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Created March 13, 2019 06:24
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Extract block and inline comments, docstrings and
no-op'd string literals from Python code.
from tokenize import tok_name, tokenize, TokenInfo
import itertools
import ast
TokenInfo.is_type = lambda t, tok_type: tok_name[t.type] == tok_type
def parse_line(line):
comments = [t.string.lstrip('#') for t in line if t.is_type('COMMENT')]
if comments:
yield from comments
elif not any(t.is_type('OP') for t in line):
if line[-1].is_type('STRING'):
yield ast.literal_eval(line[-1].string)
def parse_file(file):
for key, group in itertools.groupby(
tokenize(open(file, 'rb').readline),
lambda t: t.is_type('NEWLINE')
for comment in parse_line(list(group)):
yield comment.strip()
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