Add this to torrc ( located on /etc/tor/torrc):
AutomapHostsOnResolve 1
TransPort 9051
DNSPort 9053
Run the attached script as root so all traffic will route from Tor. you can also use attached torrc as a sample.
You did not forget you forgot, you did not change you changed and also if you don't know what iptables do should be if you don't know what iptables does.
Another thing:
Actually XXX (no the) is a variable that you have to enter manually - would be very correct.
I recommend you to learn English. It helps making things look serious, but it's your choice.
Now my question: Does this force everything to route traffic through tor or is it still possible to use the real IP (assuming the program does not have root access)?
There should be a warning that iptables -F removes/flushes existing rules.