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Created November 18, 2017 23:17
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'body': 'When it makes the news.',
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'body': 'Wrong Woody, pal.',
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'body': "There's actually little to no evidence, which is why he was never "
"prosecuted. I'd recommend reading "
' '
'for a different opinion.',
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'body': 'Read the Wikipedia article on it. ',
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'body': 'The vanity article is concise and makes verifiable assertions, this '
'piece is long winded and has surprisingly little substance.\n'
' \n'
"The arugments are so reaching... like asserting that Allen couldn't "
'have molested her in the attic due to his clausterphobia.\n'
' \n'
'I find it interesting how he never speculates why, as an adult, '
'Dylan with everything to lose and nothing to gain, would go public '
'with her claims of sexual abuse, if she was in fact coached by her '
'mother to provide false testimony.\n'
' \n'
'I find it strange half the article is about Soon-Yi, why confuse '
'things with two separate issues? It feels as though the author is '
"conveying well X rumors werent true, that must mean Y wasn't true "
' \n'
' \n'
"A lot of the vanity fair article points aren't addressed such as "
'the Judge calling Allen\'s actions "grossly inappropriate and that '
'measures must be taken to protect her.”',
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'body': 'Wikipedia:\n'
' \n'
' \n'
">In September 1993, the state's attorney, Frank Maco, announced "
"he wouldn't be pursuing Allen in court for the molestation "
'allegations, despite having "probable cause", citing his and '
"Farrow's desire not to traumatize Dylan further. ",
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'body': 'Goddamit.\n'
"Now I'm gonna have to read the articles instead of just reading the "
'comments. ',
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'body': '>This piece is long winded and has surprisingly little '
'Holy shit you were *not* kidding.',
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'body': '>The vanity article is concise and makes verifiable assertions, '
'this piece is long winded and has surprisingly little substance.\n'
"The Vanity Fair article is based primarily on people's opinions, "
"and doesn't tell the full story (it conveniently fails to mention "
'that Mia refused to take a polygraph test at all, also fails to '
'mention the people who originally claimed to have seen Dylan leave '
'with Woody for an extended period of time and that she was later '
'missing her underwear recanted their story, saying that Mia '
"pressured them into lying)'\n"
'>The arugments are so reaching... like asserting that Allen '
"couldn't have molested her in the attic due to his clausterphobia.\n"
"The article I posted never tries to argue that it didn't happen, "
"but that there's enough reason to doubt the allegations.\n"
'>I find it interesting how he never speculates why, as an adult, '
'Dylan with everything to lose and nothing to gain, would go public '
'with her claims of sexual abuse, if she was in fact coached by her '
'mother to provide false testimony.\n'
"It's been shown that false childhood memories can be implanted into "
"people's heads "
'(, '
'and that people can misremember things drastically. It could '
"possibly be that she's not lying, she's just misremembering things, "
"or remembering things that didn't happen.\n"
'>I find it strange half the article is about Soon-Yi, why '
'confuse things with two separate issues? It feels as though the '
'author is conveying well X rumors werent true, that must mean Y '
"wasn't true either.\n"
"The author never tries to claim any of this as proof that it didn't "
"happen. In fact, he's calling out people who try to use their "
'misunderstandings of events as proof that it did happen, and '
'correcting these misunderstandings at the same time.\n'
">A lot of the vanity fair article points aren't addressed such "
'as the Judge calling Allen\'s actions "grossly inappropriate and '
'that measures must be taken to protect her.”\n'
"While he doesn't go point by point, he does mention the article and "
"does bring the source's reliability into question.\n"
'It would seem to me that you did fully read the article I posted, '
'which I would suggest you do.',
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'body': 'Did you read the rest of it?',
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'body': 'Such a messy case, I wish the claims had actually gone to court, so '
'the answers would be clearer',
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'body': "I just feel sorry for Dylan, as she's definitely a victim, the "
"question is just if she's the victim of a sexual abusive father or "
'a psychologically and emotionally abusive and manipulative mother. '
"Unfortunately, we'll probably never know the truth unless either "
"Woody or Mia admits to lying, which I don't see happening.",
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'body': 'Maybe even both? Perhaps Woody waa being slightly pervy and Mia saw '
'it as an opportunity and had her exaggerate it. So much is '
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"to take it to trail if they didn't think it could constitute "
'probable cause with a jury',
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'body': "In response to a comment regarding the state's attorney deciding "
'not to press charges despite having probable cause, you replied '
'"attorneys don\'t determine probable cause." I responded that '
'certain attorneys do in fact determine whether probable cause '
"exists, namely state's attorneys. Does that clear up the confusion?",
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'body': 'Care some more lol',
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'body': 'It’s a paranoid tinfoil thought, but I’m wondering if the way '
'certain people are being outed as sexual abusers & harassers '
'are being chosen like sacrificial lambs. Get rid of some liberal '
'assholes or peoples who pissed off the wrong executive. Let people '
'think for a minute that things are changing, use all this as a '
'distraction. Then when the wind shifts, people will forget to look '
'too close at sexual abuse and violence again. Play the narrative we '
'are getting better while the people who have money and power can '
'continue as they always have. \n'
'It’s only popular but mid rage people who are getting accused, not '
'directors like Polański and Allen who are still getting work '
'besides their shady as fuck history. Why aren’t we hearing about '
'other older actors or musicians who have abused women? \n'
'[We’ve been here '
'before]( '
'This is an old narrative. Sure, I want this conversation, and I am '
'glad some are being faced with consequences. I just suspect after a '
'month we will move on, and in time forget because the powers that '
'be don’t really want change. This is just cultural theater. ',
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'body': 'The right people need to take the evidence to the right type of '
'police, not the fbi that is for sure. ',
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'body': 'I think he *is* slightly pervy. That’s pretty obvious. ',
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'body': 'He has been on my "not one red cent from me"^* list for almost 2 '
'decades. There is not much more I can do.\n'
'^* Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Bill Cosby, Clint Eastwood, Roman '
'Polanski, Orson Scott Card, etc. ',
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'body': 'I care :(',
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'body': 'honestly curious about gibson and eastwood? was gibson the racist '
'rant? what has eastwood done?',
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'body': 'Gibson is for his anti-semtisim and Opus Dei Catholicism which I '
'find offensive. Eastwood is for his politics and in particular his '
'crusade against the Americans with Disabilities Act while he was a '
'mayor, the policies of which are set to go nation wide if congress '
'can pass their proposed ADA revisions. ',
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'body': 'ah alright, was curious thanks! ',
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'body': "Eastwood's politics are a bit complicated. There are a few ugly "
"things he backs, but he's also anti-war, backed same-sex marriage "
"long ago, and in favor of gun control. He's kind of a Hollywood "
"Republican - a bit more of a libertarian, I guess. Lately, he's "
'been prone to some pretty cringe-worthy old man kind of statements '
"too (dude's almost 90), but I tend to put him a step above the "
"others on the list... which still isn't great.",
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'body': "Maybe you. I've been boycotting Woody Allen all my life, though it "
'might have more to do with his films being trite, repetitive, and '
'ultimately just dull. ',
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'body': 'Perhaps Woody Allen was pervy lol',
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'body': 'But what would be the mechanics of that? Who out there is '
'controlling whether victims (who could be anyone) contact the '
'press? And how?',
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'body': "As we've been seeing recently, child predators and sexual predators "
"are serial offenders. They can't help themselves.\n"
'Woody is about 80 years old now, and no other woman has come '
'forward to say he molested them ass a child or adult.\n'
'On the other hand, Mia Farrow is an obvious loon (adopting about 15 '
'kids) who was deeply humiliated when Woody took up with one of the '
'adoptees (They never married nor lived together, so his current '
'wife was never his step daughter.\n'
'The girl only "remembered" the molestation after the breakup, and I '
'believe was a well coached by Mia.\n'
'Also, she said recently that Ronan Farrow was really result of her '
'cheating on Woody with her ex Frank Sinatra. Ronan looks more and '
'more like Frank as he ages, yet Mia forced Woody to pay child '
'support and college expenses.\n'
' ',
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'body': 'Harvey Weinstein was not mid range, he was definitely a power '
'house. Helped for miramax. And Kevin Spacey was a pretty big name.',
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'body': 'I usually think boycotting celebrities is silly but yeah, this one '
'definitely fucking fits. Boycott forever. ',
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'body': 'I will admit that it does usually feel like a useless gesture but '
'saying "I haven\'t seen a Tom Cruise movie since Minority Report" '
"or the earlier question in this thread about why I won't see a "
'Clint Eastwood movie ("Unforgiven" was the last I\'ve seen) is '
'sometimes a good opener for discussion. I also like hear other '
'people\'s "will not support" lists and their explanations. It is '
'how I learned that I will never do anything that supports Orson '
'Scott Card for example.',
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'body': 'I mean, Roman Polanski still has an arrest warrant out, if he '
"enters the US he's going to jail. ",
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'body': "Key point here - he's almost 90.\n"
'That shapes quite a bit of your opinions based on life experiences.',
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'body': "I'm just realising he's still alive. I was sure he died a few years "
'ago. ',
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'body': "I feel you on Orson Scott Card. I enjoyed Ender's Game when I was "
'younger, tried reading a new novel by him and it was a libertarian '
' \n'
'Disney is on my no support list, which is hard for some people to '
'wrap their heads around. Disney is so good at being a company that '
'they are breaking capitalism, also they ship hundreds to thousands '
'of high skilled jobs overseas while making record profits, royally '
'fucked our copyright laws, and at least half a dozen things I know '
'about and who knows what else.',
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'body': 'Yet Roman Polanski was ostracized for decades. Why did this thing '
'get away with it?',
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'body': "Let me know what you think, having read both articles I'm curious "
'to know how others interpret the situation. ',
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'body': "That's how it is with anything though. People start getting fired "
'up about something so you feed them some crumbs to keep them '
'placated. Been the strategy of power systems since the fucking dawn '
"civilization lol. But it's much more prominent in today's "
"democratic world because it's much more subtle than just executing "
'anyone who disagrees with you. ',
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'body': '\n'
">Now I'm gonna have to read the articles instead of just reading "
'the comments. \n'
'Get the fuck off this website kiddo',
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'body': "I'm curious, who else is on your list? I don't disagree with you on "
'any of the people you named. ',
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'body': "Doesn't matter to me honestly. I don't have to love everything "
'about the person making the media to enjoy the media.\n'
"What's your beef with Card other than him being against LGBT a few "
'decades ago and then changing his position?',
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'body': 'The Rampart ',
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'body': 'I did say it was tinfoil. The thing that sticks out as weird is how '
'this was known for decades and suddenly he swings. Spacey the same. '
'People who knew and worked with/for these guys knew, the people who '
'hired and has them make and produce for decades had to have some '
'idea, especially Weinstein. So What changed?\n'
'I don’t know and i probably never will. Just… whole thing is weird ',
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'body': "He's a creep but probably not a child molester. I could be wrong "
"though, neither article was 100% convincing and I don't care enough "
'about it to research it more. I might be a bit biased though as I '
'would rather believe that people are more likely to coach children '
'for revenge than to molest them. ',
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'body': '> Ronan Farrow \n\nGood comparison here:\n',
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'body': 'Woody Allen was investigated by two different agencies and '
'exonerated by both of them. \n'
'>The state Department of Social Services informed Mr. Allen in a '
'letter dated Oct. 7 that it had closed the 14-month-old '
'investigation. "No credible evidence was found that the child named '
'in this report has been abused or maltreated," the letter said. '
'"This report has, therefore, been considered unfounded."\n'
'the latest milestone came seven months after the finding by a team '
'of child abuse investigators at Yale-New Haven Hospital that no '
'molestation took place.\n'
"Dylan's brother Moses also has defended Allen and said that Dylan "
'was coached into making accusations.\n'
"So it doesn't seem to be an open and shut case as you say it is.",
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'body': 'Thanks for that link. Pretty devastating lookalike to Frank. I '
"don't think Frank was much of a daddy type. Ronan was born in 1987 "
"and Frank died in 1998, so Mia's spitefulness (she made the claim "
"Frank was probably Ronan's dad, after all) cheated Frank of having "
'the delight of a young son in the last 11 years of his life -- '
'though again, my only image is of him is partying in Las Vegas so '
'that he might have viewed then kid as a hindrance ... and a '
'financial strain.\n'
"Still, I've read Ronan refuses to take a DNA test.\n"
"It's for sure Woodys not leaving him a nickel. Very short foresight "
'on step daughter who renewed peso charges against Woody, who will '
'leave all to current wive and their kids.\n'
"Mia, with 15 kids, won't be leaving much to each one. When is the "
'last time she worked? Classic example of "not being able to move '
"She's defined her life as woman wronged by Woody, who's gone on to "
'direct one genius film after another that are going to produce a '
'tidy stream of revenue for decades.',
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'body': "I'm really surprised those Hillary tapes haven't been dredged up "
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'body': 'ADA allows some extremely predatory money grabs against '
'businesses. \n'
"It's usually lawyers with disabilities that go to restaurants then "
'sue them and settle out of court for minor access issues such as '
'missing signs, counters 1 inch too high, etc. Many businesses end '
'up shutting down as a result.\n'
'Eastwood successfully defended his resort stating the plaintiff '
'never actually attempted to use the property.\n'
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'body': 'I suggest adding Scott Adams. ',
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'body': 'The other side of the coin huh.\n\nThanks man.',
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'body': 'Actually you are 100% right, now that you mention it the whole '
'thing is super suspicious. Political theater maybe?',
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'body': 'Anytime the benefits of outing an offender outweigh the costs '
'(including risk) for the majority of individuals with the power to '
'do so, the perpetrator will be outed.\n'
"It's rational self interest, and it's no different from anything "
'else. It will always be this way. It takes a few generations '
'sometimes for the shit to get filtered out of the water.',
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'body': 'wikipedia is not a good place for learning about controversial '
'subjects, especially when there are people out there with a strong '
'interest in making it seem like they are not guilty.',
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'body': ">The article I posted never tries to argue that it didn't "
"happen, but that there's enough reason to doubt the allegations.\n"
'claustrophobia is not a good reason to doubt that it happens. '
"saying that they 'are just trying to give reason to doubt that it "
"happens' is just an excuse for poor evidence. It makes a weak "
"argument and you can say, 'well it's not try to *prove* it didn't "
"happen, it's just putting it out there'. Well if it's just a bunch "
"of fluff it's better to not put it out there and confuse the "
'situation further. ',
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{'approved_at_utc': None,
'author': 'Kyrias',
'author_flair_css_class': None,
'author_flair_text': None,
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'body': 'With that justification what is a good source?',
'can_mod_post': False,
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'created_utc': 1511034603,
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'edited': False,
'id': 'dq0jw5m',
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'body': "well probably something that can't be edited by about anybody. I "
'suppose ideally you should use multiple sources, you probably just '
"shouldn't take Wikipedia at it's word, even if it sounds "
'People unfamiliar with the details of how Wikipedia articles are '
'written often seem to overestimate the websites impartiality and '
'thoroughness. \n'
'You can see for yourself by looking at the talk page, where there '
'has been a pretty recent heated discussion on the subject, or by '
'looking at the edit history, where a majority of edits for quite '
'some time have been in some way related to these allegations. ',
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'author': 'Kyrias',
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'body': 'However, Wikipedia makes an attempt to remain objective and '
'impartial. The editors are often very passionate about their '
'work. \n'
"You can't say that about most publications these days.",
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