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Last active February 4, 2023 13:41
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var Bot2048 = (function () {
//////////////////////////////////////////// Toolbox ////////////////////////////////////////////
var Class = (function () {
var PRIVATE_MODE = false;
var initializing = false, fnTest = /xyz/.test(function(){xyz;}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/;
// The base Class implementation (does nothing)
var Class = function () {};
// Create a new Class that inherits from this class
Class.extend = function extend(prop) {
var _super = this.prototype;
// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
// don't run the init constructor)
initializing = true;
var proto = new this();
initializing = false;
// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
for (var name in prop) {
// Check if we're overwriting an existing function
proto[name] = typeof prop[name] == "function" && typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name])
? (function (name, fn) {
return function() {
var tmp = this._super;
// Add a new ._super() method that is the same method
// but on the super-class
this._super = _super[name];
// The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we
// remove it when we're done executing
var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);
this._super = tmp;
return ret;
})(name, prop[name])
: prop[name];
// The dummy class constructor
function Class() {
if (initializing) {
// Initialize public object to bear the prototype chain.
initializing = true;
var _public = new Class();
initializing = false;
// Bind public properties to public object.
for (var name in proto) {
if (name.charAt(0) === '_') {
_public[name] = null;
} else if (typeof proto[name] === 'function') {
_public[name] = proto[name].bind(this);
this._public = _public;
if (this.__construct) {
this.__construct.apply(this, arguments);
return _public;
Class.prototype = proto;
Class.prototype.constructor = Class;
Class.extend = extend;
return Class;
return Class;
var CountLogger = Class.extend({
__construct : function (enabled) { = {};
this.enabled = enabled;
log : function (label) {
if (typeof[label] === 'undefined') {[label] = 0;
if (this.enabled) {
var countLogger = new CountLogger(false);
var Registry = Class.extend({
__construct : function () { = {};
set : function (key, value) {[key] = value;
get : function (key, fallback) {
if (typeof[key] === 'undefined') {
if (typeof fallback === 'function') {[key] = fallback(key);
} else {
return null;
* interface Extractor {
* index extract(Object object);
* }
var ExtractorRegistry = Class.extend({
__construct : function (keyExtractor) {
this.registry = new Registry();
this.keyExtractor = keyExtractor;
getKey : function (object) {
return this.keyExtractor.extract(object);
set : function (object, value) {
this.registry.set(this.getKey(object), value);
get : function (object, fallback) {
return this.registry.get(this.getKey(object), fallback);
var ExtractorRegistryFactory = Class.extend({
produceExtractor : function () {
throw new Error('ExtractorRegistryFactory.produceExtractor is abstract and must be overloaded');
getExtractor : function () {
if (typeof this.extractor === 'undefined') {
this.extractor = this.produceExtractor();
return this.extractor;
produce : function () {
return new ExtractorRegistry(this.getExtractor());
//////////////////////////////////////////// Model ////////////////////////////////////////////
const SIZE = 4;
var CodeConverter = Class.extend({
__construct : function () {
this.logCache = {
0 : 0,
1 : 0
this.charCache = {
0 : '0',
1 : '0',
log2 : function (value) {
if (typeof this.logCache[value] === 'undefined') {
this.logCache[value] = 1 + this.log2(Math.floor(value / 2));
return this.logCache[value];
valueToChar : function (value) {
if (! this.charCache[value]) {
this.charCache[value] = this.log2(value).toString(16);
return this.charCache[value];
var codeConverter = new CodeConverter();
var Direction = Class.extend({
__construct : function (value) {
this.value = value;
getValue : function () {
return this.value;
toString : function () {
switch (this.value) {
case Direction.DOWN : return 'down';
case Direction.LEFT : return 'left';
case Direction.RIGHT : return 'right';
case Direction.UP : return 'up';
Direction.DOWN = 0;
Direction.LEFT = 1;
Direction.RIGHT = 2;
Direction.UP = 3;
Direction.all = function () {
return [
new Direction(this.DOWN),
new Direction(this.LEFT),
new Direction(this.RIGHT),
new Direction(this.UP)
var DirectionCodeExtractor = Class.extend({
extract : function (direction) {
return direction.getValue();
var DirectionRegistryFactory = ExtractorRegistryFactory.extend({
produceExtractor : function () {
return new DirectionCodeExtractor();
var Point = Class.extend({
__construct : function (i, j) {
this._i = i;
this._j = j;
i : function () {
return this._i;
j : function () {
return this._j;
getCode : function () {
return [this._i, this._j].join('-');
var PointCodeExtractor = Class.extend({
extract : function (point) {
return [point.i(), point.j()].join('-');
var PointRegistryFactory = ExtractorRegistryFactory.extend({
produceExtractor : function () {
return new PointCodeExtractor();
var ValuePoint = Point.extend({
__construct : function (i, j, v) {
this._super(i, j);
this._v = v;
v : function () {
return this._v;
getCode : function () {
return [this.i(), this.j(), this._v].join('-');
var ValuePointCodeExtractor = Class.extend({
extract : function (point) {
return [point.i(), point.j(), point.v()].join('-');
var ValuePointRegistryFactory = ExtractorRegistryFactory.extend({
produceExtractor : function () {
return new ValuePointCodeExtractor();
var Field = Class.extend({
__construct : function (values) {
this.values = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.SIZE; ++i) {
this.values[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < this.SIZE; ++j) {
this.values[i][j] = values[i][j];
getValue : function (i, j) {
if (i instanceof Point) {
return this.values[i.i()][i.j()];
return this.values[i][j];
getCode : function () {
if (typeof this.code === 'undefined') {
var chars = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.SIZE; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.SIZE; ++j) {
this.code = chars.join('');
return this.code;
equals : function (field) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.SIZE; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.SIZE; ++j) {
if (this.values[i][j] !== field.getValue(i, j)) {
return false;
return true;
forEach : function (step, init) {
var result = init;
for (var i = 0; i < this.SIZE; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.SIZE; ++j) {
result = step(i, j, this.values[i][j], result);
return result;
inspect : function () {
return this.values;
var FieldBuilder = Class.extend({
__construct : function () {
this.values = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.SIZE; ++i) {
this.values[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < this.SIZE; ++j) {
this.values[i][j] = 0;
setValue : function (i, j, value) {
this.values[i][j] = value;
return this._public;
produce : function () {
return new Field(this.values);
var FieldCodeExtractor = Class.extend({
extract : function (field) {
return field.getCode();
var FieldRegistryFactory = ExtractorRegistryFactory.extend({
produceExtractor : function () {
return new FieldCodeExtractor();
var Locus = {
SIDE : 1,
var Traverser = Class.extend({
__construct : function () {
this.adjacentRegistry = new Registry();
this.adjacentPointsRegistry = new PointRegistryFactory().produce();
getLocus : function (point) {
var i = point.i(),
j = point.j();
if (i > 0) {
i = SIZE - 1 - i;
if (j > 0) {
j = SIZE - 1 - j;
if (! (i + j)) {
return Locus.CORNER;
if (! (i * j)) {
return Locus.SIDE;
return Locus.MIDDLE;
_getAdjacentFallback : function (point, direction) {
var i = point.i();
var j = point.j();
switch (direction.getValue()) {
case Direction.DOWN : ++i; break;
case Direction.LEFT : --j; break;
case Direction.RIGHT: ++j; break;
case Direction.UP : --i; break;
if (i < 0 || i >= SIZE || j < 0 || j >= SIZE) {
return null;
return new Point(i, j);
getAdjacent : function (point, direction) {
return this.adjacentRegistry.get(
[point.i(), point.j(), direction.getValue()].join('-'),
this._getAdjacentFallback.bind(this, point, direction)
_getAdjacentPointsFallback : function (point) {
var adjacentPoints = [];
for (var directions = Direction.all(), d = 0; d < directions.length; ++d) {
var adjacent = this.getAdjacent(point, directions[d]);
if (! adjacent) {
return adjacentPoints;
getAdjacentPoints : function (point) {
return this.adjacentPointsRegistry.get(
this._getAdjacentPointsFallback.bind(this, point)
var Mutator = Class.extend({
moveLeft : function (field) {
var builder = new FieldBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < this.SIZE; ++i) {
var r = 0;
var w = 0;
for (var r = 0, w = 0; r < this.SIZE; ++r) {
// Skip empty cells.
var vir = field.getValue(i, r);
if (! vir) {
// Find next non-empty cell.
var vin = null;
for (var n = r + 1; n < this.SIZE; ++n) {
vin = field.getValue(i, n);
if (vin) {
if (vin !== null && vir === vin) {
// Combine.
builder.setValue(i, w, vir * 2);
r = n;
} else {
// Keep.
builder.setValue(i, w, vir);
return builder.produce();
transpose : function (field) {
var builder = new FieldBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < this.SIZE; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.SIZE; ++j) {
builder.setValue(i, j, field.getValue(j, i));
return builder.produce();
flipVertical : function (field) {
var builder = new FieldBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < this.SIZE; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.SIZE; ++j) {
builder.setValue(i, j, field.getValue(this.SIZE - 1 - i, j));
return builder.produce();
flipHorizontal : function (field) {
var builder = new FieldBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < this.SIZE; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.SIZE; ++j) {
builder.setValue(i, j, field.getValue(i, this.SIZE - 1 - j));
return builder.produce();
move : function (field, direction) {
switch (direction.getValue()) {
case Direction.DOWN : return this.transpose(this.flipHorizontal(this.moveLeft(this.flipHorizontal(this.transpose(field)))));
case Direction.RIGHT : return this.flipHorizontal(this.moveLeft(this.flipHorizontal(field)));
case Direction.LEFT : return this.moveLeft(field);
case Direction.UP : return this.transpose(this.moveLeft(this.transpose(field)));
applyOpponentMove : function (field, opponentMove) {
var builder = new FieldBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < this.SIZE; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.SIZE; ++j) {
var v = i === opponentMove.i() && j === opponentMove.j()
? opponentMove.v()
: field.getValue(i, j)
builder.setValue(i, j, v);
return builder.produce();
var CachingMutator = Class.extend({
__construct : function () {
this.mutator = new Mutator();
var factory = new FieldRegistryFactory();
this.moveLeftRegistry = factory.produce();
this.transposeRegistry = factory.produce();
this.flipVerticalRegistry = factory.produce();
this.flipHorizontalRegistry = factory.produce();
this.moveRegistry = new Registry();
this.opponentRegistry = new Registry();
moveLeft : function (field) {
return this.moveLeftRegistry.get(field, this.mutator.moveLeft.bind(this.mutator, field));
transpose : function (field) {
return this.transposeRegistry.get(field, this.mutator.transpose.bind(this.mutator, field));
flipVertical : function (field) {
return this.flipVerticalRegistry.get(field, this.mutator.flipVertical.bind(this.mutator, field));
flipHorizontal : function (field) {
return this.flipHorizontalRegistry.get(field, this.mutator.flipHorizontal.bind(this.mutator, field));
move : function (field, direction) {
return this.moveRegistry.get(
field.getCode() + direction.getValue(),
this.mutator.move.bind(this.mutator, field, direction)
getOpponentMoveCode : function (opponentMove) {
return [opponentMove.i(), opponentMove.j(), opponentMove.v()].join('-');
applyOpponentMove : function (field, opponentMove) {
return this.opponentRegistry.get(
field.getCode() + this.getOpponentMoveCode(opponentMove),
this.mutator.applyOpponentMove.bind(this.mutator, field, opponentMove)
var OpponentMoveIterator = Class.extend({
iterate : function (field) {
return field.forEach(function (i, j, v, a) {
if (v === 0) {
a.push(new ValuePoint(i, j, 1));
a.push(new ValuePoint(i, j, 2));
return a;
}, []);
/////////////////////////////////////// DOM interaction ///////////////////////////////////////
var FieldReader = Class.extend({
makePositionSelector : function (i, j) {
return ['.tile-container .tile-position', j + 1, i + 1].join('-');
getPosition : function (i, j) {
var merged = document.querySelector(this.makePositionSelector(i, j) + '.tile-merged');
if (merged) {
return merged;
return document.querySelector(this.makePositionSelector(i, j));
read : function () {
var builder = new FieldBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
var position = this.getPosition(i, j);
if (position) {
builder.setValue(i, j, parseInt(position.textContent));
return builder.produce();
var Keyboard = Class.extend({
keyCodes : {},
getKeyCodeRaw : function (direction) {
switch (direction.getValue()) {
case Direction.DOWN : return "ArrowDown";
case Direction.LEFT : return "ArrowLeft";
case Direction.RIGHT: return "ArrowRight";
case Direction.UP : return "ArrowUp";
getKeyCode : function (direction) {
if (typeof this.keyCodes[direction] === 'undefined') {
this.keyCodes[direction] = this.getKeyCodeRaw(direction);
return this.keyCodes[direction];
press : function (direction) {
var keyCode = this.getKeyCode(direction);
var event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: keyCode, code: keyCode });
////////////////////////////////// Aritificial intelligence //////////////////////////////////
var ValuePointRegistry = Class.extend({
__construct : function () {
this.registry = new Registry();
factory : function (i, j, v) {
return new ValuePoint(i, j, v);
get : function (i, j, v) {
return this.registry.get(
[i, j, v].join('-'),
this.factory.bind(this, i, j, v)
var MaximumFinder = Class.extend({
__construct : function (valuePointRegistry) {
this.fieldRegistry = new FieldRegistryFactory().produce();
this.valuePointRegistry = valuePointRegistry;
getValuePointRegistry : function () {
return this.valuePointRegistry;
getPoint : function (i, j, v) {
return this.valuePointRegistry.get(i, j, v);
fallbackStep : function (i, j, v, max) {
if (v > max.v()) {
max = this.getPoint(i, j, v);
return max;
fallback : function (field) {
return field.forEach(this.fallbackStep.bind(this), this.getPoint(0, 0, 0));
find : function (field) {
return this.fieldRegistry.get(field, this.fallback.bind(this, field));
var MaximumCollection = Class.extend({
__construct : function (valuePointRegistry) {
this.valuePointRegistry = valuePointRegistry;
this.maximums = [];
this.value = 0;
getPoint : function (i, j, v) {
return this.valuePointRegistry.get(i, j, v);
add : function (i, j, v) {
var diff = v - this.value;
var point = this.getPoint(i, j, v);
if (diff > 0) {
this.maximums = [point];
this.value = v;
} else if (! diff) {
getMaximums : function () {
return this.maximums;
var MaximumCollectionFinder = MaximumFinder.extend({
fallbackStep : function (i, j, v, max) {
max.add(i, j, v);
return max;
fallback : function (field) {
return field.forEach(this.fallbackStep.bind(this), new MaximumCollection(this.getValuePointRegistry()));
var BurnMap = Class.extend({
__construct : function (mask) {
this.mask = mask || 0;
single : function (i, j) {
return 1 << (i * SIZE + j);
add : function (i, j) {
if (i instanceof Point) {
j = i.j();
i = i.i();
this.mask |= this.single(i, j);
has : function (i, j) {
if (i instanceof Point) {
j = i.j();
i = i.i();
return this.mask & this.single(i, j);
clone : function () {
return new BurnMap(this.mask);
var Chain = Class.extend({
__construct : function (points) {
this.points = points ? [].concat(points) : [];
add : function (point) {
getPoints : function () {
return this.points;
clone : function () {
return new Chain(this.points);
var ChainsFindingProcess = Class.extend({
__construct : function (traverser, field, start) {
this.traverser = traverser;
this.field = field;
this.start = start;
recursion : function (chain, burn, point) {
var value = this.field.getValue(point);
if (! value) {
return [chain];
var adjacents = this.traverser.getAdjacentPoints(point).filter(function (v) {
return ! burn.has(v) && this.field.getValue(v) <= value;
if (! adjacents.length) {
return [chain];
var chains = [];
for (var a = 0; a < adjacents.length; ++a) {
chains.push.apply(chains, this.recursion(chain.clone(), burn.clone(), adjacents[a]));
return chains;
getChains : function () {
if (typeof this.chains === 'undefined') {
this.chains = this.recursion(new Chain(), new BurnMap(), this.start);
return this.chains;
var ChainsFinder = Class.extend({
__construct : function (traverser, maximumCollectionFinder) {
this.traverser = traverser;
this.maximumCollectionFinder = maximumCollectionFinder;
produceProcess : function (field, maximum) {
return new ChainsFindingProcess(this.traverser, field, maximum);
find : function (field) {
var maximums = this.maximumCollectionFinder.find(field).getMaximums();
var chains = [];
for (var m = 0; m < maximums.length; ++m) {
var process = this.produceProcess(field, maximums[m]);
chains.push.apply(chains, process.getChains());
return chains;
* interface QualityStrategy {
* integer evaluate(Field field);
* }
var MaximumQualityStrategy = Class.extend({
getFinder : function () {
return this.finder;
evaluate : function (field) {
return this.getFinder().find(field).v();
var ChainQualityStrategy = Class.extend({
__construct : function (traverser, finder) {
this.traverser = traverser;
this.finder = finder;
getFinder : function () {
return this.finder;
getTraverser : function () {
return this.traverser;
evaluateRecursive : function (field, point, sum) {
var max = 0;
var pointValue = field.getValue(point);
if (! pointValue) {
return sum + 1;
for (var directions = Direction.all(), i = 0; i < directions.length; ++i) {
var adjacent = this.getTraverser().getAdjacent(point, directions[i]);
if (! adjacent) {
var adjacentValue = field.getValue(adjacent);
if (adjacentValue > pointValue) {
var value = adjacentValue === pointValue
? sum + pointValue * 2 - 1
: this.evaluateRecursive(field, adjacent, sum + pointValue);
if (value > max) {
max = value;
return max;
evaluate : function (field) {
return this.evaluateRecursive(field, this.getFinder().find(field), 0);
var EmptyChainQualityStrategy = ChainQualityStrategy.extend({
evaluateRecursive : function (field, point, sum) {
var max = this.getFinder().find(field).v();
var empty = field.forEach(function (i, j, v, n) {
if (! v) {
return n;
}, 0);
return this._super(field, point, sum) + max * empty;
var LocusChainQualityStrategy = ChainQualityStrategy.extend({
getLocusPenalty : function (field) {
var max = this.getFinder().find(field);
switch (this.getTraverser().getLocus(max)) {
case Locus.CORNER: return 0;
case Locus.SIDE : return max.v() / 2;
case Locus.MIDDLE: return max.v();
evaluateRecursive : function (field, point, sum) {
return this._super(field, point, sum) - this.getLocusPenalty(field);
var GravityQualityStrategy = LocusChainQualityStrategy.extend({
getSnakeBonus : function (field) {
return field.forEach(function (i, j, v, b) {
return b + v * i;
}, 0);
evaluate : function (field) {
return this._super(field) + this.getSnakeBonus(field);
var SnakeQualityStrategy = Class.extend({
evaluate : function (field) {
var quality = 0;
var multiplier = 1;
for (var i = SIZE - 1; i < SIZE; ++i) {
var imod2 = i % 2;
for (var j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j) {
quality += field.getValue(i, imod2 ? j : 3 - j) * multiplier;
multiplier /= 1.5;
return quality;
var QualityMove = Class.extend({
__construct : function (direction, quality) {
this.direction = direction;
this.quality = quality;
getDirection : function () {
return this.direction;
getQuality : function () {
return this.quality;
var QualitySorter = Class.extend({
compare : function (m1, m2) {
return m1.getQuality() - m2.getQuality();
sort : function (qualityMoves) {
var BestMoveFinderContext = Class.extend({
__construct : function (qualityStrategy, mutator, qualitySorter) {
this.qualityStrategy = qualityStrategy;
this.mutator = mutator;
this.qualitySorter = qualitySorter;
getQualityStrategy : function () {
return this.qualityStrategy;
getMutator : function () {
return this.mutator;
getQualitySorter : function () {
return this.qualitySorter;
* interface MoveFinder {
* QualityMove find(Field field);
* }
var BestMoveFinder = Class.extend({
__construct : function (context) {
this.context = context;
find : function (field) {
var moves = [];
for (var directions = Direction.all(), d = 0; d < directions.length; ++d) {
var candidate = this.context.getMutator().move(field, directions[d]);
if (! candidate.equals(field)) {
var value = this.context.getQualityStrategy().evaluate(candidate);
moves.push(new QualityMove(directions[d], value));
return moves.pop();
var DeepMoveFinder = Class.extend({
__construct : function (context) {
this.bestMoveFinder = new BestMoveFinder(context);
this.mutator = context.getMutator();
this.qualitySorter = context.getQualitySorter();
this.opponentMoveIterator = new OpponentMoveIterator();
qualitySort : function (m1, m2) {
return m1.getQuality() - m2.getQuality();
find : function (field) {
var moves = [];
for (var directions = Direction.all(), d = 0; d < directions.length; ++d) {
var candidate = this.mutator.move(field, directions[d]);
if (! candidate.equals(field)) {
// List opponent's moves and find a best move for each of them.
// The worst of them is the quality of the candidate.
var opponentMoves = this.opponentMoveIterator.iterate(field);
var worstQuality = Infinity;
for (var om = 0; om < opponentMoves.length; ++om) {
var appliedCandidate = this.mutator.applyOpponentMove(candidate, opponentMoves[om]);
var bestQuality = this.bestMoveFinder.find(appliedCandidate).getQuality();
if (bestQuality < worstQuality) {
worstQuality = bestQuality;
moves.push(new QualityMove(directions[d], worstQuality));
return moves.pop();
* interface FinderFactory {
* MoveFinder produce(BestMoveFinderContext context);
* }
var BestMoveFinderFactory = Class.extend({
produce : function (context) {
return new BestMoveFinder(context);
var DeepMoveFinderFactory = Class.extend({
produce : function (context) {
return new DeepMoveFinder(context);
* interface Decider {
* // Return null iff no turns can be made.
* Direction? decide(Field field);
* }
var RandomDecider = Class.extend({
getRandomItem : function (array) {
return array[Math.floor(array.length * Math.random())];
decide : function (field) {
if (! field instanceof Field) {
throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be instance of Field in RandomDecider.decide()');
return this.getRandomItem(Direction.all());
var QualityDecider = Class.extend({
__construct : function (qualityStrategy, finderFactory) {
this.qualityStrategy = qualityStrategy;
this.finder = finderFactory.produce(new BestMoveFinderContext(qualityStrategy, new CachingMutator(), new QualitySorter()));
decide : function (field) {
var currentQuality = this.qualityStrategy.evaluate(field);
var bestMove = this.finder.find(field);
if (! bestMove) {
if (bestMove.getQuality() < currentQuality / 2) {
// return;
return bestMove.getDirection();
* interface Stopper {
* // Return true iff it's time to stop.
* boolean stop();
* }
var GameOverStopper = Class.extend({
stop : function () {
return document.getElementsByClassName('game-over').length ||
var Bot2048 = Class.extend({
__construct : function () {
this.fieldReader = new FieldReader();
this.keyboard = new Keyboard();
this.traverser = new Traverser();
this.decider = new QualityDecider(
new GravityQualityStrategy(
new MaximumFinder(new ValuePointRegistry())
new BestMoveFinderFactory()
this.stopper = new GameOverStopper();
turn : function () {
var field =;
var direction = this.decider.decide(field);
if (! direction) {
return false;
return ! this.stopper.stop();
run : function (interval) {
this.timeout = window.setTimeout(this.step.bind(this), interval);
step : function step() {
if (this.stopped) {
if (this.turn()) {;
start : function () {
this.stopped = false;;
stop : function () {
this.stopped = true;
test : function () {
var finder = new ChainsFinder(
new MaximumCollectionFinder(new ValuePointRegistry())
function (chain) {
return chain.getPoints().map(
function (point) {
return point.getCode();
return Bot2048;
var bot = new Bot2048();
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