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Created August 22, 2012 04:56
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Stack-based programming using monad transformers
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Identity (runIdentity)
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
-- |Monad transformer which stores a stack internally
type StackT s m = StateT [s] m
-- |Stack of monad transformers representing our computation
type StackCompT e s m = ErrorT e (StackT s m)
push :: (Error e, Monad m) => s -> StackCompT e s m ()
push n = modify (n:)
pop :: (Error e, Monad m) => StackCompT e s m s
pop = do
m <- liftM listToMaybe get
modify tail
case m of
Nothing -> throwError . strMsg $ "stack underflow in pop"
Just n -> return n
unaryS :: (Error e, Monad m) => (s -> s) -> StackCompT e s m ()
unaryS f = push =<< liftM f pop
binaryS :: (Error e, Monad m) => (s -> s -> s) -> StackCompT e s m ()
binaryS f = push =<< liftM2 f pop pop
-- Numeric stack ops
neg :: (Error e, Monad m, Num s) => StackCompT e s m ()
neg = unaryS negate
add :: (Error e, Monad m, Num s) => StackCompT e s m ()
add = binaryS (+)
sub :: (Error e, Monad m, Num s) => StackCompT e s m ()
sub = neg >> add
mul :: (Error e, Monad m, Num s) => StackCompT e s m ()
mul = binaryS (*)
divS :: (Error e, Monad m, Integral s) => StackCompT e s m ()
divS = binaryS div
modS :: (Error e, Monad m, Integral s) => StackCompT e s m ()
modS = binaryS mod
-- Utility function to throw an exception if we get wrong number of args
require :: (Error e, Monad m) => Int -> String -> StackCompT e s m ()
require n name = do
stack <- get
when (length stack < n) $ throwError . strMsg $ "stack underflow in " ++ name
-- Stack manipulation ops
nip :: (Error e, Monad m) => StackCompT e s m ()
nip = do
require 2 "nip"
modify $ \(a:b:xs) -> a:xs
dup :: (Error e, Monad m) => StackCompT e s m ()
dup = do
require 1 "dup"
modify $ \(a:xs) -> a:a:xs
over :: (Error e, Monad m) => StackCompT e s m ()
over = do
require 2 "over"
modify $ \(a:b:xs) -> b:a:b:xs
tuck :: (Error e, Monad m) => StackCompT e s m ()
tuck = do
require 2 "tuck"
modify $ \(a:b:xs) -> a:b:a:xs
swap :: (Error e, Monad m) => StackCompT e s m ()
swap = do
require 2 "swap"
modify $ \(a:b:xs) -> b:a:xs
rot :: (Error e, Monad m) => StackCompT e s m ()
rot = do
require 3 "rot"
modify $ \(a:b:c:xs) -> c:a:b:xs
rot' :: (Error e, Monad m) => StackCompT e s m ()
rot' = do
require 3 "rot'"
modify $ \(a:b:c:xs) -> b:c:a:xs
runStackCompT :: (Error e, Monad m) => StackCompT e s m a -> m (Either e [s])
runStackCompT comp = do
(a, s) <- runStateT (runErrorT comp) []
return $ case a of
(Left err) -> Left err
(Right _) -> Right s
-- An example of arithmetic in this monad
example :: (Error e, Monad m, Num s) => StackCompT e s m ()
example = do
-- Compute 2*(3-5)^2
let square = dup >> mul
push 2
push 3
push 5
main = case (runIdentity $ runStackCompT example :: Either String [Int]) of
(Left err) -> putStrLn $ "Error while running stack computation: " ++ err
(Right stack) -> putStr "Resulting stack: " >> print stack
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