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oceanBT / create react app with docker without local
Last active June 25, 2024 09:35
create react app with docker without local nodejs
mkdir -p ~/project
cd  ~/project
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/app -w /app node  yarn create react-app my-app
sudo chown -R $USER:root my-app/
cd my-app
nano docker-compose.yml  # see docker-compose.yml below
docker compose up -d
oceanBT / chocolatey weekly update.xml
Last active February 6, 2022 15:35
chocolatey weekly auto update windows scheduler task
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<!--install: win+R -> taskschd.msc -> import this script -> enable "Run whether user is logged on or not" to hide the powershell window -->
<Task version="1.4" xmlns="">
<URI>\chocolatey weekly update</URI>
oceanBT /
Created February 12, 2021 19:35
useful software


sudo apt install jdupes


search fiesl in a that are also in b: jdupes -rI a b

oceanBT / tasmota installation on nodeMCU or sonoff (esp8266) and configure TH11 or TH22 (AM2302)
Last active January 31, 2021 21:50
tasmota installation on nodeMCU or sonoff (esp8266) and configure TH11 or TH22 (AM2302) Sensor
  1. connect hardware (USB, if necessary CH340G)
  2. flash tasmota firmware (install tasmotize via pip)
  3. configure (tasmotize - config: wifi + mqtt(ip and port of mqtt server))
  4. open webinterface of tasmota (IP see router)
  5. cofigure - cofigure module - template + activate: 6 . open web interface of tasmota
  6. if it is a ...
    1. ... a hardware where the sensors/switches/... are already hardwired to the esp8266: cofiguration -> cofigure module -> module type: select the hardware -> save.
    2. ... nodeMCU or similar board, where the pins of the 8266 can be used freely: cofiguration -> cofigure template -> name: any hardware name (e.g. "NodeMCU LoLin V3"), Based on: generic -> save -> configure module -> module type: select the just created name -> save
  7. in the modules now select the GPIO assignment, at ...
oceanBT / 1. Ubuntu Setup
Last active February 12, 2021 19:32
Ubuntu Setup
my ubuntu setup
oceanBT / secure delete devices.txt
Last active February 28, 2021 14:08
secure delete devices
1. find best device speed
sudo bash -c 'pv < /dev/urandom > /dev/mmcblk0'
2. override with bs from 1.
sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress bs=39M conv=fdatasync
3. format disk via UI (create partition, in any filesystem)
4. create random file on partition
oceanBT /
Created June 21, 2020 21:35
if ! [ -x "$(command -v jq)" ]; then
echo 'Error: jq is not installed.' >&2
exit 1
for image in $( docker images --format "{{.Repository}}")
for parameter in "$@"
oceanBT /
Created December 10, 2019 17:49
wifionice with docker

ICE-WIFI address collision

ICE-Wifi is using the same IP-address scope as the first docker-container (172.18...) so WIFI is not working. To change the docker defaults and remove the existing container-network follow these steps:

Config new default address pool

sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json




dash to panel -> taskleiste unten
sound input & output device chooser
Desktop Icons
Minimize to Tray
Volume Mixer
Window Is Ready - Notification Remover
#dynamic panle transparency
#no topleftcorner
oceanBT / .screenrc-main-example
Last active August 14, 2017 22:00 — forked from ChrisWills/.screenrc-main-example
A nice default screenrc
# GNU Screen - main configuration file
# All other .screenrc files will source this file to inherit settings.
# Author: Christian Wills - [email protected]
# Allow bold colors - necessary for some reason
attrcolor b ".I"
# Tell screen how to set colors. AB = background, AF=foreground
termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'