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Quitting from IT to manufacturing

Nikolay Koshenkov nuqz

Quitting from IT to manufacturing
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jaka /
Created April 26, 2018 14:34
STM32F0 under Linux Tutorial

STM32F0 under Linux — Tutorial

Updated April, 2018.

Setting up the ARM GCC toolchain, OpenOCD and ST-Link

This is a tutorial on setting up a complete developing environment on Linux OS by using a free and open tools. The official ARM (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors) GCC toolchain, OpenOCD and Texane's ST-Link debugger/programmer utilities will be used.

Why the ARM Cortex-M0 & why the STM32F0 Family Specifically?

The ARM Cortex-M0 is a 32-bit core that strikes an excellent balance between performance, power usage and price. It may not be as sophisticated and powerful as its older siblings the ARM Cortex-M3 and M4, but its simplicity, ease of use, lower cost and reduced power consumption easily makes up for that. The ARM Cortex-M0 core was designed to compete with other 8-bit/16-bit microcontroller cores like ARM and PIC and it succeeds in this goal on all major fronts; performance, low power, low price and short time to market.

CMCDragonkai /
Last active January 6, 2025 19:05
Exporting Modules and Functions from Python `` #python

Exporting Modules and Functions from Python

Any directory with is considered a package in Python.

Any python files inside a package is considered a module.

Modules contain functions and other bindings that is always exported.

If you are outside the package, and you want to import a module from a package:

tetsu-koba / 00_ioctl_golang
Created January 15, 2018 08:58
Golang ioctl sample
Golang ioctl sample
if [ -z `pidof btcd` ]; then
echo "Starting btcd"
nohup btcd &
teknoraver / unixhttpc.go
Last active November 7, 2024 14:29
HTTP over Unix domain sockets in golang
package main
import (
Ellrion / AbstractPresenter.php
Last active September 23, 2021 00:02
Презентеры в Laravel.
namespace App\Presenters;
abstract class AbstractPresenter
* The resource that is the object that was decorated.
* @var mixed