#The Long and Sad Story of an Attempted Upgrade to Rspec 3 with lessons for Webrat Outcasts
On a bright sunny day, with a sweeping view of beautiful Port Stephens, I made a terrible mistake. Instead of playing golf, swimming, or sitting in a local restaurant sipping a good wine from a nearby Hunter vineyard, I decided to upgrade to Rspec 3. I know, I know, but what true developer can refuse the opportunity to upgrade their tools when they have downtime?
Of course, I did fall for the siren call of an easy victory. The Relish upgrade instructions do say 'but our hope is to make this the smoothest major-version gem upgrade you've ever done'. I had recently done the Rails 4 upgrade, and that went pretty smoothly, so I thought that an Rspec 3 upgrade would be the perfect thing for a vacation hack. Moderately interesting but not stressful. It will only take me an hour or two. Little did I know...
My target app was The Golf Mentor. Thi