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Created February 22, 2012 07:16
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Undersaturated Oil Reservoir IPR using Vogel's method based on test points -
# importing modules
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # plotting
import numpy as np # numerical array
# Undersaturated Oil Reservoir
### Known data ###
# Reservoir
P_res = 5500.0 # Reservoir Pressure [psia]
P_bp = 3000.0 # Bubble Point Pressure [psia]
# Tested Data
# Well A
P_wfAt = 4000.0 # Tested flowing bottom-hole pressure in Well A [psia]
q_At = 300.0 # Tested production rate from Well A [psia]
# Well B
P_wfBt = 2000.0 # Tested flowing bottom-hole pressure in Well B [psia]
q_Bt = 900.0 # Tested production rate from Well B [psia]
# Construct IPR using generalized Vogel method
### Calculation and Plotting ###
# Well A
# Tested flowing bottom-hole pressure in Well A
# bigger than Bubble Point Pressure
J_A = q_At / (P_res - P_wfAt) # Productivity Index Well A [STB/(day.psia)]
q_vA = J_A * P_bp / 1.8 # [STB/day]
q_bA = J_A * (P_res - P_bp) # [STB/day]
# Well B
# Tested flowing bottom-hole pressure in Well B
# lower than Bubble Point Pressure
# Productivity Index Well B [STB/(day.psia)] J_B
J_B = q_Bt/((P_res-P_bp)+(P_bp/1.8)*(1-0.2*(P_wfBt/P_bp)-0.8*(P_wfBt/P_bp)**2))
q_vB = J_B * P_bp / 1.8 # [STB/day]
q_bB = J_B * (P_res - P_bp) # [STB/day]
## Equation to calculate q in Well A and Well B
# Equation for P_wf <= P_bp
def q_bBHP(P_wf, q_v, q_b):
return q_b + q_v * ( 1 - 0.2*(P_wf/P_bp) - 0.8*(P_wf/P_bp)**2)
# Equation for P_wf > P_bp
def q_uBHP(P_wf, J):
return J * (P_res - P_wf)
# Generate bottom-hole pressure dataset for calculated points
P_wf = np.arange(0, 5500.05, 0.05) # 110001 dataset [0, 0.05, ..., 5500]
#print len(P_wf)
#P_wf = np.arange(0, 6000., 500.)
# Separate the dataset
x1 = P_wf[P_wf < 3000] # P_wf <= 3000 psia
x2 = P_wf[P_wf >= 3000] # P_wf > 3000 psia
# Calculating q for each dataset in Well A and Well B
y1A = q_bBHP(x1, q_vA, q_bA) # q_A for P_wf <= 3000 psia
y2A = q_uBHP(x2, J_A) # q_A for P_wf > 3000 psia
y1B = q_bBHP(x1, q_vB, q_bB) # q_B for P_wf <= 3000 psia
y2B = q_uBHP(x2, J_B) # q_B for P_wf > 3000 psia
# Point each step in 500
x1p = x1[::10000.]
x2p = x2[::10000.]
y1Ap = y1A[::10000.]
y2Ap = y2A[::10000.]
y1Bp = y1B[::10000.]
y2Bp = y2B[::10000.]
# Plotting IPR Curve
# Well A IPR Curve
plt.title('Inflow Performance Relationship for Well A')
plt.plot(y1A, x1, y2A, x2, y1Ap, x1p, 'ro', y2Ap, x2p, 'ro', y2A[0], x2[0], 'r*')
plt.vlines(y2A[0], 0, x2[0], linestyles='dashed')
plt.hlines(x2[0], 0, y2A[0], linestyles='dashed')
plt.xlabel('Oil Production Rate q(stb/day)')
plt.ylabel('Bottom-Hole Pressure p_wf(psia)')
ps = 'q ; p_wf = p_b'
plt.annotate(ps, xy=(y2A[0],x2[0]), xycoords='data', xytext=(200, 90),
textcoords='offset points',
arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05, width=1),
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top')
plt.legend(('q ; p_wf < 3000 psi', 'q ; p_wf >= 3000 psi'),
'upper right', shadow=True)
# Well B IPR Curve
plt.title('Inflow Performance Relationship for Well B')
plt.plot(y1B, x1, y2B, x2, y1Bp, x1p, 'ro', y2Bp, x2p, 'ro', y2B[0], x2[0], 'r*')
plt.vlines(y2B[0], 0, x2[0], linestyles='dashed')
plt.hlines(x2[0], 0, y2B[0], linestyles='dashed')
plt.xlabel('Oil Production Rate q(stb/day)')
plt.ylabel('Bottom-Hole Pressure p_wf(psia)')
ps = 'q ; p_wf = p_b'
plt.annotate(ps, xy=(y2B[0],x2[0]), xycoords='data', xytext=(200, 90),
textcoords='offset points',
arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05, width=1),
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top')
plt.legend(('q ; p_wf < 3000 psi', 'q ; p_wf >= 3000 psi'),
'upper right', shadow=True)
# Comparison between Well A and B
yA = y1A.tolist() + y2A.tolist()
yB = y1B.tolist() + y2B.tolist()
plt.title('IPR Comparison Between Well A and Well B')
plt.plot(yA, P_wf, 'b', yB, P_wf, 'g')
plt.legend(('Well A', 'Well B'),
'upper right', shadow=True)
plt.xlabel('Oil Production Rate q(stb/day)')
plt.ylabel('Bottom-Hole Pressure p_wf(psia)')
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