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Yuichi Nishiwaki nyuichi

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// the characteristic of the diagonal mono δ : α → α × α
constant eq : α → α → Prop
infix = : 50 := eq
// This is definitionally equal to any term of the Unit type by the eta rule.
constant star : Unit
This introduces a constant `top` and:
nyuichi /
Last active April 12, 2020 07:21

The make command hangs up when it is run as init (PID=1) and its child processes are terminated with SIGINT

$ ls  Makefile
$ cat 
trap 'echo SIGTERM && exit 0' SIGTERM
trap 'echo SIGINT && exit 0' SIGINT
while true; do :; done
! [Type Error] at "bug.saty", line 11, character 0 to line 15, character 3:
The implementation of value 'make' has type
('a phantom) M.t
which is inconsistent with the type required by the signature
('#a phantom) M.t
; -*- mode: scheme;-*-
; Implementation of resolution principle for first-order logic in Egison
(define $unordered-pair
(lambda [$m]
{[<pair $ $> [m m] {[[$x $y] {[x y] [y x]}]}]
[$ [something] {[$tgt {tgt}]}]})))
(define $positive?
nyuichi / unbe.scm
Last active February 13, 2018 03:23
untyped normalization by evaluation
(use r7rs)
(define uniq
(let ((n 0))
(lambda ()
(set! n (+ n 1))
(string->symbol (string-append "$" (number->string n))))))
;;; - Operational aspects of untyped normalization by evaluation, K. Aehlig et al, MSCS 2003.
import data.set
open function
universes u
variables {α β γ : Type u}
noncomputable def bijective_inv (f : α → β) (h : bijective f) (b : β) : α :=
classical.some (h.right b)
lemma bijective_inv_spec (f : α → β) (h : bijective f) (b : β) : f (bijective_inv f h b) = b :=
open eq
section eckmann_hilton
universe variables u
parameter {α : Type u}
parameters plus mult : α → α → α
parameters one zero : α
local notation a + b := plus a b
local notation a * b := mult a b
import Chisel._
class SdramController extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val a = Bits(OUTPUT, 13)
io.a := UInt(0)
io.a(10) := Bool(true)
;;; data Comonad f a where
;;; Comonad a ((Comonad f a -> b) -> f b)
; counit : Comonad f a -> a
; cobind : Comonad f a -> (Comonad f a -> b) -> Comonad f b
; lift : (f a -> a) -> (f a -> (f a -> b) -> f b) -> (f a -> Comonad f a)
; run : Comonad f a -> f a
(define Comonad cons)
nyuichi / monad.scm
Created September 10, 2015 19:46
(import (gauche partcont)
(scheme base)
(scheme write))
;;; generic fmap
(define *fmap-methods*
`((,list? . ,map)))