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Last active January 23, 2023 06:21
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Flutter/Dart pattern matching
void main() {
Greeting message = Hi();
final result = match(message, {
on((Hi hi) => "hello, ${}"),
on((Bye bye) => "bye, see you at ${bye.seeYouAgain}"),
otherwise(() => throw Error()),
abstract class Greeting {}
class Hi implements Greeting {
String name;
class Bye implements Greeting {
DateTime seeYouAgain;
void main2() {
final future = ObservableFuture.value(10);
final futureResult = match(future.status, {
when(FutureStatus.fulfilled, () => Text("done ${future.value}")),
when(FutureStatus.pending, () => CircularProgressIndicator()),
when(FutureStatus.rejected, () => Text("error ${future.error})),
abstract class MatchingActions<T, R> {}
class Otherwise<T, R> implements MatchingActions<T, R> {
final R Function() onMatched;
class On<T, R> implements MatchingActions<T, R> {
final R Function(T type) onMatched;
Type matchesType;
On(this.onMatched) : matchesType = T;
class OnValue<T, R> implements MatchingActions<T, R> {
final R Function() onMatched;
final T value;
OnValue(this.value, this.onMatched);
MatchingActions<T, R> on<T, R>(R Function(T type) onMatched) {
return On<T, R>(onMatched);
MatchingActions<T, R> when<T, R>(T value, R Function() onMatched) {
return OnValue<T, R>(value, onMatched);
MatchingActions<Null, R> otherwise<R>(R Function() onMatched) {
return Otherwise<Null, R>(onMatched);
R match<T, R, U extends T>(T value, Set<MatchingActions<U, R>> matchers) {
Otherwise _otherwise;
for (final matcher in matchers) {
if (matcher is On && value.runtimeType == (matcher as On).matchesType) {
return (matcher as On).onMatched(value);
if (matcher is OnValue && (matcher as OnValue).value == value) {
return (matcher as OnValue).onMatched();
return (_otherwise.onMatched());
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