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Created March 26, 2015 06:38
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[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/init_base] INFO: Resea v0.1-0
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=20480
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=new_memory_area, size=16777216
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=20480
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=1052672
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=36864
[kernel/init_base] INFO: starting...
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=20480
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=36864
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=create_thread, thread=0, name=start_servers, group=2126000
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=0, status=RUNNABLE
[test_queue] TEST: <pass> !enqueue(&queue)
[test_queue] TEST: <pass> !enqueue(&queue)
[test_queue] TEST: <pass> ((struct foo *) dequeue(&queue))->a == 1
[test_queue] TEST: <pass> ((struct foo *) dequeue(&queue))->a == 2
[test_queue] TEST: <pass> ((struct foo *) dequeue(&queue))->a == 3
[test_queue] TEST: <pass> ((struct foo *) dequeue(&queue))->a == 4
[test_queue] TEST: <pass> ((struct foo *) dequeue(&queue))->a == 5
[test_queue] TEST: <pass> ((struct foo *) dequeue(&queue))->a == 6
[test_queue] TEST: <pass> ((struct foo *) dequeue(&queue))->a == 7
[test_queue] TEST: <pass> !dequeue(&queue)
[test_queue] TEST: <pass> !dequeue(&queue)
[test_string] TEST: <pass> strcpy_s() set a null character
[test_string] TEST: <pass> !memcmp_s(buf, "hello", 5)
[test_string] TEST: <pass> strcpy_s() always set a null character
[test_string] TEST: <pass> !memcmp_s(buf, "hellooooo", 9)
[test_string] TEST: <pass> memcmp_s()
[test_string] TEST: <pass> memcpy_s()
[test_print] TEST: <print> "0x12345" (expect "0x12345")
[test_print] TEST: <print> "123" (expect "123")
[test_print] TEST: <print> "-567" (expect "-567")
[test_print] TEST: <print> "-789" (expect "-789")
[test_print] TEST: <print> "a" (expect "a")
[test_print] TEST: <print> "coffee" (expect "coffee")
[test_print] TEST: <print> "0x00005678" (expect "0x00005678")
[test_print] TEST: <print> "0x000012345678cdef" (expect "0x000012345678cdef")
[test_print] TEST: <print> "0x12345678_90abcdef" (expect "0x12345678_90abcdef")
[test_print] TEST: <print> "0x00000000_00000010" (expect "0x00000000_00000010")
[test_msg] TEST: <pass> message size MUST be 128
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=20480
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=36864
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=create_thread, thread=1, name=device-timer/localapic, group=2138000
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=1, status=RUNNABLE
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=20480
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=36864
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=create_thread, thread=2, name=base/post, group=214a000
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=2, status=RUNNABLE
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=20480
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=36864
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=create_thread, thread=3, name=base/memory, group=215c000
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=3, status=RUNNABLE
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=20480
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=36864
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=create_thread, thread=4, name=base/thread, group=216e000
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=4, status=RUNNABLE
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=20480
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=36864
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=create_thread, thread=5, name=env/posix, group=2180000
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=5, status=RUNNABLE
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=20480
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=36864
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=create_thread, thread=6, name=device-storage/ata, group=2192000
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=6, status=RUNNABLE
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=20480
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=36864
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=create_thread, thread=7, name=fs/vfs, group=21a4000
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=7, status=RUNNABLE
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=20480
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=36864
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=create_thread, thread=8, name=net/tcpip, group=21b6000
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=8, status=RUNNABLE
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=20480
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=36864
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=create_thread, thread=9, name=test/rt-c, group=21c8000
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=9, status=RUNNABLE
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=20480
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=36864
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=create_thread, thread=10, name=test/mamakari, group=21da000
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=RUNNABLE
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=free_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=1, status=UNUSED
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[base/memory] TEST: <pass> .alloc returns OK
[base/memory] TEST: <pass> .alloc does not return NULL
[base/memory] TEST: <pass> .alloc returns a valid address
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=free_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=3, status=UNUSED
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=free_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=5, status=UNUSED
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=free_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=7, status=UNUSED
[test/rt_c] TEST: <pass> callee: valid service ID
[test/rt_c] TEST: <pass> callee: correct payloads
[test/rt_c] TEST: <pass> caller: receive a correct reply
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=free_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=9, status=UNUSED
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=12288
[base/post] DEBUG: .register(): from_post=0
[base/post] TEST: <pass> .register returns OK
[base/post] DEBUG: .connect(): from_post=0
[base/post] TEST: <pass> .connect returns OK
[base/post] TEST: <pass> .connect returns valid posts
[base/post] DEBUG: .link(): from_post=0
[base/post] TEST: <pass> .link returns OK
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=free_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=2, status=UNUSED
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=free_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=6, status=UNUSED
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=12288
[base/post] DEBUG: .connect(): from_post=0
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: socket: allocating fd=1
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: bind: fd=1
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=free_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=4, status=UNUSED
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: NE2000: initialized
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_request: sending ARP request.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_raw: sending raw ARP packet.
[net/tcpip] INFO: initialized lwip
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=free_memory, group=0, size=4096
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=8, status=UNUSED
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: listen: addr=0, port=80
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_bind: bind to port 80
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: listen: fd=1, port=80
[test/mamakari] TEST: <pass> send_post == 1357 && recv_post == 7531
[fs/vfs] DEBUG: .read(): from_post=0
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=4096
[device_storage/ata] DEBUG: reading sector=35560296, nbytes=512
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=free_memory, group=0, size=4096
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): entering
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=BLOCKED
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44221 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_find_entry: found empty entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_find_entry: selecting empty entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_request: sending ARP request.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_raw: sending raw ARP packet.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_query: queued packet 0x8 on ARP entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_update_arp_entry: - 0052:0055:000a:0000:0002:0002
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_find_entry: found matching entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_update_arp_entry: updating stable entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_arp_input: incoming ARP reply
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: dhcp_arp_reply()
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44221 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=RUNNABLE
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44221
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): fd=0, struct=35586048, id=0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 78 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=0, size=39
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x8
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=21e9dbc, size=16
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x8
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: tcp_recved(): tcp_recved: len would wrap rcv_wnd
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 65363 bytes, wnd 1971 (173).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_close: closing in [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: State: CLOSE_WAIT
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: pbuf_free(): p != NULL[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_update_arp_entry: - 0052:0055:000a:0000:0002:0002
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_find_entry: found matching entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_update_arp_entry: updating stable entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_arp_input: incoming ARP request
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_arp_input: ARP request was not for us.
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): entering
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=BLOCKED
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44223 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44223 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=RUNNABLE
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44223
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 78 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): fd=0, struct=35586048, id=0
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=0, size=39
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=21e9dbc, size=16
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): entering
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x3
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=BLOCKED
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: tcp_recved(): tcp_recved: len would wrap rcv_wnd
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 65363 bytes, wnd 1971 (173).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_close: closing in [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: State: CLOSE_WAIT
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: pbuf_free(): p != NULL[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_update_arp_entry: - 0052:0055:000a:0000:0002:0002
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_find_entry: found matching entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_update_arp_entry: updating stable entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_arp_input: incoming ARP request
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_arp_input: ARP request was not for us.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44225 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44225 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=RUNNABLE
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44225
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 78 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): fd=0, struct=35586048, id=0
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=0, size=39
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=21e9dbc, size=16
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): entering
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x3
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=BLOCKED
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: tcp_recved(): tcp_recved: len would wrap rcv_wnd
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 65363 bytes, wnd 1971 (173).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_close: closing in [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: State: CLOSE_WAIT
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: pbuf_free(): p != NULL[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_update_arp_entry: - 0052:0055:000a:0000:0002:0002
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_find_entry: found matching entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_update_arp_entry: updating stable entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_arp_input: incoming ARP request
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_arp_input: ARP request was not for us.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44227 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44227 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=RUNNABLE
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44227
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 78 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): fd=0, struct=35586048, id=0
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=0, size=39
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=21e9dbc, size=16
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): entering
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=BLOCKED
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44229 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44229 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=RUNNABLE
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44229
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): fd=0, struct=35586048, id=0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: tcp_recved(): tcp_recved: len would wrap rcv_wnd
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 65363 bytes, wnd 1971 (173).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_close: closing in [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: State: CLOSE_WAIT
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: pbuf_free(): p != NULL[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 78 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=0, size=39
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=21e9dbc, size=16
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): entering
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x3
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=BLOCKED
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44231 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44231 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=RUNNABLE
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44231
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): fd=0, struct=35586048, id=0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 78 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=0, size=39
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=21e9dbc, size=16
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x6
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: tcp_recved(): tcp_recved: len would wrap rcv_wnd
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 65363 bytes, wnd 1971 (173).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_close: closing in [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: State: CLOSE_WAIT
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: pbuf_free(): p != NULL[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): entering
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=BLOCKED
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44233 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44233 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=RUNNABLE
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44233
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): fd=0, struct=35586048, id=0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: tcp_recved(): tcp_recved: len would wrap rcv_wnd
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 65363 bytes, wnd 1971 (173).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_close: closing in [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: State: CLOSE_WAIT
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: pbuf_free(): p != NULL[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 78 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=0, size=39
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=21e9dbc, size=16
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x9
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): entering
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=BLOCKED
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44235 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44235 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=RUNNABLE
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44235
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 78 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): fd=0, struct=35586048, id=0
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=0, size=39
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=21e9dbc, size=16
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): entering
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: tcp_recved(): tcp_recved: len would wrap rcv_wnd
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 65363 bytes, wnd 1971 (173).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_close: closing in [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: State: CLOSE_WAIT
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: pbuf_free(): p != NULL[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=BLOCKED
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44237 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44237 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=RUNNABLE
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44237
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 78 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): fd=0, struct=35586048, id=0
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=0, size=39
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=21e9dbc, size=16
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: tcp_recved(): tcp_recved: len would wrap rcv_wnd
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 65363 bytes, wnd 1971 (173).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_close: closing in [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: State: CLOSE_WAIT
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: pbuf_free(): p != NULL[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): entering
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=BLOCKED
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44239 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44239 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=RUNNABLE
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44239
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): fd=0, struct=35586048, id=0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 78 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=0, size=39
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=21e9dbc, size=16
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): entering
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: tcp_recved(): tcp_recved: len would wrap rcv_wnd
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 65363 bytes, wnd 1971 (173).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_close: closing in [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: State: CLOSE_WAIT
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: pbuf_free(): p != NULL[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=BLOCKED
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: tcp_recved(): tcp_recved: len would wrap rcv_wnd
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 65363 bytes, wnd 1971 (173).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_close: closing in [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: State: CLOSE_WAIT
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: pbuf_free(): p != NULL[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_update_arp_entry: - 0052:0055:000a:0000:0002:0002
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_find_entry: found matching entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_update_arp_entry: updating stable entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_arp_input: incoming ARP request
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_arp_input: ARP request was not for us.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44242 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44242 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=change_thread_status, thread=10, status=RUNNABLE
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44242
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44244 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44244 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44244
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): fd=0, struct=35586048, id=0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 355 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=0, size=39
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] DEBUG: sending a packet: data=21e9dbc, size=16
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): entering
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xf
[test/mamakari] DEBUG: accept(2): fd=0, struct=35586048, id=0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 295 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 381 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44251 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_alloc: killing off oldest TIME-WAIT connection
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_alloc: killing connection with prio lower than 64
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_kill_prio: killing oldest PCB 0x0 (0)
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44251 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44251
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44254 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_alloc: killing off oldest TIME-WAIT connection
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_alloc: killing connection with prio lower than 64
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_kill_prio: killing oldest PCB 0x0 (0)
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44256 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_alloc: killing off oldest TIME-WAIT connection
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_alloc: killing connection with prio lower than 64
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_kill_prio: killing oldest PCB 0x0 (0)
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0xc
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44254 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44254
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 295 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44256 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44256
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 381 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44252 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_alloc: killing off oldest TIME-WAIT connection
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_alloc: killing connection with prio lower than 64
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_kill_prio: killing oldest PCB 0x0 (0)
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44252 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44252
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection request 44260 -> 80.
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_alloc: killing off oldest TIME-WAIT connection
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_alloc: killing connection with prio lower than 64
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_kill_prio: killing oldest PCB 0x0 (0)
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP connection established 44260 -> 80.
[kernel/log] DEBUG: type=alloc_memory, group=0, size=8192
[net/tcpip] INFO: accept_handler: new connection remote_addr=33685514, remote_port=44260
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 381 bytes, wnd 2144 (0).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: TCP header:
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: +-------------------------------+
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: | 44260 | 80 | (src port, dest port)
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: +-------------------------------+
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: | 0000000008000002 | (seq no)
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: +-------------------------------+
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: | 0000000000006511 | (ack no)
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: +-------------------------------+
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: | 5 | |011000| 8576 | (hdrlen, flags ([net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: PSH [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: ACK [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip:
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: ), win)
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: +-------------------------------+
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: | 0xb60c | 0 | (chksum, urgp)
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: +-------------------------------+
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: tcp_recved(): tcp_recved: len would wrap rcv_wnd
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 65363 bytes, wnd 1971 (173).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_close: closing in [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: State: CLOSE_WAIT
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: pbuf_free(): p != NULL[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 360 bytes, wnd 2143 (1).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: tcp_recved(): tcp_recved: len would wrap rcv_wnd
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_recved: recveived 65363 bytes, wnd 1971 (173).
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_close: closing in [net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: State: CLOSE_WAIT
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: tcp_pcb_purge
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: assertion failed: pbuf_free(): p != NULL[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_send_ip: sending packet 0x2
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_update_arp_entry: - 0052:0055:000a:0000:0002:0002
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_find_entry: found matching entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_update_arp_entry: updating stable entry 0
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_arp_input: incoming ARP request
[net/tcpip] INFO: lwip: etharp_arp_input: ARP request was not for us.
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