This is the table
Priority | Data | Behavior |
0 | 2+ EPIs with different PE but common IntendedFor under fmap/ |
1 | 1+ EPIs with common PE and IntendedFor under fmap/ with 1+ target in IntendedFor with different PE. |
2 | 2+ EPIs with different PE but no IntendedFor under fmap/ |
Expand IntendedFor to all targets and apply 0? |
3 | 1+ EPIs with common PE and no IntendedFor under fmap/ with 1+ target with different PE. |
Expand IntendedFor to all targets and apply 1? |
4 | Targets have several different PEs |
5 | Fieldmap images with IntendedFor . Priority of fieldmaps: _fieldmap , _phasediff , _phase{1,2} . |
Apply fieldmap regularization and conversion to Hz workflow |
6 | No data under fmap/ and targets do not have several PEs |
Fieldmap-less solutions |