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Created March 10, 2024 17:42
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Affine Lambda Calculus written purely in Typescript's type system
// the [Scope] of a [Expression] holds unbound variables
// in this implementation, scope works from the bottom-up:
// Var consumes declares a variable as consumed: (Var "a") :: { scope: { a: true } }
// Lambda supplies a variable, making it fresh
// Application joins the dependencies of its expressions: (Apply (Var "a") (Var "b")) :: { scope: { a: true, b: true } }
// and guarantees that its Lambda body cannot consume variables that its Argument has marked as consumed
// (Apply (Var "a") (Var "a")) will declare { a: false } so that its body can't use { a: true }
// The motivation for evaluating this bottom-up is that, on the type level, Typescript
// would require Context to be passed as a separate parameter for every single expression if evaluated top-down.
// This would force users to manually calculate and input the scope for each expression, instead of it being inferred.
// there is also a previous attempt, which counts and incremetns each usage of a var (failed)
type Scope = { [p in string]: boolean }
// careful, 'Expression' cannot circularly reference itself :p
type Expression = Lambda<any, any> | Application<any, any> | Var<any>
type Var<V extends string> = { // var declares in the scope it consumes V
type: 'var',
key: V
scope: { [k in V]: true },
type Lambda<V extends string, Body extends Expression> = {
type: 'lambda',
arg: V,
body: Body,
scope: _tscompute<Omit<Body['scope'], V>>
type InvalidateArgConsumptions<A extends Scope> =
Scope & { [p in keyof A]?: false }
// applies (A)rgument to (L)ambda
type Application<A extends Expression, L extends Expression & { scope: InvalidateArgConsumptions<A['scope']> }> = {
type: 'application',
lambda: L,
arg: A,
// anything consumed in the arg cannot be consumed in the body
// remove (consumed) args in A from L, then merge remaining scope
scope: _tscompute<Omit<L['scope'], keyof A['scope']> & A['scope']>
// (optional) computes the type fully so it can be seen in type hints, for debugging purposes
// also, forces typescript to behave correctly and not be lazy!
type _tscompute<T> = T extends unknown ? { [K in keyof T]: T[K] } : never;
// x -> x!
type id = Lambda<'x', Var<'x'>>
// x -> y! (unbound y)
type _1 = Lambda<'x', Var<'y'>>
// x -> y -> z! (unbound z)
type __w = Lambda<'x', Lambda<'y', Var<'z'>>>
// x -> x -> y -> y!
type xxyy = Lambda<'x', Lambda<'x', Lambda<'y', Var<'y'>>>>
// x -> x -> z -> x!
type _w = Lambda<'x', Lambda<'x', Lambda<'z', Var<'x'>>>>
// x -> (y -> y!)(x!)
type __wow = Lambda<'x', Application<Var<'x'>, Lambda<'y', Var<'y'>>>>
// v error
// x -> (y -> x!)(x!)
// invalid type: x is used twice, but provided once (The types of 'scope.x' are incompatible between these types: 'true' is not assignable to type 'false')
type _wow = Lambda<'x', Application<Var<'x'>, Lambda<'y', Var<'x'>>>>
// v error
// x -> (x -> x!)(x!)(x!)
// invalid type: x is used three times, but provided once (The types of 'scope.x' are incompatible between these types: 'true' is not assignable to type 'false')
type ___wow = Lambda<'x', Application<Var<'x'>, Application<Var<'x'>, Lambda<'x', Var<'x'>>>>>
// v error
// x -> (x!)(x!)
// invalid type: x is used twice, but provided once (The types of 'scope.x' are incompatible between these types: 'true' is not assignable to type 'false')
type ____wow = Lambda<'x', Application<Var<'x'>, Var<'x'>>>
// v error
// (x!)(x!)
// invalid type: x is already used in scope
type _____wow = Application<Var<'x'>, Var<'x'>>
type __ = Application<Var<'x'>, xxyy>
* reduce ctx expr = match expr
* lambda arg body => lambda
* var k => var
* application argexpr lexpr {
* lambda: Lambda = reduce ctx lexpr
* arg: Lambda = reduce ctx argexpr
* reduce (bind lambda.body lambda.key arg) ctx
* }
* bind body key arg = match body
* var k => k == key ? arg : var k
* application argexpr lexpr = { application with arg = bind argexpr key arg, lambda = bind lexpr key arg }
* lambda k body => k == key ? lambda : { lambda with body = bind body key arg }
type Normalize<P extends Expression> =
P extends Lambda<infer K, infer B> ? P :
P extends Var<infer Key> ? P :
P extends Application<infer Arg, infer L> ?
/**/ Normalize<L> extends Lambda<infer Key, infer Body> ?
/**/ Normalize<Arg> extends infer U ? Normalize<Reduce<Body, Key, Cast<U, Expression>>> : never : never
// /**/ Reduce<L, Ctx> extends Lambda<infer Key, infer Body> ?
// /* */ Reduce<Body, Ctx & { [p in Key]: Reduce<Arg, Ctx> }> : never : never
// lots of meaningless `extends infer U ? U : never` and Cast<A,B> so typescript doesn't error "Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite"
: never
type Cast<A, B> = A extends B ? A : never
type Reduce<E extends Expression, Key extends string, V extends Expression> =
E extends Var<infer K> ? K extends Key ? V : E :
E extends Application<infer Arg, infer Body> ? Update_cc<E, { lambda: Reduce<Body, Key, V>, arg: Reduce<Arg, Key, V> }> :
E extends Lambda<infer K, infer Body> ? K extends Key ? E : Update_cc<E, { body: Reduce<Body, Key, V> }> : never
// update, compute, cast
type Update_cc<T, T2> = _tscompute<Omit<T, keyof T2> & { [p in keyof T2]: _tscompute<T2[p]> }>
// type Update_cc<T, T2, T3> = _tscompute<Cast<Omit<T, keyof T2> & { [p in keyof T2]: _tscompute<T2[p]> }, T3>>
// (bool -> ontrue -> onfalse -> ((bool)(ontrue))(onfalse))(x -> y -> x)(x -> x)(x -> x)
// (ontrue -> onfalse -> ((x -> y -> x)(ontrue))(onfalse))(x -> x)(x -> x)
// (onfalse -> ((x -> y -> x)(x -> x))(onfalse))(x -> x)
// ((x -> y -> x)(x -> x))(x -> x)
// (y -> x -> x)(x -> x)
// (x -> x)
type partial_1 = Normalize<Application<_true, ifelse>>
type partial_2 = Normalize<Application<idtrue, Application<_true, ifelse>>>
type result_true = Normalize<Application<idfalse, Application<idtrue, Application<_true, ifelse>>>>
type result_false = Normalize<Application<idfalse, Application<idtrue, Application<_false, ifelse>>>>
type x_y_z_x = Lambda<'x', Lambda<'y', Lambda<'z', Var<'x'>>>>
// (λf.(f (λx. x)) (λz. (z (λy. y)))
// ((z) => z((y) => y)
// ((f) => f((x) => x))((z) => z((y) => y))
// let fun = (f => f(x => x))
// let arg = (z => z(y => y)))
// fun(arg)
// (x -> y -> z -> x)(x -> y -> x)
// y -> z -> x -> y -> x
type partial1 = Normalize<Application<_true, x_y_z_x>>
// (y -> z -> x -> y -> x)(x -> x)
// (z -> x -> y -> x)
type partial2 = Normalize<Application<idtrue, Application<_true, x_y_z_x>>>
// (z -> x -> y -> x)(x -> x)
// (x -> y -> x)
type xyzx_result = Normalize<Application<idfalse, Application<idtrue, Application<_true, x_y_z_x>>>>
type idtrue = Lambda<'x', Var<'x'>> & { __id: "this when condition true" }
type idfalse = Lambda<'y', Var<'y'>> & { __id: "this when condition false" }
type _www = Normalize<Application<Var<'x'>, Var<'y'>>>
// x -> y -> x
type _true = Lambda<'x', Lambda<'y', Var<'x'>>>
// x -> y -> y
type _false = Lambda<'x', Lambda<'y', Var<'y'>>>
// bool -> ontrue -> onfalse -> (bool(ontrue))(onfalse)
type ifelse = Lambda<'bool', Lambda<'ontrue', Lambda<'onfalse', Application<Var<'onfalse'>, Application<Var<'ontrue'>, Var<'bool'>>>>>>
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