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Created April 15, 2015 17:58
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Base64 Padding in PowerShell
# define and encode test data
$TestString = 'This is a test. A short test for encoding and padding.'
$Encoded = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($TestString))
# insert random '='
$Length = $Encoded.Length
$RandomChar = 1..($Length - 3) | Get-Random
$Encoded = $Encoded.Insert($RandomChar,'=')
# strip out '='
$Stripped = $Encoded.Replace('=','')
# append appropriate padding
$ModulusValue = ($Stripped.length % 4)
Switch ($ModulusValue) {
'0' {$Padded = $Stripped}
'1' {$Padded = $Stripped.Substring(0,$Stripped.Length - 1)}
'2' {$Padded = $Stripped + ('=' * (4 - $ModulusValue))}
'3' {$Padded = $Stripped + ('=' * (4 - $ModulusValue))}
# base64 decode and output
$Decoded = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String($Padded))
Write-Output $Decoded
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This is magic! Thanks for putting this out here to help folks like me. :)
Can you explain why inserting and stripping out that "=" is needed?

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