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In the Zone

Omar Bahareth obahareth

In the Zone
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obahareth / gist:5a4259ac6beee853f8c2b592c8b865c1
Created February 4, 2025 19:51
"name": "Nord OLED",
"type": "dark",
"semanticHighlighting": true,
"colors": {
"focusBorder": "#3b4252",
"foreground": "#d8dee9",
"activityBar.background": "#000000",
"activityBar.dropBackground": "#000000",
"activityBar.foreground": "#d8dee9",
obahareth / convert_google_service_account_credentials_to_yml.rb
Created January 15, 2025 17:25
Converts service account credentials to YML for adding to Rails encrypted credentials in an easier way.
require "json"
require "yaml"
# Read the JSON key file
credentials_path = "path/to/file.json"
json_key = JSON.parse(
# Structure the data for Rails credentials
credentials = {
"gcs" => {
obahareth / #ChatGPT
Created May 13, 2023 22:43 — forked from alexrudall/#ChatGPT
ChatGPT streaming with ruby-openai, Rails 7, Hotwire, Turbostream, Sidekiq and Tailwind!

How to add ChatGPT streaming to your Ruby on Rails 7 app!

This guide will walk you through adding a ChatGPT-like messaging stream to your Ruby on Rails 7 app using ruby-openai, Rails 7, Hotwire, Turbostream, Sidekiq and Tailwind. All code included below!

Alt Text

First, add the ruby-openai gem! Needs to be at least version 4. Add Sidekiq too.

obahareth / Gemfile
Created August 28, 2022 09:06 — forked from czj/Gemfile
Outputting Rails app logs to via logstash
gem "lograge"
gem "logstash-event"
gem "logstash-logger"
obahareth / main.yaml
Created August 24, 2022 13:00 — forked from ArturT/main.yaml
GitHub Actions - how to run parallel tests in RSpec for Ruby on Rails project. See article how to run RSpec on GitHub Actions for Ruby on Rails app using parallel jobs or sign up at…
# .github/workflows/main.yaml
name: Main
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# If you need DB like PostgreSQL, Redis then define service below.
obahareth /
Created August 15, 2022 10:37 — forked from jackblk/
Tutorial on how to setup a squid proxy with authentication.


This tutorial is for Ubuntu & Squid3. Use AWS, Google cloud, Digital Ocean or any services with Ubuntu to follow this tutorial.

Install squid & update

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install squid3
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
obahareth /
Created August 15, 2022 06:31 — forked from drmalex07/
Wrap a docker container in a systemd service. #docker #systemd.service #systemd #cgroups


Suppose we want to wrap a container running a Redis instance as a service.

Override unit file for docker daemon

We must override the service unit file that ships with docker (under /lib/systemd/system) in order to pass some cgroup-related options to the docker daemon. So, following the usual method to override parts of a unit file, we create the file /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/10-service.conf with contents:

obahareth / faraday_ssl_example.rb
Created July 19, 2022 09:24
An example on how to configure Faraday for SSL using client certificates, a private key, and a certificate authority file. This can help if you're getting errors like: TypeError (wrong argument type String (expected OpenSSL/X509))
# Taken from
connection = 'https://host:443/ping', ssl: {
ca_file: 'config/credentials/ROOT_CA.cer',
obahareth /
Last active November 30, 2021 11:59
Extract Ruby on Rails enum values into a dictionary (represented by markdown tables).


Sometimes you have members from your data team who are looking at the database and have no idea what the enum integer values mean. This snippet of code helps to extract the readable names for those integers into markdown tables to help out your data team.

There are alternative approaches by using string enums via gems, or database enums, but this was made for an environment where those weren't an option (legacy enums, and no database enums available).

You could also put this into a Rake task and publish it into a wiki.


module RedisHashStore
extend self
class Entry
attr_reader :value
def initialize(value, expires_in:)
@value = value
@created_at =
@expires_in = expires_in