#!/usr/bin/env bash |
set -e |
cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" || exit |
SPACE_ORG="org.jetbrains.space" |
SPACE_TOKEN="<personal-token>" |
source .env |
if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
echo "You need to specify the issue (like PROJ-T-123)" |
exit 1 |
fi |
ISSUE="$1" |
FROM="2000-01-01T00%3A00%3A00.000Z" |
COMMENTS_FILE="$OUTDIR/comments.json" |
ISSUE_FILE="$OUTDIR/issue.json" |
ATTACHMENTS="$OUTDIR/attachments" |
mkdir -p "$OUTDIR" |
# Store the issue itself |
curl -s "https://$SPACE_ORG/api/http/issues?issueId=key:$ISSUE&\$fields=id,assignee(username),attachmentsCount,commentsCount,createdBy(name),creationTime,deletedBy(name),deletedTime,dueDate,number,status(name,resolved,archived),tags(name),title,attachments(details(id,filename,name,deletedIdentity)),customFields,description" \ |
-H "Authorization: Bearer $SPACE_TOKEN" \ |
-H 'Accept: application/json' | jq . > "$ISSUE_FILE" |
echo "Got issue.json for $ISSUE" |
TEMP_FILE=$(mktemp) |
# Initialize an empty array for all messages |
echo '[]' > "$TEMP_FILE" |
for ((i=0; i<MAX_ITERATIONS; i++)); do |
RESPONSE=$(curl -s "https://$SPACE_ORG/api/http/chats/messages?channel=issue:key:$ISSUE&startFromDate=$FROM&sorting=FromOldestToNewest&batchSize=50&\$fields=nextStartFromDate,messages(id,created,edited,text,time,author(name),details(className),attachments(details(id,filename,name,unfurl(details(tag(name),strikeThrough)))),reactions(emojiReactions(emoji,meReacted,count)))" \ |
-H "Authorization: Bearer $SPACE_TOKEN" \ |
-H 'Accept: application/json') |
# Extract messages from the response and add to the temporary file |
echo "$RESPONSE" | jq '.messages' | jq -s 'add' "$TEMP_FILE" - > "$TEMP_FILE.new" && mv "$TEMP_FILE.new" "$TEMP_FILE" |
LENGTH=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq '.messages | length') |
echo "Got $LENGTH messages in query $((i+1))" |
if [[ "$LENGTH" != 50 ]]; then |
break |
fi |
if [[ $i -eq $((MAX_ITERATIONS-1)) ]]; then |
rm "$TEMP_FILE" |
exit 1 |
fi |
FROM=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.nextStartFromDate.iso') |
done |
# Wrap the final array in an object |
jq '{ messages: . }' "$TEMP_FILE" > "$COMMENTS_FILE" |
rm "$TEMP_FILE" |
LENGTH=$(jq '.messages | length' < "$COMMENTS_FILE") |
echo "All $LENGTH messages have been concatenated into 'comments.json'" |
# loading the issue attachments |
LIST=$(jq -r 'select(.attachments | length > 0).attachments[].details | select(.className != "UnfurlAttachment") | [ .className, .id, .name+.filename ] | @csv' < "$ISSUE_FILE") |
echo "$LIST" | while IFS=',' read -r TYPE ID NAME |
do |
TYPE=$(echo $TYPE | tr -d '"') |
ID=$(echo $ID | tr -d '"') |
NAME=$(echo $NAME | tr -d '"') |
# Skip empty lines |
[ -z "$TYPE" ] && continue |
[ "$TYPE" = "DeletedAttachment" ] && continue |
# skip existing attachments |
if [ -f "$ATTACHMENTS/$ID/$NAME" ]; then |
echo "Skipping existing \"$NAME\" ($ID / $TYPE)" |
continue |
fi |
# Print the extracted values |
mkdir -p "$ATTACHMENTS/$ID" |
echo "Downloading \"$NAME\" ($ID / $TYPE)" |
curl -s -L "https://$SPACE_ORG/d/$ID?f=0&download=true" -H "Authorization: Bearer $SPACE_TOKEN" -o "$ATTACHMENTS/$ID/$NAME" |
done |
# loading the comment attachments |
LIST=$(jq -r '.messages[] | select(.attachments | length > 0).attachments[].details | select(.className != "UnfurlAttachment") | [ .className, .id, .name+.filename ] | @csv' < "$COMMENTS_FILE") |
echo "$LIST" | while IFS=',' read -r TYPE ID NAME |
do |
TYPE=$(echo $TYPE | tr -d '"') |
ID=$(echo $ID | tr -d '"') |
NAME=$(echo $NAME | tr -d '"') |
# Skip empty lines |
[ -z "$TYPE" ] && continue |
[ "$TYPE" = "DeletedAttachment" ] && continue |
# skip existing attachments |
if [ -f "$ATTACHMENTS/$ID/$NAME" ]; then |
echo "Skipping existing \"$NAME\" ($ID / $TYPE)" |
continue |
fi |
# Print the extracted values |
mkdir -p "$ATTACHMENTS/$ID" |
echo "Downloading \"$NAME\" ($ID / $TYPE)" |
curl -s -L "https://$SPACE_ORG/d/$ID?f=0&download=true" -H "Authorization: Bearer $SPACE_TOKEN" -o "$ATTACHMENTS/$ID/$NAME" |
done |
thank you! also, im not sure why, but in some cases, the log says "Skipping Deleted issue: .." even when that issue is not Deleted, and the folder for it is created and exported normally. When the issue really is Deleted, its treated the same way, ie, its not being skipped.