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Last active June 27, 2017 17:22
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Enabling Custom PowerShell DSC Modules with Chef
# Define Attributes
# Move to ./attributes/default.rb
node.default['test']['module_name'] = 'xStorage'
node.default['test']['image_path'] = 'C:\Users\nathan'
node.default['test']['image_name'] = 'alpine-virt-3.5.1-x86_64.iso'
node.default['test']['drive_letter'] = 'S'
# Enable the PSGallery Repository, so that we can then install our DSC module
powershell_script 'Enable PSGallery Repository' do
code 'Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted'
not_if '(Get-PSRepository -Name PSGallery).Trusted'
# Install our custom DSC module, and skip if already installed
powershell_script "Install #{node['test']['module_name']} DSC Module" do
code "Install-Module -Name #{node['test']['module_name']}"
not_if "(Get-InstalledModule -Name #{node['test']['module_name']}).Installed"
# Execute the xMountImage DSC resource from the xStorage DSC module
dsc_resource 'Mount ISO' do
resource :xMountImage
property :ImagePath, "#{node['test']['image_path']}\\#{node['test']['image_name']}"
property :DriveLetter, (node['test']['drive_letter']).to_s
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