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Created January 31, 2014 18:28
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Update neighborhood subroutine in fortran
subroutine sample_updatenbh(innb_, inbh_, ennb_, enbh_, &
r_, species_, st_, it_, stat_)
integer, allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: innb_
integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: inbh_
integer, allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: ennb_
integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: enbh_
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: r_
integer, allocatable, dimension(:), intent(in) :: species_
type(sampleTraits), intent(in) :: st_
type(interactionTraits), intent(in) :: it_
integer, optional, intent(inout) :: stat_
double precision, dimension(3) :: dims = (/ st_ % w, st_ % l, st_ % h /)
double precision :: distance
integer :: inbhsize, enbhsize
itneger :: i, j, eid, iid
integer :: err = 0
if (present(stat_)) stat_ = 0
if (.not. allocated(r_) .or. .not. allocated(species_)) then
if (present(stat_)) stat_ = 1
end if
if (.not. allocated(innb_)) then
allocate(innb_(size(r_, dim=2)), stat=err)
if (err /= 0) then
print *, "***innb_: Allocation request denied"
if (present(stat_)) stat_ = 2
end if
end if
if (.not. allocated(ennb_)) then
allocate(ennb_(size(r_, dim=2)), stat=err)
if (err /= 0) then
print *, "***ennb_: Allocation request denied"
if (present(stat_)) stat_ = 2
end if
end if
ennb_ = 0
innb_ = 0
do i = 1, size(r_, dim=2), 1
do j = 1, size(r_, dim=2), 1
distance = helpers_distance(r_(:,i), r_(:,j), dims)
if (species_(i) == SP_ELECTRON .and. &
species_(j) == SP_ELECTRON) then
if (distance < it_ % eeCutOff) ennb_(i) = ennb_(i) + 1
else if (species_(i) == SP_ION .and. &
species_(j) == SP_ION) then
if (distance < it_ % iiCutOff) innb_(i) = innb_(i) + 1
if (distance < it_ % eiCutOff) then
if (species_(j) = SP_ELECTRON) ennb_(i) = ennb_(i) + 1
if (species_(j) = SP_ION) innb_(i) = innb_(i) + 1
end if
end if
end do
end do
if (.not. allocated(inbh_) .or. &
size(inbh_, dim=1) < maxval(innb_) .or. &
size(inbh_, dim=2) /= size(innb_, dim=1)) then
if (allocated(inbh_)) deallocate(inbh_, stat=err)
if (err /= 0) then
print *, "***inbh_: Deallocation request denied"
if (present(stat_)) stat_ = 3
end if
inbhsize = 2
do while (inbhsize < maxval(innb_))
inbhsize = inbhsize * 2
end do
allocate(inbh_(inbhsize, size(innb_, dim=1)), stat=err)
if (err /= 0) then
print *, "***inbh_: Allocation request denied"
if (present(stat_)) stat_ = 3
end if
end if
if (.not. allocated(enbh_) .or. &
size(enbh_, dim=1) < maxval(ennb_) .or. &
size(enbh_, dim=2) /= size(ennb_, dim=1)) then
if (allocated(enbh_)) deallocate(enbh_, stat=err)
if (err /= 0) then
print *, "***enbh_: Deallocation request denied"
if (present(stat_)) stat_ = 4
end if
enbhsize = 2
do while (enbhsize < maxval(ennb_))
enbhsize = enbhsize * 2
end do
allocate(enbh_(enbhsize, size(ennb_, dim=1)), stat=err)
if (err /= 0) then
print *, "***enbh_: Allocation request denied"
if (present(stat_)) stat_ = 4
end if
end if
do i = 1, size(r_, dim=2), 1
eid = 1
iid = 1
do j = 1, size(r_, dim=2), 1
distance = helpers_distance(r_(:,i), r_(:,j), dims)
if (species_(i) == SP_ELECTRON .and. &
species_(j) == SP_ELECTRON) then
if (distance < it_ % eeCutOff) then
enbh_(eid, i) = j
eid = eid + 1
end if
else if (species_(i) == SP_ION .and. &
species_(j) == SP_ION) then
if (distance < it_ % iiCutOff) then
inbh_(iid, i) = j
iid = iid + 1
end if
if (distance < it_ % eiCutOff) then
if (species_(j) = SP_ELECTRON) then
enbh_(eid, i) = j
eid = eid + 1
end if
if (species_(j) = SP_ION) then
inbh_(iid, i) = j
iid = iid + 1
end if
end if
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine sample_updatenbh
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