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Last active March 20, 2019 15:56
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OSCP Scripts
import os, sys, argparse, datetime
def scan(cmd, ip, dir, log, name, tool):
print("[%s / %s] %s starting...." % (ip, name, tool))
print("\tLog: %s" % log)
print("\tResults: %s" % dir)
print("[%s / %s] %s complete." % (ip, name, tool))
def main():
# binaries
_gobuster = "/root/go/bin/gobuster"
_eyewitness = "/usr/bin/eyewitness"
_whatweb = "/usr/bin/whatweb"
_nikto = "/usr/bin/nikto"
_valid_codes = "'200,204,301,307,405,500'"
_agent = "'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36'"
_date ='%Y%m%d')
# tool args
_gob_args = "-n -q -r -e -t 30 -k -s %s -a %s" % (_valid_codes, _agent)
_eye_args = "--web --threads 10 --no-prompt --results 20 --user-agent %s" % (_agent)
_nikto_args = "-Format txt -Save ."
# user arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--ip", dest="_ip")
args = parser.parse_args()
# whatweb scan
_ww_dir = "Enumeration/whatweb_%s.log" % _date
_ww_log = "Logs/whatweb_%s.log" % _date
_cmd = "%s --log-brief=%s %s > %s 2>&1" % (_whatweb, _ww_dir, args._ip, _ww_log)
scan(_cmd, args._ip, _ww_dir, _ww_log, "normal", _whatweb)
# nikto scan
_nikto_dir = "Enumeration/nikto_%s.log" % _date
_nikto_log = "Logs/nikto_%s.log" % _date
_cmd = "%s %s -host %s -output %s > %s 2>&1" % (_nikto, _nikto_args, args._ip, _nikto_dir, _nikto_log)
scan(_cmd, args._ip, _nikto_dir, _nikto_log, "normal", _nikto)
# first gobuster scan
_gob_dir = "Enumeration/gobuster_%s_%s.log" % ("fast", _date)
_gob_log="Logs/gobuster_fast_%s.log" % (_date)
_cmd = "%s %s -u %s -o %s -w %s > %s 2>&1" % (_gobuster, _gob_args, args._ip, _gob_dir, "/mnt/resources/WordLists/wordlist_small_20190319.log", _gob_log)
scan(_cmd, args._ip, _gob_dir, _gob_log, "fast", _gobuster)
# first eyewitness scan
_eye_dir = "Enumeration/eyewitness_%s_%s.log" % ("fast", _date)
_eye_log="Logs/eyewitness_fast_%s.log" % (_date)
_cmd = "%s %s -d %s -f %s > %s 2>&1" % (_eyewitness, _eye_args, _eye_log, _gob_dir, _eye_log)
scan(_cmd, args._ip, _eye_dir, _eye_log, "fast", _eyewitness)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os, sys, argparse, datetime
def scan(cmd, ip, name, dir, log):
print("[%s / %s] Nmap scan starting...." % (ip, name))
print("\tLog: %s" % log)
print("\tResults: %s" % dir)
print("[%s / %s] Nmap scan complete." % (ip, name))
def main():
_nmap = "/usr/bin/nmap"
_args = "-sT -T4 --open"
_date ='%Y%m%d')
_dir="Scanning/nmap_tcp_fast_%s" % (_date)
_log="Logs/nmap_tcp_fast_%s.log" % (_date)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--ip", dest="_ip")
args = parser.parse_args()
# first nmap scan
_cmd="%s %s --top-ports 25 -oA %s %s > %s 2>&1" % (_nmap, _args, _dir, args._ip, _log)
scan(_cmd, args._ip, "fast", _dir, _log)
# second nmap scan
_dir="Scanning/nmap_tcp_medium_%s" % (_date)
_log="Logs/nmap_tcp_medium_%s.log" % (_date)
_cmd="%s %s --top-ports 25 -vv -A -oA %s %s > %s 2>&1" % (_nmap, _args, _dir, args._ip, _log)
scan(_cmd, args._ip, "medium", _dir, _log)
# third nmap scan
_dir="Scanning/nmap_tcp_detailed_%s" % (_date)
_log="Logs/nmap_tcp_detailed_%s.log" % (_date)
_cmd="%s %s -p- -vvvv -A --script=default,vuln,discovery -oA %s %s > %s 2>&1" % (_nmap, _args, _dir, args._ip, _log)
scan(_cmd, args._ip, "detailed", _dir, _log)
if __name__ == "__main__":
/usr/bin/sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[mGK]//g" -i~ $1
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