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nodejs-websocket ( typings file
// Type definitions for nodejs-websocket
// Project:
// Definitions by: oboenikui <>
// Definitions:
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
declare module "nodejs-websocket" {
import tls = require('tls');
import net = require('net');
* Create a WebSocket server
* @param {Object} [options] will be passed to net.createServer() or tls.createServer(), with the additional property 'secure' (a boolean)
* @param {Function} callback will be added as 'connection' listener
* @returns {Server}
export function createServer(callback?: (conn: Connection) => void): Server;
export function createServer(options?: Object, callback?: (conn: Connection) => void): Server;
* Create a WebSocket client
* @param {string} URL with the format 'ws://localhost:8000/chat' (the port can be ommited)
* @param {Object} [options] will be passed to net.connect() or tls.connect()
* @param {Function} callback will be added as 'connect' listener
* @returns {Connection}
export function connect(URL: string, callback?: () => void): Connection;
export function connect(URL: string, options?: Object, callback?: () => void): Connection;
* Set the minimum size of a pack of binary data to send in a single frame
* @param {number} bytes
export function setBinaryFragmentation(bytes: number): void;
* Set the maximum size the internal Buffer can grow, to avoid memory attacks
* @param {number} bytes
export function setMaxBufferLength(bytes: number): void;
* The class that represents a websocket server, much like a HTTP server
interface Server {
* Creates a new ws server and starts listening for new connections
* @class
* @param {boolean} secure indicates if it should use tls
* @param {Object} [options] will be passed to net.createServer() or tls.createServer()
* @param {Function} [callback] will be added as "connection" listener
* @inherits EventEmitter
* @event listening
* @event close
* @event error an error object is passed
* @event connection a Connection object is passed
constructor(secure: boolean, callback?: (conn: Connection) => void);
constructor(secure: boolean, options?: Object, callback?: (conn: Connection) => void);
* Start listening for connections
* @param {number} port
* @param {string} [host]
* @param {Function} [callback] will be added as "connection" listener
listen(port: number, callback?: () => void): Server;
listen(port: number, host?: string, callback?: () => void): Server;
* Stops the server from accepting new connections and keeps existing connections.
* This function is asynchronous, the server is finally closed when all connections are ended and the server emits a 'close' event.
* The optional callback will be called once the 'close' event occurs.
* @param {function()} [callback]
close(callback?: () => void): void;
on(event: string, callback: Function);
socket: tls.Server;
connections: Connection[];
* The class that represents a connection, either a client-created (accepted by a nodejs ws server) or client connection. The websocket protocol has two types of data frames: text and binary. Text frames are implemented as simple send function and receive event. Binary frames are implemented as streams: when you receive binary data, you get a ReadableStream; to send binary data, you must ask for a WritableStream and write into it. The binary data will be divided into frames and be sent over the socket.
* You cannot send text data while sending binary data. If you try to do so, the connection will emit an "error" event
interface Connection {
* @param {(net.Socket|tls.CleartextStream)} socket a net or tls socket
* @param {(Server|{path:string,host:string})} parentOrUrl parent in case of server-side connection, url object in case of client-side
* @param {Function} [callback] will be added as a listener to 'connect'
* @inherits EventEmitter
* @event close the numeric code and string reason will be passed
* @event error an error object is passed
* @event text a string is passed
* @event binary a inStream object is passed
* @event pong a string is passed
* @event connect
constructor(socket: net.Socket | tls.ClearTextStream, parentOrUrl: Server | { path: string, host: string }, callback?: () => void)
* Send a given string to the other side
* @param {string} str
* @param {Function} [callback] will be executed when the data is finally written out
sendText(str: string, callback?: Function): boolean;
* Request for a OutStream to send binary data
* @returns {OutStream}
beginBinary(): boolean;
* Sends a binary buffer at once
* @param {Buffer} data
* @param {Function} [callback] will be executed when the data is finally written out
sendBinary(data: Buffer, callback?: Function): boolean;
* Sends a text or binary frame
* @param {string|Buffer} data
* @param {Function} [callback] will be executed when the data is finally written out
send(data: string | Buffer, callback?: Function): void;
* Sends a ping to the remote
* @param {string} [data=''] - optional ping data
* @fires pong when pong reply is received
sendPing(data?: string | Buffer): boolean;
* Close the connection, sending a close frame and waiting for response
* If the connection isn't OPEN, closes it without sending a close frame
* @param {number} [code]
* @param {string} [reason]
* @fires close
close(code?: number, reason?: string): void;
on(event: string, callback: Function);
socket: net.Socket | tls.ClearTextStream;
server?: Server;
readyState: number;
outStream?: OutStream;
path?: string;
headers: Object;
OPEN: number;
CLOSING: number;
CLOSED: number;
interface OutStream {
* @class Represents the writable stream for binary frames
* @param {Connection} connection
* @param {number} minSize
constructor(connection: Connection, minSize: number);
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I'm too tired to create a test file, so I can't become a contributor of DefinitelyTyped.

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