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Created September 20, 2013 22:59
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dim = 3
norm = np.random.normal
normal_deviates = norm(size=(dim, N))
radius = np.sqrt((normal_deviates**2).sum(axis=0))
points = normal_deviates/radius
points = points.reshape(-1,3)
t = np.array( [ 0.0, 0.5, 0.5 ] )
c = np.array( [ 10, 10, 10 ] )
grid = np.mgrid[int( -0.5*imshape[0] ):int( 0.5*imshape[0]),int( -0.5*imshape[1] ):int( 0.5*imshape[1]),int( -0.5*imshape[2] ):int( 0.5*imshape[2]) ]
#x = np.linspace(int( -0.5*imshape[0] ), int( 0.5*imshape[0] ), imshape[0] ).astype(int)
#y = np.linspace(int( -0.5*imshape[1] ), int( 0.5*imshape[1] ), imshape[1] ).astype(int)
#z = np.linspace(int( -0.5*imshape[2] ), int( 0.5*imshape[2] ), imshape[2] ).astype(int)
#x1 = np.unique( ( x*m[0] + cmass[0] ).astype(int) )
#y1 = np.unique( ( y*m[1] + cmass[1] ).astype(int) )
#z1 = np.unique( ( z*m[2] + cmass[2] ).astype(int) )
p = c + t
a = np.array( [ (c[0],c[1]), (p[0], p[1]) ] )
b = np.array( [ c[2], p[2] ] )
print np.linalg.lstsq( a, b )
t = grid * m[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] + c[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]
#tvals = zip(*(x.flat for x in t))
#ray[] = 1
#raysfile = op.join( sim_dir, 'template/rays.nii.gz' ) nib.Nifti1Image( ray, bmaskimg.get_affine(), bmaskimg.get_header() ), raysfile )
places = np.where(t==grid, 1, 0)
z = places[0] * places[1]
print np.shape(places)
print np.shape(z)
raysfile = op.join( sim_dir, 'template/rays.nii.gz' ) nib.Nifti1Image( z.astype(uint8), bmaskimg.get_affine() ), raysfile )
spots = np.zeros( shape=bmask.shape )
for cidx in saveidx:
spots[cidx] = 1 nib.Nifti1Image( spots, bmaskimg.get_affine(), bmaskimg.get_header() ), fixedskullspotsfile )
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