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Last active March 3, 2025 08:56
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  • Save oca159/5124a22012b1887bbf2b6e2cc1f9e574 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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theme = catppuccin-mocha
adjust-cell-height = 10%
command = /bin/zsh -c "tmux new -A -s work"
copy-on-select = true
font-family = "TX-02"
font-size = 16
font-thicken = true
mouse-hide-while-typing = true
macos-option-as-alt = true
macos-titlebar-style = hidden
window-padding-y = 0
window-padding-x = 0
window-padding-color = extend
window-padding-balance = true
window-save-state = always
# To delete from the current position to the start of the line
keybind = super+backspace=esc:w
# TMUX integration considering that my leader key is ctrl + b
# Go to the N window in tmux in tmux it is Ctrl+b+number
keybind = super+one=text:\x02\x31
keybind = super+two=text:\x02\x32
keybind = super+three=text:\x02\x33
keybind = super+four=text:\x02\x34
keybind = super+five=text:\x02\x35
keybind = super+six=text:\x02\x36
keybind = super+seven=text:\x02\x37
keybind = super+eight=text:\x02\x38
keybind = super+nine=text:\x02\x39
# New tmux window on Cmd+t in tmux it is Ctrl+b+c
keybind = super+t=text:\x02\x63
# Close tmux pane on Cmd+w in tmux it is Ctrl+b+x (it is using a custom keybind in tmux to kill the pane)
keybind = super+w=text:\x02\x78
# Switch to a window using tmux-fzf on Cmd+p in tmux it is Ctrl+b+w
keybind = super+p=text:\x02\x77
# Rename a tmux window on Cmd+r in tmux it is Ctrl+b+,
keybind = super+r=text:\x02\x2c
# Go to the previous tmux window on Cmd+h in tmux it is Ctrl+b+p
keybind = super+h=text:\x02\x70
# Go to te next tmux window on Cmd+l in tmux it is Ctrl+b+n
keybind = super+l=text:\x02\x6e
# Split the window horizontally on Cmd+minus in tmux it is Ctrl+b+" (For me it is horizontal split but in tmux it is considered vertical split)
keybind = super+minus=text:\x02\x22
# Split the window vertically on Cmd+backslash in tmux it is Ctrl+b+% (For me it is vertical split but in tmux it is considered horizontal split)
# TODO: I want to change it Cmd+pipe but looks like ghostty doesn't support that key for now
keybind = super+backslash=text:\x02\x25
# Toggle pane zoom on Cmd+z in tmux it is Ctrl+b+z
keybind = super+z=text:\x02\x7a
# Move tmux window to left on Cmd+i in tmux it is M-i (alt+i it is a custom keybind)
keybind = super+i=text:\x1bi
#Move tmux window to right on Cmd+o in tmux it is M-o (alt+o it is a custom keybind)
keybind = super+o=text:\x1bo
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