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Last active November 24, 2018 19:08
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SpamAssassin - Make possible to add plugin configuration definitions
* i-MSCP SpamAssassin plugin
* Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Laurent Declercq <[email protected]>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Rene Schuster <[email protected]>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Sascha Bay <[email protected]>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
return [
// SPAMD(8p) service configuration
'spamd' => [
// SPAMD(8p) unix user
'user' => 'debian-spamd',
// SPAMD(8p) unix user group
'group' => 'debian-spamd',
// SPAMD(8p) unix user homedir
'homedir' => '/var/lib/spamassassin',
// Options passed-in to SPAMD(8p)
// Available placeholders:
// - {SPAMD_USER}: Replaced by SPAMD(8p) unix user
// - {SPAMD_GROUP}: Replaced by SPAMD(8p) unix user group
// - {SPAMD_HOMEDIR}: Replaced by SPAMD(8p) unix user homedir
'options' => '--max-children=5 --sql-config --nouser-config --username={SPAMD_USER} --groupname={SPAMD_GROUP}'
. ' --helper-home-dir={SPAMD_HOMEDIR} --socketpath=/var/run/spamassassin.sock --socketowner={SPAMD_USER}'
. ' --socketgroup={SPAMD_GROUP} --socketmode=0666'
// SPAMASS_MILTER(8) service configuration
'spamass_milter' => [
// Policy for SPAM rejection
// - If set to -1, SPAM messages are always rejected.
// - If set to 15, SPAM messages are only rejected when the score is
// equal or greater then 15. SPAM messages below that score are
// tagged as SPAM.
// - If set to a value higher than 1000, SPAM messages are never
// rejected. SPAM messages are tagged as SPAM.
// Generally speaking, an ISP shouldn't automatically remove SPAM
// messages. Decision should be left to end-user, hence the default
// value that is a good compromise.
'spam_reject_policy' => 15,
// Ignores messages if the sender has authenticated via SMTP AUTH.
// If set to TRUE messages from authenticated senders (SASL) will
// passthrough without being scanned.
'ignore_auth_sender_msgs' => false,
// Ignore messages from listed networks
// Messages from listed networks will passthrough without being
// scanned.
// An array where each element can be either:
// - An IP address: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
// - A CIDR network: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn/nn
// - A network/netmask pair: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn/nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
// For instance: '', '', ''
'networks' => [],
// Options passed-in to SPAMASS_MILTER(8)
// You can pass your own options to SPAMASS_MILTER(8), including flags
// for SPAMC(1) as described in SPAMASS_MILTER(8)
// Don't add the -I, -i and -r SPAMASS_MILTER(8) options as these are
// managed through the named options above.
'options' => '-e localhost -f -u spamass-milter -- --max-size=2048000 --socket=/var/run/spamassassin.sock',
// SPAMASS_MILTER(8) socket path
'socket_path' => '/var/spool/postfix/spamass/spamass.sock',
// SPAMASS_MILTER(8) socket owner
'socket_owner' => 'postfix:postfix',
// SPAMASS_MILTER(8) socket mode
'socket_mode' => '0666'
// SpamAssassin configuration
'spamassassin' => [
// Enable/Disable automatic update of SpamAssassin rules
'sa_update' => true,
// SpamAssassin plugins
'plugins' => [
// AWL plugin -- Normalize scores via auto-whitelist
// See
'AWL' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => true,
// SA configuration files in which the plugin must be loaded.
'config_file' => '/etc/spamassassin/v310.pre',
// Cronjobs
'cronjobs' => [
// Cronjob for AWL database cleanup
'sa-awl-clean-db' => [
'minute' => '@daily',
'command' => 'nice -n 10 ionice -c2 -n5 perl' . __DIR__ . '/cronjobs/sa-awl-clean-db >/dev/null 2>&1'
// Bayes plugin -- determine spammishness using a Bayesian classifier
// See
'Bayes' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => true,
// Setting the value to TRUE will prevent users to act on that
// plugin through their user preferences. Plugin usage will be
// enforced for all users.
'enforced' => false,
// SA configuration file in which the plugin must be loaded.
'config_file' => '/etc/spamassassin/v320.pre',
// Cronjobs
'cronjobs' => [
// Cronjob for SA-LEARN(1p)
'sa-bayes-sa-learn' => [
'minute' => '0',
'hour' => '*/12',
'day' => '*',
'month' => '*',
'dweek' => '*',
'command' => 'nice -n 10 ionice -c2 -n5 perl' . __DIR__ . '/cronjobs/sa-bayes-sa-learn >/dev/null 2>&1'
// Cronjob for bayes database cleanup
'sa-bayes-clean-db' => [
'minute' => '@daily',
'command' => 'nice -n 10 ionice -c2 -n5 perl' . __DIR__ . '/cronjobs/sa-bayes-clean-db >/dev/null 2>&1'
// When set to TRUE, the site-wide bayes database is enabled.
// This allow to share the bayesian database with all users.
// Note that setting the value to TRUE will prevent users to act
// on some aspects of that plugin through their user preferences.
'site_wide' => false,
// SA user preferences
'user_preferences' => [
// DCC plugin -- perform DCC check of messages
// See
// You must first install DCC which is not provided by default.
// See
'DCC' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => false,
// Setting the value to TRUE will prevent users to act on that
// plugin through their user preferences. Plugin usage will be
// enforced for all users.
'enforced' => false,
// SA configuration files in which the plugin must be loaded.
'config_file' => '/etc/spamassassin/v310.pre',
// Plugin SA user preferences
'user_preferences' => [
// DKIM plugin - perform DKIM verification tests
// See
// You shouldn't enable this plugin if you also use the i-MSCP OpenDKIM plugin.
'DKIM' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => false,
// SA configuration file in which the plugin must be loaded.
'config_file' => '/etc/spamassassin/v312.pre'
// DecodeShortURLs 3rd-party plugin -- Expand shortened URLs
// See
'DecodeShortURLs' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => true,
// SA configuration file in which the plugin must be loaded.
'config_file' => '/etc/spamassassin/local.pre',
// Shell commands
'shell' => [
// Shell commands to be executed upon configuration phase
'configure' => [
cp {PLUGINS_DIR}/SpamAssassin/spamassassin-plugins/DecodeShortURLs/ /etc/spamassassin
cp {PLUGINS_DIR}/SpamAssassin/spamassassin-plugins/DecodeShortURLs/ /etc/spamassassin
// Shell command(s) to be executed upon deconfiguration phase
'deconfigure' => [
rm -f /etc/spamassassin/
rm -f /etc/spamassassin/
// iXhash2 3rd-party plugin - perform iXhash2 check of messages
// See
'iXhash2' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => true,
// SA configuration file in which the plugin must be loaded.
'config_file' => '/etc/spamassassin/local.pre',
// Shell command(s)
'shell' => [
// Shell commands to be executed upon configuration phase
'configure' => [
cp {PLUGINS_DIR}/SpamAssassin/spamassassin-plugins/iXhash2/ /etc/spamassassin
cp {PLUGINS_DIR}/SpamAssassin/spamassassin-plugins/iXhash2/ /etc/spamassassin
// Shell commands to be executed upon deconfiguration phase
'deconfigure' => [
rm -f /etc/spamassassin/
rm -f /etc/spamassassin/
// Pyzor plugin -- perform Pyzor check of messages
// See
'Pyzor' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => true,
// Setting the value to TRUE will prevent users to act on that
// plugin through their user preferences. Plugin usage will be
// enforced for all users.
'enforced' => false,
// SA configuration file in which the plugin must be loaded.
'config_file' => '/etc/spamassassin/v310.pre',
// Shell commands
'shell' => [
// Shell commands to be executed upon configuration phase
'configure' => [
"[ -d \"{SPAMD_HOMEDIR}/.razor\" ] || su - {SPAMD_USER} -c '/usr/bin/pyzor ping'"
// Shell commands to be executed upon deconfiguration phase
'deconfigure' => [
"[ ! -d \"{SPAMD_HOMEDIR}/.pyzor\" ] || su - {SPAMD_USER} -c 'rm -R {SPAMD_HOMEDIR}/.pyzor'",
// SA user preferences
'user_preferences' => [
// Required distribution packages
'dist_packages' => [
// Razor2 plugin -- perform Razor check of messages
// See
'Razor2' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => true,
// Setting the value to TRUE will prevent users to act on that
// plugin through their user preferences. Plugin usage will be
// enforced for all users.
'enforced' => false,
// SA configuration file in which the plugin must be loaded.
'config_file' => '/etc/spamassassin/v310.pre',
// Cronjobs
'cronjobs' => [
// Cronjob for Razor server discovering
'sa-razor-discover' => [
'minute' => '@weekly',
'command' => 'nice -n 10 ionice -c2 -n5 perl' . __DIR__ . '/cronjobs/sa-razor-discover >/dev/null 2>&1'
// Shell commands
'shell' => [
// Shell commands to be executed upon configuration phase
'configure' => [
"[ -d \"{SPAMD_HOMEDIR}/.razor\" ] || su - {SPAMD_USER} -c '/usr/bin/razor-admin -create'",
"[ -d \"{SPAMD_HOMEDIR}/.razor/identity\" ] || su - {SPAMD_USER} -c '/usr/bin/razor-admin -register'",
// Shell commands to be executed upon deconfiguration phase
'deconfigure' => [
"[ ! -d \"{SPAMD_HOMEDIR}/.razor\" ] || su - {SPAMD_USER} -c 'rm -R {SPAMD_HOMEDIR}/.razor'",
// SA user preferences
'user_preferences' => [
// Required distribution packages
'dist_packages' => [
// Rule2XSBody plugin -- speed up SpamAssassin by compiling regexps
// See
'Rule2XSBody' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => true,
// SA configuration file in which the plugin must be loaded.
'config_file' => '/etc/spamassassin/sa-compile.pre',
// Required distribution packages
'dist_packages' => [
// SPF plugin -- perform SPF verification tests
// See
// You shouldn't enable that plugin if you have installed the i-MSCP PolicydSPF plugin
'SPF' => [
// Possible values: true, false
'enabled' => false,
// SA configuration file in which the plugin must be loaded.
'config_file' => '/etc/spamassassin/init.pre',
// Required distribution packages
'dist_packages' => [
// TextCat plugin -- language guesser
// See
'TextCat' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => true,
// SA configuration files in which the plugin must be loaded.
'config_file' => '/etc/spamassassin/v310.pre'
// RBL checks (DNSEval and URIDNSBL SA plugins)
// See
// You shouldn't enable those plugins if you already use the i-MSCP PolicydWeight and/or
// Postscreen plugins.
'rbl_checks' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugins
'enabled' => false,
// Setting the value to TRUE will prevent users to act on that
// plugin through their user preferences. Plugin usage will be
// enforced for all users.
'enforced' => false,
// SA user preferences
'user_preferences' => [
// Below, you can add you own SpamAssassin plugin configuration
// definitions. See the above plugin configuration definitions to
// learn about supported parameters.
// Plugin configuration definition template
'<plugin_name>' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => true,
// Setting the value to TRUE will prevent users to act on that
// plugin through their user preferences. Plugin usage will be
// enforced for all users.
// This configuration parameter is OPTIONAL. It should be
// provided only if the plugin can be enabled/disabled on a per
// user preference basis.
'enforced' => false,
// SA configuration file in which the plugin must be loaded.
'config_file' => '',
// Cronjobs
// This configuration parameter is OPTIONAL. It should be
// provided only if the plugin require cronjob(s).
'cronjobs' => [],
// Shell commands
// This configuration parameter is OPTIONAL. It should be
// provided only if the plugin require specific
// configuration/deconfiguration task(s).
// Available placeholders:
// - {PLUGINS_DIR}: Replaced by i-MSCP plugin root directory
// - {SPAMD_USER}: Replaced by SPAMD(8p) unix user
// - {SPAMD_GROUP}: Replaced by SPAMD(8p) unix user group
// - {SPAMD_HOMEDIR}: Replaced by SPAMD(8p) unix user homedir
'shell' => [
// Shell commands to be executed upon configuration phase
'configure' => [],
// Shell commands to be executed upon deconfiguration phase
'deconfigure' => []
// SA user preferences
// This configuration parameter is OPTIONAL. It should be
// provided only if the plugin defines user preferences.
'user_preferences' => [],
// Required distribution packages
// This configuration parameter is OPTIONAL. It should be provided
// only if the plugin requires additional distribution packages.
'dist_packages' => []
// 3rd-party Heinlein Support SpamAssassin ruleset
// See
'heinlein_support_ruleset' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => true,
// Cronjob sleep timer (in seconds)
'sleep_timer' => 600,
// sa-update channel
'channel' => ''
// Roundcube configuration
// Only relevant if you use the Roundcube Webmail
'roundcube' => [
'plugins' => [
// MarkAsJunk2 Roundcube plugin
// See
// Make users able to mark their mails as SPAM|HAM for SA learning
// Requires the SA Bayes plugin
'markasjunk2' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => true
// SAUserPrefs Roundcube plugin
// See
// Make users able to customize SpamAssassin behavior through their own
// user preferences
'sauserprefs' => [
// Enable/Disable the plugin
'enabled' => true,
// Protected SA user preferences
// Users won't be able to acts on preferences listed in
// that configuration parameter.
// See the sauserprefs plugin documentation for further details.
// Possible value: array
'sauserprefs_dont_override' => [
// razor1 support is officially deprecated.
// There is no reason to show it in plugin.
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mikerhyner commented Nov 24, 2018

Looks good! So plugins are now in a seperate configuration array hierarchy level, able to be extended with every spamassassin plugin needed (and installed), right? But what I assume, that on upgrade to this spamass plugin version, local persistent configuration override probably has to be changed... But anyway, thank you for your efforts! Greetings from Switzerland, Mike

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