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Created October 3, 2019 21:33
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Git branch listing with JIRA integration


This shell script allows one to list all branches in the current repo and also do a lookup within JIRA to show the results. Example:

Ref      Name                                              Upstream  JIRA Status      Last update
689f9e7  PROJ-776-something-something-reconfigure          origin    Code Review      13 days ago
043ff1e  PROJ-827-some-particular-task                     origin    Failed Testing   13 days ago
3fa55b0  PROJ-849-yet-another-task.                        origin    Code Review      2 hours ago
818602e  dev                                               origin    -                2 hours ago
c0b69b8  master                                            origin    -                5 weeks ago
de7881c  staging                                           origin    -                2 weeks ago
c0b69b8  origin/HEAD                                       n/a       -                5 weeks ago
c9b609f  origin/PROJ-776-something-something-reconfigure   n/a       Code Review      3 hours ago
d1955fd  origin/PROJ-827-some-particular-task              n/a       Failed Testing   13 days ago
60bc724  origin/PROJ-849-yet-another-task                  n/a       Code Review      2 hours ago
818602e  origin/dev                                        n/a       -                2 hours ago
c0b69b8  origin/master                                     n/a       -                5 weeks ago
693efcc  origin/staging                                    n/a       -                5 weeks ago


Put into your path somewhere.

Install JIRA CLI:

npm install -g jira-cl

You'll need to run the configuration first, of course, and make sure that the jira command is in your path.


This is really just a hack-job. It works, but I don't keep a lot of branches in my repos. It usually takes 4-5 seconds to run so roughly 1/2 second per ticket.

local_branches=$(git branch --format="%(objectname:short) %(refname:lstrip=2) %(upstream:remotename)")
remote_branches=$(git branch -r --format="%(objectname:short) %(refname:lstrip=2)")
while read -r local_branch; do
read -r -a array <<< "$local_branch"
last_commit=$(git show -s "${array[0]}" --format="%ar")
ticket=$(echo "${array[1]}" | sed -En 's/[^A-Z]*([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]{2,8}-[1-9][0-9]*).*/\1/p')
if [ "$ticket" != "" ]; then
status=$(jira i "$ticket" | sed $'s,\x1b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z],,g' | grep Status | sed -En 's/^.+Status[ \t]+([A-Za-z]*.*)$/\1/p')
done <<< "$local_branches"
while read -r local_branch; do
read -r -a array <<< "$local_branch"
last_commit=$(git show -s "${array[0]}" --format="%ar")
ticket=$(echo "${array[1]}" | sed -En 's/[^A-Z]*([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]{2,8}-[1-9][0-9]*).*/\1/p')
if [ "$ticket" != "" ]; then
status=$(jira i "$ticket" | sed $'s,\x1b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z],,g' | grep Status | sed -En 's/^.+Status[ \t]+([A-Za-z]*.*)$/\1/p')
done <<< "$remote_branches"
(echo "Ref|Name|Upstream|JIRA Status|Last update"; echo $output ) | column -t -s "|";
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