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Last active February 12, 2025 19:37
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Save o6uoq/35d42cf16aecd72d5670e46015375050 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
fuzmit: Conventional Commits, but Fuzzy.
# === How-To ===
# - Place git-fuzmit (without an extension) in your $PATH, make it executable, and run via `git fuzmit`
# - Set FUZMIT_JIRA_SCOPE=true to auto-detect the Jira ID (e.g., JIRA-123) from the branch name and use it as the commit scope
# - Set FUZMIT_SCOPE=true to enable scope prompts for each and every commit
# === Function: Display Usage Information ===
display_usage() {
echo -e "\033[1;38;5;81m"
echo "fuzmit: Conventional Commits, but Fuzzy."
echo -e "\033[0m"
echo ""
echo -e "\033[1;37m# Conventional Commit Message Format:\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[1;32m<type>\033[0m\033[1;34m(optional scope)\033[0m: \033[1;36m<description>\033[0m"
echo ""
echo -e "\033[1;37mCommit Types:\033[0m"
echo -e " πŸ— build - Project build or dependencies changes"
echo -e " 🧹 chore - Routine tasks, maintenance"
echo -e " πŸ”„ ci - Continuous integration changes"
echo -e " πŸ“š docs - Documentation updates"
echo -e " πŸš€ feat - New feature addition"
echo -e " πŸ”§ fix - Bug fixes"
echo -e " 🏎 perf - Performance improvements"
echo -e " πŸ› οΈ refactor - Code refactoring without changing behavior"
echo -e " 🎨 style - Code style or formatting"
echo -e " πŸ§ͺ test - Adding or modifying tests"
echo ""
echo -e "\033[1;37m# Example Commit Message:\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[1;36mfeat(authentication): add support for password reset\033[0m"
echo ""
echo -e "\033[1;37m# Usage:\033[0m"
echo -e " git fuzmit [--scope] [--override]"
echo ""
echo -e "\033[1;37m# Options:\033[0m"
echo -e " --scope Manually add a commit scope for this commit"
echo -e " --override Bypass main branch restriction and allow committing"
echo ""
echo -e "\033[1;37m# Notes:\033[0m"
echo -e " - If FUZMIT_JIRA_SCOPE=true, both --scope and FUZMIT_SCOPE are ignored since Jira scope is auto-detected"
echo ""
echo -e "\033[1;36mConventional Commits:\033[0m"
echo ""
# === Function: Check if fzf is installed ===
check_fzf_installed() {
if ! command -v fzf >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "❌ fm: fzf is not installed. Please install it first."
exit 1
# === Function: Check if we're in a git repository ===
check_git_repo() {
if ! git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "❌ fm: Not inside a git repository."
exit 1
# === Function: Check if we're on the main branch ===
check_branch() {
current_branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
if [ "$current_branch" = "main" ] && [ "$1" != "--override" ]; then
echo "🚫 fm: You are on the main branch. Use --override to bypass this check."
exit 1
# === Function: Check if there are staged changes to commit ===
check_staged_changes() {
if git diff --cached --quiet; then
echo "ℹ️ fm: No staged changes to commit."
exit 0
# === Function: Extract Jira scope if applicable ===
extract_jira_scope() {
if [ "${FUZMIT_JIRA_SCOPE}" = "true" ]; then
current_branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
if [[ $current_branch =~ ^([A-Za-z]+-[0-9]+) ]]; then
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
echo ""
# === Function: Select commit type with fzf and prompt for a description ===
select_commit_type() {
commit_type=$(printf "πŸ— build - Project build or dependencies changes\n🧹 chore - Routine tasks, maintenance\nπŸ”„ ci - Continuous integration changes\nπŸ“š docs - Documentation updates\nπŸš€ feat - New feature addition\nπŸ”§ fix - Bug fixes\n🏎 perf - Performance improvements\nπŸ› οΈ refactor - Code refactoring without changing behavior\n🎨 style - Code style or formatting\nπŸ§ͺ test - Adding or modifying tests" | fzf --height 12 --prompt="Pick commit type: ")
if [ -z "$commit_type" ]; then
echo "❌ fm: No commit type selected, aborting."
exit 1
commit_type=$(echo "$commit_type" | cut -d'-' -f1 | xargs)
if [ -n "$jira_scope" ]; then
echo "ℹ️ fm: Auto-detected Jira scope '$jira_scope'"
elif [ "$FUZMIT_SCOPE" = "true" ] || [ "$1" = "--scope" ]; then
read -r -p "Enter optional scope (leave empty if not needed): " commit_scope
if [ -n "$commit_scope" ]; then
read -r -p "Enter commit description: " commit_message
if [ -z "$commit_message" ]; then
echo "❌ fm: Commit description cannot be empty, aborting."
exit 1
full_commit_message="$commit_type$commit_scope: $commit_message"
echo "πŸ’Ύ fm: Commit message - '$full_commit_message'"
git commit -m "$full_commit_message"
# === Main Execution ===
if [ "$1" = "help" ]; then
exit 0
# Check if the --scope flag is provided and enable FUZMIT_SCOPE
if [ "$1" = "--scope" ]; then
check_branch "$1"
select_commit_type "$1"
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