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Last active January 23, 2023 06:23
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Dart await/async using Future and do notation
main() {
final value = async(() {
final num1 = await(Future.value(5));
final num2 = await(Future.value(2));
return num1 * num2;
async(() {
[1,2,3,4,5].forEach((i) {
final time = i * 100;
await(Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: time)));
io(() => print("waiting... $time"));
Context context;
Future<T> async<T>(T Function() action) {
final trace = [];
final ctx = Context(trace);
step() {
final savedContext = context;
ctx.pos = 0;
try {
context = ctx;
final res = action();
return Future.value(res);
} on DoNotationBind catch (bind) {
final pos = context.pos;
return (bind.future).then((value) {
trace.insert(pos, value);
return step() as Future<T>;
} on Io catch (exn) {
trace.insert(context.pos, exn.action());
return step() as Future<T>;
} finally {
context = savedContext;
return step();
T await<T>(Future<T> monad) {
if (context.pos < context.trace.length) return context.trace[context.pos++];
throw DoNotationBind(monad);
T io<T>(T Function() action) {
if (context.pos < context.trace.length) return context.trace[context.pos++];
throw Io(action);
class Context {
List<dynamic> trace;
int pos;
class DoNotationBind<T> {
final Future<T> future;
class Io<T> {
final T Function() action;
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