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Created October 6, 2024 16:38
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wolframite.base.convert formatted with Standard Clojure Style v0.5.0
(ns wolframite.base.convert
"Convert a Clojure expression into a Wolfram JLink expression"
[wolframite.base.expr :as expr]
[ :as express]
[wolframite.impl.jlink-instance :as jlink-instance]
[wolframite.impl.protocols :as proto]
[wolframite.impl.wolfram-syms.intern :as intern]
[wolframite.lib.options :as options]
[wolframite.runtime.defaults :as defaults]))
;; (remove-ns 'wolframite.base.convert)
;; * defmulti and dispatch
(defn- primitive?
"Is `x` a 'primitive' value that can be directly turned into an Expr?"
(or (number? x)
(string? x)))
(defn- supported-primitive-array? [xs]
;; See jlink.Expr constructor for the types actually supported
(some-> xs .getClass .componentType (#{Byte/TYPE Double/TYPE Integer/TYPE Long/TYPE Short/TYPE})))
(defn- dispatch [obj]
(cond (and (list? obj)
(empty? obj)) :null
(seq? obj) :expr
(or (vector? obj)
(list? obj)) :list
(ratio? obj) :rational
(primitive? obj) :primitive
(map? obj) :hash-map
(symbol? obj) :symbol
(nil? obj) :null
(fn? obj) :fn-obj
:else nil))
(defmulti convert
"Convert a Wolframite clj expression into a JLink object representation"
(fn [clj-expr _opts] (dispatch clj-expr))) ; TODO Pass jlink-instance in explicitly inst. of fetching from the global
;; * Helpers
(defn- simple-vector? [coll _]
(and (sequential? coll)
(not-any? dispatch coll)))
(defn- simple-matrix? [coll opts]
(and (sequential? coll)
(every? #(simple-vector? % opts) coll)))
(defn- cexpr-from-postfix-form [cexprs]
(assert (sequential? cexprs))
(loop [cexpr (first cexprs)
remaining (rest cexprs)]
(if (seq remaining)
(recur (list (first remaining) cexpr) (rest remaining))
(defn- cexpr-from-prefix-form [cexprs]
(assert (sequential? cexprs))
(cexpr-from-postfix-form (reverse cexprs)))
;; * Method impls
(defmethod convert nil [obj _]
;; A fall-back implementation, for anything we do not handle directly ourselves elsewhere here.
;; Also triggered for any other unknown/unhandled type, e.g. a :kwd
(proto/expr? (jlink-instance/get) obj)
obj ; already a jlink Expr
(supported-primitive-array? obj)
(proto/expr (jlink-instance/get) obj)
(proto/->expr (jlink-instance/get) obj)))
(defmethod convert :fn-obj [obj opts]
;; This normally means that the expression contained a reference to a var in wolframite.wolfram,
;; which has not been turned into a symbol for some reason, typically b/c it was not a fn call
;; (those do 'symbolify' themselves) => we check and do this here
(if-let [fn-name (intern/interned-var-val->symbol obj)]
(convert fn-name opts)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "An expression contains a function object, which is not intern/wolfram-fn => "
"don't know how to turn it into a symbol that Wolfram could interpret: "
(defmethod convert :null [_ opts]
(convert 'Null opts))
(defmethod convert :rational [n opts]
(convert (list 'Rational (.numerator n) (.denominator n)) opts))
(defmethod convert :primitive [primitive _opts]
(proto/expr (jlink-instance/get) primitive))
(defn ->wolfram-str-expr
"Turn `str` (a raw Wolfram expression string) into a value that `convert` will
properly process as an expression, and not as a primitive string."
{::wolfram-str-expr str})
(defn- wolfram-str-expr->jlink-expr [wolfram-str-expr-map opts]
(do (assert (= 1 (count wolfram-str-expr-map)) "::wolfram-str-expr must stand on its own")
(assert (-> wolfram-str-expr-map vals first string?) "::wolfram-str-expr value must be a string")
(express/express (::wolfram-str-expr wolfram-str-expr-map) opts)))
(defmethod convert :hash-map [map opts]
;; A map could be either normal map value the user supplied, or it could be our magical
;; map used to mark the actual value for special treatment, namely to be interpreted as
;; Wolfram code in a string; see `->wolfram-str-expr`
(if (::wolfram-str-expr map)
(wolfram-str-expr->jlink-expr map opts)
(convert (apply list 'Association (for [[key value] map] (list 'Rule key value))) opts)))
(defmethod convert :symbol [sym {:keys [aliases] ::keys [args] :as opts}]
(let [all-aliases (merge defaults/all-aliases aliases)]
(if-let [alias-sym-or-fn (all-aliases sym)]
(if (defaults/experimental-fn-alias? alias-sym-or-fn)
(convert (alias-sym-or-fn args) opts)
(convert alias-sym-or-fn opts))
;; Numbered args of shorthand lambdas - Clojure's `#(+ %1 %2)` => Wolfs #1 and #1 = Slot[1] and Slot[2]
(if-let [[_ ^String n] (re-matches #"%(\d*)" (str sym))]
(let [n (Long/valueOf (if (= "" n) "1" n))]
(convert (list 'Slot n) opts))
; (let [s (str-utils/replace (str sym) #"\|(.*?)\|" #(str "\\\\[" (second %) "]"))] )
(let [s (str sym)]
(if (re-find #"[^a-zA-Z0-9$\/]" s)
(throw (ex-info (str "Unsupported symbol / unknown alias: Symbols passed to Mathematica must be alphanumeric"
" (apart from forward slashes and dollar signs). Other symbols may"
" only be used if there is defined a Wolframite alias for them."
" Passed: " s
" Known aliases: " (or (-> aliases keys sort seq) "N/A"))
{:unknown-symbol s
:known-symbols (keys aliases)}))
(proto/expr (jlink-instance/get) :Expr/SYMBOL s)))))))
(defn- convert-non-simple-list [elms opts]
(let [converted-parts (map #(cond-> % (dispatch %) (convert opts)) elms)]
(if (every? (partial proto/expr? (jlink-instance/get)) converted-parts)
(proto/expr (jlink-instance/get)
(cons (convert 'List opts)
(convert (to-array converted-parts) opts))))
(defmethod convert :list [coll opts]
(cond (simple-matrix? coll opts) (convert (to-array-2d coll) opts)
(simple-vector? coll opts) (convert (to-array coll) opts)
:else (convert-non-simple-list coll opts)))
(defmethod convert :expr [[head & tail :as clj-expr] opts]
(let [macro head
arg (first tail)]
(cond (= 'clojure.core/deref macro) (convert (cexpr-from-prefix-form arg) opts)
(= 'clojure.core/meta macro) (convert (cexpr-from-postfix-form arg) opts)
(= 'var macro) (convert (list 'Function arg) opts)
;; convert '(whatever...)
;; Quoted symbol intended to be sent as Wolfram symbol
(and (= 'quote macro)
(symbol? arg)) (convert arg opts)
(= 'quote macro) (throw (ex-info (str "Unsupported quoted expression:"
(pr-str clj-expr))
{:expr clj-expr}))
;; Originally we called `(express/express arg opts)` but it fails b/c it only handles strings
:else (expr/expr-from-parts
(cons (convert head
(cond-> opts
(symbol? head)
(assoc ::args tail)))
(doall (map #(convert % opts) tail)))))))
(convert '(whatever 1) nil)
(convert '(- 12 1 2) {})
(convert '(Plus 1 2) {}))
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