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i-MSCP SamplePlugin entry point class
* i-MSCP SamplePlugin plugin
* @author Laurent Declercq <[email protected]>
* @copyright (C) 2019 Laurent Declercq <[email protected]>
* @license i-MSCP License <>
/** @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection PhpDocMissingThrowsInspection */
use iMSCP\SamplePlugin\ServiceProvider;
use Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface;
* Class iMSCP_Plugin_SamplePlugin
* This class represents the entry point of the plugin. Every
* plugin *MUST* provide this class.
* The class name of a plugin *MUST* follow a specific naming convention:
* iMSCP_Plugin_<plugin_name>, and *MUST* extends the iMSCP_Plugin_Action
* class.
* Depending on the plugin API version for which the plugin is developed,
* <plugin_name> *MUST* match with the plugin directory name
* (API < 1.5.1), or with the plugin' name info field (API >= 1.5.1).
class iMSCP_Plugin_SamplePlugin extends iMSCP_Plugin_Action
* Initialization routine.
* This method is OPTIONAL.
* This method is automatically called on the plugin instantiation.
* This is the best place to perform plugin initialization tasks such
* as registering translation resources, additional autoloaders and so
* on...
* @inheritDoc
public function init()
if ($this->getPluginManager()->pluginIsEnabled($this->getName())) {
// Add plugin translation resources
__DIR__ . '/resources/l10n',
// Add plugin autoloader (composer)
// Not needed since packages are added into control panel (frontEnd)
// composer.json...
// require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
* Register plugin event listeners.
* This method is automatically called by the plugin manager, after the
* plugin instantiation. This is the place to register the plugin event
* listeners.
* @inheritDoc
public function register(iMSCP_Events_Manager_Interface $events)
if ($this->getPluginManager()->pluginIsInstalled($this->getName())) {
// Return early if the plugin is already installed. Even if the
// registration of event listeners is cheap, there is no reasons
// to register an event listener for an event that would be never
// triggered for that plugin.
// Register an event listener that is responsible to check
// for the plugin requirements when it is being installed.
[$this, 'checkForPluginRequirements']
* Event listener responsible to check for the plugin requirements.
* This is the implementation of the plugin event listener that we have
* registered through the register() method above.
* @param iMSCP_Events_Event $event
* @return void
public function checkForPluginRequirements(iMSCP_Events_Event $event)
if ($event->getParam('pluginName') != $this->getName()) {
// The iMSCP_Events::onBeforeInstallPlugin event is a general event
// that's triggered by the plugin manager when a plugin is being
// installed. All plugins that listen on that event will receive
// it, and that why we need make sure the event has been triggered
// for this plugin, by checking the value of the 'pluginName'
// parameter. Not doing this could lead to unexpected behavior,
// unless really expected.
// Return early if the event hasn't been triggered for this plugin.
// Check for plugin requirements
if (
// You need of course replace the condition by your own code...
// For this example, the condition will always evaluate to FALSE,
) {
// If one of the requirements for this plugin isn't met, we stop
// the event propagation. For the plugin manager, this means that
// the installation need to be aborted...
* Plugin installation routine.
* This method is OPTIONAL, unless the plugin provides a backend-side that
* defines the install() method. In such a case, this method need to be
* defined, even with an empty body, to tell the plugin manager that the
* plugin provides a backend-side installation routine.
* When defined, this method is automatically called by the plugin manager
* when the plugin is being installed. This method is the best place to
* perform plugin installation tasks such as database schema initialization
* and so on....
* On failure, this method *MUST* throw an iMSCP_Plugin_Exception exception.
* WARNING: This method *MUST* be idempotent, that is, *MUST* produce the
* same result on multiple invocations without failing.
* @inheritDoc
public function install(iMSCP_Plugin_Manager $pm)
try {
// The migrateDb() method is part of the iMSCP_Plugin base class.
// This method provides a convenient way to alter plugins's
// database schema over the time in a consistent and easy way.
// Here, we're executing all migrations (database schema
// initialization).
$this->migrateDb('up', __DIR__ . '/migrations');
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new iMSCP_Plugin_Exception(
$e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e
* Plugin uninstallation routine.
* This method is OPTIONAL, unless the plugin provides a backend-side that
* defines the uninstall() method. In such a case, this method need to be
* defined, even with an empty body, to tell the plugin manager that the
* plugin provides a backend-side uninstallation routine.
* When defined, this method is automatically called by the plugin manager
* when the plugin is being uninstalled. This method is the best place to
* perform plugin uninstallation tasks such as database migrations rollback
* and so on...
* On failure, this method *MUST* throw an iMSCP_Plugin_Exception exception.
* WARNING: This method *MUST* be idempotent, that is, *MUST* produce the
* same result on multiple invocations without failing.
* @inheritDoc
public function uninstall(iMSCP_Plugin_Manager $pm)
try {
// The migrateDb() method is part of the iMSCP_Plugin base class.
// This method provides a convenient way to alter plugins's
// database schema over the time in a consistent and easy way.
// Here, we're rolling back all migrations.
$this->migrateDb('down', __DIR__ . '/migrations');
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new iMSCP_Plugin_Exception(
$e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e
* Plugin update routine.
* This method is OPTIONAL.
* When defined, this method is automatically called by the plugin manager
* when the plugin is being updated. This method is the best place to
* perform plugin update tasks such as database schema upgrade and so on...
* On failure, this method *MUST* throw an iMSCP_Plugin_Exception exception.
* WARNING: This method *MUST* be idempotent, that is, *MUST* produce the
* same result on multiple invocations without failing.
* @inheritDoc
public function update(iMSCP_Plugin_Manager $pm, $fromVersion, $toVersion)
try {
// The migrateDb() method is part of the iMSCP_Plugin base class.
// This method provides a convenient way to alter plugins's
// database schema over the time in a consistent and easy way.
// Here, we're executing all migrations (database schema upgrade).
$this->migrateDb('up', __DIR__ . '/migrations');
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new iMSCP_Plugin_Exception(
$e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e
* Plugin deletion routine.
* This method is OPTIONAL.
* When defined, this method is automatically called by the plugin manager
* when the plugin is being deleted. This method is the best place to
* perform plugin deletion tasks such as directory deletion and so on...
* On failure, this method *MUST* throw an iMSCP_Plugin_Exception exception.
* WARNING: This method *MUST* be idempotent, that is, *MUST* produce the
* same result on multiple invocations without failing.
* @inheritDoc
public function delete(iMSCP_Plugin_Manager $pm)
try {
// TODO Implement your deletion tasks here if any ....
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new iMSCP_Plugin_Exception(
$e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e
* Activation routine
* This method is OPTIONAL.
* When defined, this method is automatically called by the plugin manager
* when the plugin is being activated. This method is the best place to
* perform plugin activation tasks.
* On failure, this method *MUST* throw an iMSCP_Plugin_Exception exception.
* WARNING: This method *MUST* be idempotent, that is, *MUST* produce the
* same result on multiple invocations without failing.
* @inheritDoc
public function enable(iMSCP_Plugin_Manager $pm)
try {
// TODO Implement your plugin activation tasks here if any ...
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new iMSCP_Plugin_Exception(
$e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e
* Deactivation routine
* This method is OPTIONAL.
* When defined, this method is automatically called by the plugin manager
* when the plugin is being deactivated. This method is the best place to
* perform plugin deactivation tasks.
* On failure, this method *MUST* throw an iMSCP_Plugin_Exception exception.
* WARNING: This method *MUST* be idempotent, that is, *MUST* produce the
* same result on multiple invocations without failing.
* @inheritDoc
public function disable(iMSCP_Plugin_Manager $pm)
try {
// TODO Implement your plugin deactivation tasks here if any...
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new iMSCP_Plugin_Exception(
$e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e
* Return the plugin service provider (since plugin API 1.5.1)
* This method is OPTIONAL.
* When defined, and if the plugin is activated, this method is
* automatically called by the i-MSCP plugin service providers injector
* which inject the plugin service provide into the Slim dependency
* container.
* A plugin service provider make it possible to prepare, manage and
* inject the plugin dependencies.
* See also:
* @inheritDoc
public function getServiceProvider(): ServiceProviderInterface
return new ServiceProvider();
* Return the plugin routes
* This method is OPTIONAL.
* When defined, and if the plugin is activated and that a plugin request
* is involved, this method is automatically called by the i-MSCP plugin
* routes injector which inject the plugin routes into the Slim router.
* In the Slim documentation, routes are added programmatically. The i-MSCP
* plugin routes injector provides the so-called configuration-driven
* routing.
* See also:
* @inheritDoc
public function getRoutes()
return include __DIR__ . '/routes.php';
* Return list of plugin item (entities) that are in inconsistent (error)
* state.
* This method *MUST* be implemented each time a plugin manages its own
* items (entities) for which state can change, that is, those for which a
* backend-side processing is involved.
* When defined, this method is automatically called by the i-MSCP debugger
* component to get the list of plugin items (entities) that are in an
* inconsistent (error) state.
* The returned list *MUST* be as follows:
* <code>
* [
* [
* 'item_id' => <the item (entity) unique identifier>,
* 'status' => <the item (entity status string)>
* 'item_name' => <the item (entity) name. This is an arbitrary name for the entity>
* 'table' => <the database table for the item (entity)>
* 'field' => <the database table column name for the item (entity)>
* ],
* ...
* ]
* <code>
* @inheritDoc
public function getItemWithErrorStatus()
return [];
* Schedule change of the given plugin item (entity).
* This method *MUST* be implemented each time a plugin manages its own
* items (entities) for which state can change, that is, those for which a
* backend-side processing is involved.
* When defined, this method is automatically called by the i-MSCP debugger
* component, when the administrator schedule change of an item (entity).
* This method receives the following arguments:
* - $table : The table that holds the item (entity)
* - $field : The name of the status column for that item (entity)
* - $itemId : The unique identifier of the item (entity)
* When you implement this method, you need not forget to check the value
* of the $table and $field arguments, as the i-MSCP debugger component
* acts without making any distinction between the various entities, that
* is, without check that the entities belong to this plugin.
* @inheritDoc
public function changeItemStatus($table, $field, $itemId)
* Return count of backend requests for the plugin items (entities).
* This method *MUST* be implemented each time a plugin manage its own
* items (entities) for which state can change, that is, those for which a
* processing on the backend-side is involved.
* If defined, this method is automatically called by the i-MSCP debugger
* component to get the count of plugin items (entities) for which a
* backend request is pending.
* @inheritDoc
public function getCountRequests()
return 0;
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