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Created January 27, 2017 12:21
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------------- GenerateForumsSpamProtectionNuGetPackages.ps1 ---------------
$slnName = "Web.SitefinityModules.PublishingExtender",
$slnDirectory = $null,
$outputDir = "C:\LEAN\local-nuget-repository",
$nugetProjects = @(
$buildSln = $false,
$msbuild = "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe",
$options = "/p:Configuration=Debug",
$properties = "Configuration=Debug"
$scriptPath = split-path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent
. (Join-Path $scriptPath "NuGetPackageGeneration.ps1")
if (!(Test-Path -path $outputDir)) {New-Item $outputDir -Type Directory}
if (!$slnDirectory)
$scriptPath = split-path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent
$slnDirectory = (get-item $scriptPath).parent.FullName
"#slnName: " + $slnName
"#slnDirectory: " + $slnDirectory
"#outputDir: " + $outputDir
"#nugetProjects: " + $nugetProjects
"#msbuild: " + $msbuild
"#msbuildOptions: " + $options
"#buildSln: " + $buildSln
if($buildSln -eq $true)
# create the build command and invoke it
$clean = $msbuild + " """+ $slnDirectory + "\"+ $slnName +""" "+ $options + " /t:Clean"
$build = $msbuild + " """+ $slnDirectory + "\"+ $slnName +""" "+ $options + " /t:Rebuild"
"Clean and Build " + $slnName
iex $clean
iex $build
foreach($nugetProject in $nugetProjects){
$csprojFile = " """ + $slnDirectory + "\" + $nugetProject + """ "
$args = "pack" + $csprojFile + "-IncludeReferencedProjects -Verbosity detailed -OutputDirectory " + $outputDir + " -Properties " + $properties
$packCommand = """" + $scriptPath + "\nuget.exe" + """ " + $args
iex "& $packCommand"
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