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Surfing the open source wave

Dominik Schilling ocean90

Surfing the open source wave
View GitHub Profile
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 3.
ocean90 / phpcs.yml
Last active October 30, 2021 16:44
GitHub Action for running PHP_CodeSniffer on pull requests with annotations
name: PHP_CodeSniffer
on: pull_request
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
ocean90 / _assh
Last active March 16, 2017 20:14
#compdef assh
# -*- mode:sh; -*-
# Time-stamp: <Thu 2017-03-16 15:37 svarrette>
# Zsh completion for [assh](
# Copyright (c) 2017 Sebastien Varrette <[email protected]>
# Enable this completion file by adding somewhere in your zsh configuration (most
Extension: ico
wordpress => image/x-icon
apache => image/
Extension: asf
wordpress => video/x-ms-asf
apache => application/
Extension: avi
wordpress => video/avi
apache => video/x-msvideo
Extension: divx
Extension: avi
wordpress => video/avi
apache => video/x-msvideo
Extension: divx
wordpress => video/divx
apache =>
Extension: m4v
wordpress => video/mp4
ocean90 / _assh
Last active December 11, 2020 09:27
zsh completion for assh
#compdef assh
# assh autocompletion for oh-my-zsh
# Requires: assh installed
# Author: Dominik Schilling (@ocean90)
# Install:
# Copy the file to ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/assh/_assh and add assh to the plugins list in your ~/.zshrc file.
# Resources:
# for((i=100;i--;)); do php 21760.php; done
include __DIR__ . '/wp-load.php';
global $wpdb;
$memory = memory_get_usage();
$num_queries = $wpdb->num_queries;
$start = microtime( true );
get_term_by( 'slug', 'tag-117', 'post_tag' );
ocean90 / tree.txt
Created April 1, 2016 15:35
Tree of node_modules
├── JSONStream
│   ├── examples
│   └── test
│   ├── disabled
│   └── fixtures
├── abbrev
├── acorn
│   ├── bin
│   ├── dist
"themes": {
"generatepress": {
"theme": "generatepress",
"new_version": "1.3.28",
"url": "",
"package": "",
"translations": [
"type": "theme",
var oldThemesView = wp.themes.view.Themes;
wp.themes.view.Themes = oldThemesView.extend({
initialize: function() {
oldThemesView.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
this.stopListening( this.parent, 'theme:scroll' );