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Created January 11, 2022 15:41
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Perl-based "Simplistic" Dwarf Fortress Raw Parser

This was a quick and dirty solution to grabbing creature names and descriptions from my raw files so I could look up creature information while preparing carefully for my embark. It's redundant to do for just the vanilla raws since they are covered pretty well on the wiki, but I was playing with a few mods and those mods didn't include a beastiary so I was presented with some unfamiliar creature names and no idea what they were or how valuable they might be. This creates a json file that is an array of objects that describe the raws.

I took this idea and re-wrote it in rust and have continued work on it over at df-raw-lookup

use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
# This regex matches the token syntax [.*] and splits it into a KEY:VALUE match
my $regex = qr/(\[(?<key>[^\[:]+):?(?<value>[^\]\[]*)])/mp;
# some unwanted non-parameter tokens
my $unwanted = qr/^ATTACK_FLAG.*|^TL_.*/mp;
# sometimes people put spaces and commas in their object ids..
sub slug {
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/,/-/g;
$s =~ s/\W//g;
return $s;
# supply the raw file as an argument
my $filename = shift or die "Usage: $0 FILENAME\n";
open( FH, '<', $filename ) or die $!;
my %currobj = ();
my $rawfile = "";
my @results;
while (<FH>) {
if ( $. == 1 ) {
$rawfile = $_;
$rawfile =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g
if ( $_ =~ /$regex/g ) {
# print("$+{key} :: $+{value}\n");
my $key = $+{key};
my $val = $+{value};
if ( $val eq "") {
if ( exists( $currobj{'id'}) and $key !~ /$unwanted/) {
push @{$currobj{'attributes'}}, $key;
} elsif ( $key eq 'CREATURE' ) {
if ( exists( $currobj{'type'} ) and $currobj{'type'} eq 'CREATURE' ) {
# print Dumper( \%currobj );
push @results, encode_json (\%currobj);
%currobj = (
id => $val,
type => "CREATURE",
raw => $rawfile,
objectID => sprintf("%s-%s-%s", $rawfile, "CREATURE", slug($val)),
attributes => []
elsif ( $key eq 'NAME' ) {
@currobj{'namelist'} = [ split( /:/, $val ) ];
$currobj{'name'} = $currobj{'namelist'}[2];
elsif ( $key eq 'DESCRIPTION' ) {
$currobj{'description'} = $val;
elsif ( $key eq 'CLUTCH_SIZE' ) {
$currobj{'clutchRange'} = [ split( /:/, $val)];
elsif ( $key eq 'EGG_SIZE') {
$currobj{'eggSize'} = $val;
elsif ( $key eq 'BODY_SIZE') {
my @size = split( /:/, $val);
my $yearf = $size[0] + ($size[1] / 336);
my %sizehash = (
years => sprintf("%.2f", $yearf),
size => $size[2]
if (not exists( $currobj{'size'})) {
$currobj{'size'} = [ \%sizehash];
push @{$currobj{'size'}}, \%sizehash;
# print Dumper( \%currobj )
if (exists( $currobj{'type'} ) and $currobj{'type'} eq 'CREATURE') {
push @results, encode_json (\%currobj);
print join(", ", @results);
$saveFolder = "$env:userprofile\Sync\Dwarf Fortress Files\Mods\vanilla-raws\raw";
$raws = Get-ChildItem -Path $saveFolder -Include *.txt -Recurse | Where-Object { ! $_.PSIsContainer }
$outPath = '.\www\out.json'
$stepCounter = 0;
Set-Content -Path $outPath "["
foreach ($file in $raws) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Parsing Raws" -Status (Get-Item $file ).Name -PercentComplete ((($stepCounter++) / $raws.Length) * 100)
$parsed = perl ./ $file
if ($parsed.length -gt 0) {
Add-Content -Path $outPath $parsed -NoNewline
Add-Content -Path $outPath "," -NoNewline
Add-Content -Path $outPath "]" -NoNewline
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