Yet another simple gauge chart using d3 Inspired by Jake Trent's Codepen snippet
To move the pointer needle, type in following code in you javascript console
<template> | |
<require from="components/navigation.html"></require> | |
<h1>Aurelia Router Demo</h1> | |
<navigation router.bind="router" class="primary-navigation"></navigation> | |
<div class="page-host"> | |
<router-view></router-view> | |
</div> | |
</template> |
Yet another simple gauge chart using d3 Inspired by Jake Trent's Codepen snippet
To move the pointer needle, type in following code in you javascript console
.DS_Store | |
*.log | |
tmp/ |
var UnitConversion = {}; | |
UnitConversion.convert = function(from, to, callback) { | |
jQuery.get('', {from: from, to: to}, callback); | |
}; | |
UnitConversion.conversionFinished = function(data, textStatus) { | |
if(data.indexOf('invalid') !== -1) { | |
displayMessage(data); | |
return; |