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Last active December 23, 2020 09:16
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import maya.api.OpenMaya as om2
def relative_matrix(matrix, old_com_matrix, new_com_matrix,
forwardVector=om2.MVector(1, 0, 0), upVector=om2.MVector(0, 1, 0)):
Returns a new modified matrix relatively matching a previous matrix.
matrix(om2.MMatrix): The matrix to modify.
old_com_matrix(om2.MMatrix): The previous center of mass matrix.
new_com_matrix(om2.MMatrix): The current center of mass matrix.
forwardVector(om2.MVector): The local forward direction of the center of mass node.
upVector(om2.MVector): A direction perpendicular to the facing plane. The default is world up.
o2.MMatrix: The relative matrix.
# Convert matrices to transforms, this allows us to get or set individual components of the matrix
new_com_transform = om2.MTransformationMatrix(new_com_matrix)
old_com_transform = om2.MTransformationMatrix(old_com_matrix)
# Apply relative translation to center of mass
offset_translation = old_com_transform.translation(om2.MSpace.kWorld) - new_com_transform.translation(om2.MSpace.kWorld)
new_com_transform.translateBy(offset_translation, om2.MSpace.kWorld)
def getFacing(matrix):
""" Returns the local facing direction of a matrix based on a forward and up vector. """
localForwardVector = forwardVector * matrix
return upVector ^ (upVector ^ localForwardVector) # ^ is the cross product operator
# Apply relative rotation to center of mass
offset_rotation = getFacing(new_com_matrix).rotateTo(getFacing(old_com_matrix))
new_com_transform.rotateBy(offset_rotation, om2.MSpace.kWorld)
# Get the offset from the center of mass to the new matrix
offset_matrix = matrix * new_com_matrix.inverse()
# Return the new center of mass position offset by with offset matrix
return offset_matrix * new_com_transform.asMatrix()
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