### Directory Enumeration
# Using Feroxbuster
feroxbuster --url $URL -w wordlist.txt -k --quiet --filter-status 401,403,404,405,500 --extract-links
# Using ffuf
ffuf -w wordlist.txt -u $URL/FUZZ -mc 200,301,302,401
### JavaScript Analysis
# JS Discovery and Analysis
cat js_urls.txt | ./ -s
subjs domain domain
# JS Link Finding
python3 -i $JS_URL -sf "*.$DOMAIN" -nb
## 5. Vulnerability Testing
### Authentication Testing
# Password Spraying
brutespray -f nmap.gnmap -t threads -o output
# Admin Panel Discovery
egrep -i "/admin/|/administrator/" | httpx -title -sc -lc -nc
# API Testing
grep '/api' | httpx -title -sc -lc -nc -ct
### Injection Testing
# SSRF Testing
ffuf -w urls.txt:W1,headers.txt:W2 -H "W2: collaborator"
# LFI Testing
ffuf -w urls.txt -w lfi_wordlist -mr "root:"
# SSTI Testing
ffuf -w urls.txt -w ssti_wordlist -mr "ssti49"
# SQL Injection
sqlmap -m urls.txt --batch
ghauri -u urls.txt --batch
# Command Injection
commix --batch -m urls.txt
### Web Vulnerabilities
# XSS Testing
knoxnl -i urls.txt -o results.txt
gxss -c 100 -p Xss
# CORS Issues
python3 Corsy/ -i webs.txt -o cors.txt
# Open Redirects
python3 Oralyzer/ -l urls.txt -p payloads.txt
# Request Smuggling
python3 -u urls.txt
# Cache Poisoning
python3 Web-Cache-Vulnerability-Scanner -u urls.txt
# Prototype Pollution
ppmap < urls.txt
# 403 Bypass
python3 nomore403 -u urls.txt
### Parameter Analysis
# Discovery
cat urls.txt | python3 -w wordlist.txt
x8 -v 0 -X GET POST -w params.txt -u $URL --output-format request
paramspider -d domain
arjun -u url -oJ params.json
nuclei -l httpx.txt -t /root/nuclei-templates/http/technologies/ -severity info -et /root/nuclei-templates/http/technologies/waf-detect.yaml -et /root/nuclei-templates/http/technologies/tech-detect.yaml -o nuclei.txt
sort -u nuclei.txt
cat nuclei.txt| grep default
urlfinder -d urls.txt -all -o output.txt |httpx
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