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Created March 22, 2018 19:56
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Digital pulse generation with PyDAQmx in Python
# Simple digital pulse generation with PyDAQmx library and NI DAQmx board
# Requires NI DAQmx drivers, Python 2.7 installed, Windows.
# Tested on NI PCIe-6321 board
# Gist author: Nikita Vladimirov @nvladimus
import PyDAQmx as pd
ctr_ini_delay = 0 # sec
ctr_period = 0.1 # sec
ctr_duty_cycle = 0.01
task = pd.Task()
task.CreateCOPulseChanFreq("Dev1/ctr0", "CamTrigger", pd.DAQmx_Val_Hz, pd.DAQmx_Val_Low, ctr_ini_delay, 1/float(ctr_period), ctr_duty_cycle)
task.CfgImplicitTiming(pd.DAQmx_Val_ContSamps, 1000)
# Go and measure the pulses with oscilloscope.
# Output will be at terminal pin "Ctr0 OUT"
# check your NI DAQmx board pinout diagram for terminal location
# It was "PFI 12" on my board NI PCIe-6321.
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