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# Atom Beautify - Debugging information
The following debugging information was generated by `Atom Beautify` on `Sun Jan 08 2017 17:58:38 GMT-0500 (EST)`.
## Table Of Contents
- [Versions](#versions)
- [Original file to be beautified](#original-file-to-be-beautified)
- [Original File Contents](#original-file-contents)
- [Package Settings](#package-settings)
- [Beautification options](#beautification-options)
- [Final Options](#final-options)
- [Results](#results)
- [Logs](#logs)
**Platform**: darwin
## Versions
**Atom Version**: 1.13.0-beta8
**Atom Beautify Version**: 0.29.16
## Original file to be beautified
**Original File Path**: `/Users/brandonpowell/sites/valet/wordpress-development/web/app/themes/sage-8.5.0/assets/scripts/jquery.cycle2.js`
**Original File Grammar**: JavaScript
**Original File Language**: JavaScript
**Language namespace**: js
**Supported Beautifiers**: JS Beautify, JSCS Fixer, Pretty Diff
**Selected Beautifier**: JS Beautify
### Original File Contents
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
* jQuery Cycle2; version: 2.1.6 build: 20141007
* Copyright (c) 2014 M. Alsup; Dual licensed: MIT/GPL
! function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(a) {
return (a || "").toLowerCase()
var c = "2.1.6";
a.fn.cycle = function(c) {
var d;
return 0 !== this.length || a.isReady ? this.each(function() {
var d, e, f, g, h = a(this),
i = a.fn.cycle.log;
if (!"cycle.opts")) {
("cycle-log") === !1 || c && c.log === !1 || e && e.log === !1) && (i = a.noop), i("--c2 init--"), d =;
for (var j in d) d.hasOwnProperty(j) && /^cycle[A-Z]+/.test(j) && (g = d[j], f = j.match(/^cycle(.*)/)[1].replace(/^[A-Z]/, b), i(f + ":", g, "(" + typeof g + ")"), d[f] = g);
e = a.extend({}, a.fn.cycle.defaults, d, c || {}), e.timeoutId = 0, e.paused = e.paused || !1, e.container = h, e._maxZ = e.maxZ, e.API = a.extend({
_container: h
}, a.fn.cycle.API), e.API.log = i, e.API.trigger = function(a, b) {
return e.container.trigger(a, b), e.API
},"cycle.opts", e),"cycle.API", e.API), e.API.trigger("cycle-bootstrap", [e, e.API]), e.API.addInitialSlides(), e.API.preInitSlideshow(), e.slides.length && e.API.initSlideshow()
}) : (d = {
s: this.selector,
c: this.context
}, a.fn.cycle.log("requeuing slideshow (dom not ready)"), a(function() {
a(d.s, d.c).cycle(c)
}), this)
}, a.fn.cycle.API = {
opts: function() {
addInitialSlides: function() {
var b = this.opts(),
c = b.slides;
b.slideCount = 0, b.slides = a(), c = c.jquery ? c : b.container.find(c), b.random && c.sort(function() {
return Math.random() - .5
}), b.API.add(c)
preInitSlideshow: function() {
var b = this.opts();
b.API.trigger("cycle-pre-initialize", [b]);
var c = a.fn.cycle.transitions[b.fx];
c && a.isFunction(c.preInit) && c.preInit(b), b._preInitialized = !0
postInitSlideshow: function() {
var b = this.opts();
b.API.trigger("cycle-post-initialize", [b]);
var c = a.fn.cycle.transitions[b.fx];
c && a.isFunction(c.postInit) && c.postInit(b)
initSlideshow: function() {
var b, c = this.opts(),
d = c.container;
c.API.calcFirstSlide(), "static" == c.container.css("position") && c.container.css("position", "relative"), a(c.slides[c.currSlide]).css({
opacity: 1,
display: "block",
visibility: "visible"
}), c.API.stackSlides(c.slides[c.currSlide], c.slides[c.nextSlide], !c.reverse), c.pauseOnHover && (c.pauseOnHover !== !0 && (d = a(c.pauseOnHover)), d.hover(function() {
}, function() {
})), c.timeout && (b = c.API.getSlideOpts(c.currSlide), c.API.queueTransition(b, b.timeout + c.delay)), c._initialized = !0, c.API.updateView(!0), c.API.trigger("cycle-initialized", [c]), c.API.postInitSlideshow()
pause: function(b) {
var c = this.opts(),
d = c.API.getSlideOpts(),
e = c.hoverPaused || c.paused;
b ? c.hoverPaused = !0 : c.paused = !0, e || (c.container.addClass("cycle-paused"), c.API.trigger("cycle-paused", [c]).log("cycle-paused"), d.timeout && (clearTimeout(c.timeoutId), c.timeoutId = 0, c._remainingTimeout -= - c._lastQueue, (c._remainingTimeout < 0 || isNaN(c._remainingTimeout)) && (c._remainingTimeout = void 0)))
resume: function(a) {
var b = this.opts(),
c = !b.hoverPaused && !b.paused;
a ? b.hoverPaused = !1 : b.paused = !1, c || (b.container.removeClass("cycle-paused"), 0 === b.slides.filter(":animated").length && b.API.queueTransition(b.API.getSlideOpts(), b._remainingTimeout), b.API.trigger("cycle-resumed", [b, b._remainingTimeout]).log("cycle-resumed"))
add: function(b, c) {
var d, e = this.opts(),
f = e.slideCount,
g = !1;
"string" == a.type(b) && (b = a.trim(b)), a(b).each(function() {
var b, d = a(this);
c ? e.container.prepend(d) : e.container.append(d), e.slideCount++, b = e.API.buildSlideOpts(d), e.slides = c ? a(d).add(e.slides) : e.slides.add(d), e.API.initSlide(b, d, --e._maxZ),"cycle.opts", b), e.API.trigger("cycle-slide-added", [e, b, d])
}), e.API.updateView(!0), g = e._preInitialized && 2 > f && e.slideCount >= 1, g && (e._initialized ? e.timeout && (d = e.slides.length, e.nextSlide = e.reverse ? d - 1 : 1, e.timeoutId || e.API.queueTransition(e)) : e.API.initSlideshow())
calcFirstSlide: function() {
var a, b = this.opts();
a = parseInt(b.startingSlide || 0, 10), (a >= b.slides.length || 0 > a) && (a = 0), b.currSlide = a, b.reverse ? (b.nextSlide = a - 1, b.nextSlide < 0 && (b.nextSlide = b.slides.length - 1)) : (b.nextSlide = a + 1, b.nextSlide == b.slides.length && (b.nextSlide = 0))
calcNextSlide: function() {
var a, b = this.opts();
b.reverse ? (a = b.nextSlide - 1 < 0, b.nextSlide = a ? b.slideCount - 1 : b.nextSlide - 1, b.currSlide = a ? 0 : b.nextSlide + 1) : (a = b.nextSlide + 1 == b.slides.length, b.nextSlide = a ? 0 : b.nextSlide + 1, b.currSlide = a ? b.slides.length - 1 : b.nextSlide - 1)
calcTx: function(b, c) {
var d, e = b;
return e._tempFx ? d = a.fn.cycle.transitions[e._tempFx] : c && e.manualFx && (d = a.fn.cycle.transitions[e.manualFx]), d || (d = a.fn.cycle.transitions[e.fx]), e._tempFx = null, this.opts()._tempFx = null, d || (d = a.fn.cycle.transitions.fade, e.API.log('Transition "' + e.fx + '" not found. Using fade.')), d
prepareTx: function(a, b) {
var c, d, e, f, g, h = this.opts();
return h.slideCount < 2 ? void(h.timeoutId = 0) : (!a || h.busy && !h.manualTrump || (h.API.stopTransition(), h.busy = !1, clearTimeout(h.timeoutId), h.timeoutId = 0), void(h.busy || (0 !== h.timeoutId || a) && (d = h.slides[h.currSlide], e = h.slides[h.nextSlide], f = h.API.getSlideOpts(h.nextSlide), g = h.API.calcTx(f, a), h._tx = g, a && void 0 !== f.manualSpeed && (f.speed = f.manualSpeed), h.nextSlide != h.currSlide && (a || !h.paused && !h.hoverPaused && h.timeout) ? (h.API.trigger("cycle-before", [f, d, e, b]), g.before && g.before(f, d, e, b), c = function() {
h.busy = !1,"cycle.opts") && (g.after && g.after(f, d, e, b), h.API.trigger("cycle-after", [f, d, e, b]), h.API.queueTransition(f), h.API.updateView(!0))
}, h.busy = !0, g.transition ? g.transition(f, d, e, b, c) : h.API.doTransition(f, d, e, b, c), h.API.calcNextSlide(), h.API.updateView()) : h.API.queueTransition(f))))
doTransition: function(b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = b,
h = a(c),
i = a(d),
j = function() {
i.animate(g.animIn || {
opacity: 1
}, g.speed, g.easeIn || g.easing, f)
i.css(g.cssBefore || {}), h.animate(g.animOut || {}, g.speed, g.easeOut || g.easing, function() {
h.css(g.cssAfter || {}), g.sync || j()
}), g.sync && j()
queueTransition: function(b, c) {
var d = this.opts(),
e = void 0 !== c ? c : b.timeout;
return 0 === d.nextSlide && 0 === --d.loop ? (d.API.log("terminating; loop=0"), d.timeout = 0, e ? setTimeout(function() {
d.API.trigger("cycle-finished", [d])
}, e) : d.API.trigger("cycle-finished", [d]), void(d.nextSlide = d.currSlide)) : void 0 !== d.continueAuto && (d.continueAuto === !1 || a.isFunction(d.continueAuto) && d.continueAuto() === !1) ? (d.API.log("terminating automatic transitions"), d.timeout = 0, void(d.timeoutId && clearTimeout(d.timeoutId))) : void(e && (d._lastQueue =, void 0 === c && (d._remainingTimeout = b.timeout), d.paused || d.hoverPaused || (d.timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
d.API.prepareTx(!1, !d.reverse)
}, e))))
stopTransition: function() {
var a = this.opts();
a.slides.filter(":animated").length && (a.slides.stop(!1, !0), a.API.trigger("cycle-transition-stopped", [a])), a._tx && a._tx.stopTransition && a._tx.stopTransition(a)
advanceSlide: function(a) {
var b = this.opts();
return clearTimeout(b.timeoutId), b.timeoutId = 0, b.nextSlide = b.currSlide + a, b.nextSlide < 0 ? b.nextSlide = b.slides.length - 1 : b.nextSlide >= b.slides.length && (b.nextSlide = 0), b.API.prepareTx(!0, a >= 0), !1
buildSlideOpts: function(c) {
var d, e, f = this.opts(),
g = || {};
for (var h in g) g.hasOwnProperty(h) && /^cycle[A-Z]+/.test(h) && (d = g[h], e = h.match(/^cycle(.*)/)[1].replace(/^[A-Z]/, b), f.API.log("[" + (f.slideCount - 1) + "]", e + ":", d, "(" + typeof d + ")"), g[e] = d);
g = a.extend({}, a.fn.cycle.defaults, f, g), g.slideNum = f.slideCount;
try {
delete g.API, delete g.slideCount, delete g.currSlide, delete g.nextSlide, delete g.slides
} catch (i) {}
return g
getSlideOpts: function(b) {
var c = this.opts();
void 0 === b && (b = c.currSlide);
var d = c.slides[b],
e = a(d).data("cycle.opts");
return a.extend({}, c, e)
initSlide: function(b, c, d) {
var e = this.opts();
c.css(b.slideCss || {}), d > 0 && c.css("zIndex", d), isNaN(b.speed) && (b.speed = a.fx.speeds[b.speed] || a.fx.speeds._default), b.sync || (b.speed = b.speed / 2), c.addClass(e.slideClass)
updateView: function(a, b) {
var c = this.opts();
if (c._initialized) {
var d = c.API.getSlideOpts(),
e = c.slides[c.currSlide];
!a && b !== !0 && (c.API.trigger("cycle-update-view-before", [c, d, e]), c.updateView < 0) || (c.slideActiveClass && c.slides.removeClass(c.slideActiveClass).eq(c.currSlide).addClass(c.slideActiveClass), a && c.hideNonActive && c.slides.filter(":not(." + c.slideActiveClass + ")").css("visibility", "hidden"), 0 === c.updateView && setTimeout(function() {
c.API.trigger("cycle-update-view", [c, d, e, a])
}, d.speed / (c.sync ? 2 : 1)), 0 !== c.updateView && c.API.trigger("cycle-update-view", [c, d, e, a]), a && c.API.trigger("cycle-update-view-after", [c, d, e]))
getComponent: function(b) {
var c = this.opts(),
d = c[b];
return "string" == typeof d ? /^\s*[\>|\+|~]/.test(d) ? c.container.find(d) : a(d) : d.jquery ? d : a(d)
stackSlides: function(b, c, d) {
var e = this.opts();
b || (b = e.slides[e.currSlide], c = e.slides[e.nextSlide], d = !e.reverse), a(b).css("zIndex", e.maxZ);
var f, g = e.maxZ - 2,
h = e.slideCount;
if (d) {
for (f = e.currSlide + 1; h > f; f++) a(e.slides[f]).css("zIndex", g--);
for (f = 0; f < e.currSlide; f++) a(e.slides[f]).css("zIndex", g--)
} else {
for (f = e.currSlide - 1; f >= 0; f--) a(e.slides[f]).css("zIndex", g--);
for (f = h - 1; f > e.currSlide; f--) a(e.slides[f]).css("zIndex", g--)
a(c).css("zIndex", e.maxZ - 1)
getSlideIndex: function(a) {
return this.opts().slides.index(a)
}, a.fn.cycle.log = function() {
window.console && console.log && console.log("[cycle2] " +, " "))
}, a.fn.cycle.version = function() {
return "Cycle2: " + c
}, a.fn.cycle.transitions = {
custom: {},
none: {
before: function(a, b, c, d) {
a.API.stackSlides(c, b, d), a.cssBefore = {
opacity: 1,
visibility: "visible",
display: "block"
fade: {
before: function(b, c, d, e) {
var f = b.API.getSlideOpts(b.nextSlide).slideCss || {};
b.API.stackSlides(c, d, e), b.cssBefore = a.extend(f, {
opacity: 0,
visibility: "visible",
display: "block"
}), b.animIn = {
opacity: 1
}, b.animOut = {
opacity: 0
fadeout: {
before: function(b, c, d, e) {
var f = b.API.getSlideOpts(b.nextSlide).slideCss || {};
b.API.stackSlides(c, d, e), b.cssBefore = a.extend(f, {
opacity: 1,
visibility: "visible",
display: "block"
}), b.animOut = {
opacity: 0
scrollHorz: {
before: function(a, b, c, d) {
a.API.stackSlides(b, c, d);
var e = a.container.css("overflow", "hidden").width();
a.cssBefore = {
left: d ? e : -e,
top: 0,
opacity: 1,
visibility: "visible",
display: "block"
}, a.cssAfter = {
zIndex: a._maxZ - 2,
left: 0
}, a.animIn = {
left: 0
}, a.animOut = {
left: d ? -e : e
}, a.fn.cycle.defaults = {
allowWrap: !0,
autoSelector: ".cycle-slideshow[data-cycle-auto-init!=false]",
delay: 0,
easing: null,
fx: "fade",
hideNonActive: !0,
loop: 0,
manualFx: void 0,
manualSpeed: void 0,
manualTrump: !0,
maxZ: 100,
pauseOnHover: !1,
reverse: !1,
slideActiveClass: "cycle-slide-active",
slideClass: "cycle-slide",
slideCss: {
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0
slides: "> img",
speed: 500,
startingSlide: 0,
sync: !0,
timeout: 4e3,
updateView: 0
}, a(document).ready(function() {
}(jQuery), /*! Cycle2 autoheight plugin; Copyright (c) M.Alsup, 2012; version: 20130913 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(b, d) {
var e, f, g, h = d.autoHeight;
if ("container" == h) f = a(d.slides[d.currSlide]).outerHeight(), d.container.height(f);
else if (d._autoHeightRatio) d.container.height(d.container.width() / d._autoHeightRatio);
else if ("calc" === h || "number" == a.type(h) && h >= 0) {
if (g = "calc" === h ? c(b, d) : h >= d.slides.length ? 0 : h, g == d._sentinelIndex) return;
d._sentinelIndex = g, d._sentinel && d._sentinel.remove(), e = a(d.slides[g].cloneNode(!0)), e.removeAttr("id name rel").find("[id],[name],[rel]").removeAttr("id name rel"), e.css({
position: "static",
visibility: "hidden",
display: "block"
}).prependTo(d.container).addClass("cycle-sentinel cycle-slide").removeClass("cycle-slide-active"), e.find("*").css("visibility", "hidden"), d._sentinel = e
function c(b, c) {
var d = 0,
e = -1;
return c.slides.each(function(b) {
var c = a(this).height();
c > e && (e = c, d = b)
}), d
function d(b, c, d, e) {
var f = a(e).outerHeight();
height: f
}, c.autoHeightSpeed, c.autoHeightEasing)
function e(c, f) {
f._autoHeightOnResize && (a(window).off("resize orientationchange", f._autoHeightOnResize), f._autoHeightOnResize = null),"cycle-slide-added cycle-slide-removed", b),"cycle-destroyed", e),"cycle-before", d), f._sentinel && (f._sentinel.remove(), f._sentinel = null)
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
autoHeight: 0,
autoHeightSpeed: 250,
autoHeightEasing: null
}), a(document).on("cycle-initialized", function(c, f) {
function g() {
b(c, f)
var h, i = f.autoHeight,
j = a.type(i),
k = null;
("string" === j || "number" === j) && (f.container.on("cycle-slide-added cycle-slide-removed", b), f.container.on("cycle-destroyed", e), "container" == i ? f.container.on("cycle-before", d) : "string" === j && /\d+\:\d+/.test(i) && (h = i.match(/(\d+)\:(\d+)/), h = h[1] / h[2], f._autoHeightRatio = h), "number" !== j && (f._autoHeightOnResize = function() {
clearTimeout(k), k = setTimeout(g, 50)
}, a(window).on("resize orientationchange", f._autoHeightOnResize)), setTimeout(g, 30))
}(jQuery), /*! caption plugin for Cycle2; version: 20130306 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
caption: "> .cycle-caption",
captionTemplate: "{{slideNum}} / {{slideCount}}",
overlay: "> .cycle-overlay",
overlayTemplate: "<div>{{title}}</div><div>{{desc}}</div>",
captionModule: "caption"
}), a(document).on("cycle-update-view", function(b, c, d, e) {
if ("caption" === c.captionModule) {
a.each(["caption", "overlay"], function() {
var a = this,
b = d[a + "Template"],
f = c.API.getComponent(a);
f.length && b ? (f.html(c.API.tmpl(b, d, c, e)), : f.hide()
}), a(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function(b, c) {
var d;
a.each(["caption", "overlay"], function() {
var a = this,
b = c[a + "Template"];
c[a] && b && (d = c.API.getComponent("caption"), d.empty())
}(jQuery), /*! command plugin for Cycle2; version: 20140415 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
var b = a.fn.cycle;
a.fn.cycle = function(c) {
var d, e, f, g = a.makeArray(arguments);
return "number" == a.type(c) ? this.cycle("goto", c) : "string" == a.type(c) ? this.each(function() {
var h;
return d = c, f = a(this).data("cycle.opts"), void 0 === f ? void b.log('slideshow must be initialized before sending commands; "' + d + '" ignored') : (d = "goto" == d ? "jump" : d, e = f.API[d], a.isFunction(e) ? (h = a.makeArray(g), h.shift(), e.apply(f.API, h)) : void b.log("unknown command: ", d))
}) : b.apply(this, arguments)
}, a.extend(a.fn.cycle, b), a.extend(b.API, {
next: function() {
var a = this.opts();
if (!a.busy || a.manualTrump) {
var b = a.reverse ? -1 : 1;
a.allowWrap === !1 && a.currSlide + b >= a.slideCount || (a.API.advanceSlide(b), a.API.trigger("cycle-next", [a]).log("cycle-next"))
prev: function() {
var a = this.opts();
if (!a.busy || a.manualTrump) {
var b = a.reverse ? 1 : -1;
a.allowWrap === !1 && a.currSlide + b < 0 || (a.API.advanceSlide(b), a.API.trigger("cycle-prev", [a]).log("cycle-prev"))
destroy: function() {
var b = this.opts(),
c = a.isFunction(a._data) ? a._data : a.noop;
clearTimeout(b.timeoutId), b.timeoutId = 0, b.API.stop(), b.API.trigger("cycle-destroyed", [b]).log("cycle-destroyed"), b.container.removeData(), c(b.container[0], "parsedAttrs", !1), b.retainStylesOnDestroy || (b.container.removeAttr("style"), b.slides.removeAttr("style"), b.slides.removeClass(b.slideActiveClass)), b.slides.each(function() {
var d = a(this);
d.removeData(), d.removeClass(b.slideClass), c(this, "parsedAttrs", !1)
jump: function(a, b) {
var c, d = this.opts();
if (!d.busy || d.manualTrump) {
var e = parseInt(a, 10);
if (isNaN(e) || 0 > e || e >= d.slides.length) return void d.API.log("goto: invalid slide index: " + e);
if (e == d.currSlide) return void d.API.log("goto: skipping, already on slide", e);
d.nextSlide = e, clearTimeout(d.timeoutId), d.timeoutId = 0, d.API.log("goto: ", e, " (zero-index)"), c = d.currSlide < d.nextSlide, d._tempFx = b, d.API.prepareTx(!0, c)
stop: function() {
var b = this.opts(),
c = b.container;
clearTimeout(b.timeoutId), b.timeoutId = 0, b.API.stopTransition(), b.pauseOnHover && (b.pauseOnHover !== !0 && (c = a(b.pauseOnHover)),"mouseenter mouseleave")), b.API.trigger("cycle-stopped", [b]).log("cycle-stopped")
reinit: function() {
var a = this.opts();
a.API.destroy(), a.container.cycle()
remove: function(b) {
for (var c, d, e = this.opts(), f = [], g = 1, h = 0; h < e.slides.length; h++) c = e.slides[h], h == b ? d = c : (f.push(c), a(c).data("cycle.opts").slideNum = g, g++);
d && (e.slides = a(f), e.slideCount--, a(d).remove(), b == e.currSlide ? e.API.advanceSlide(1) : b < e.currSlide ? e.currSlide-- : e.currSlide++, e.API.trigger("cycle-slide-removed", [e, b, d]).log("cycle-slide-removed"), e.API.updateView())
}), a(document).on("click.cycle", "[data-cycle-cmd]", function(b) {
var c = a(this),
d ="cycle-cmd"),
e ="cycle-context") || ".cycle-slideshow";
}(jQuery), /*! hash plugin for Cycle2; version: 20130905 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(b, c) {
var d;
return b._hashFence ? void(b._hashFence = !1) : (d = window.location.hash.substring(1), void b.slides.each(function(e) {
if (a(this).data("cycle-hash") == d) {
if (c === !0) b.startingSlide = e;
else {
var f = b.currSlide < e;
b.nextSlide = e, b.API.prepareTx(!0, f)
return !1
a(document).on("cycle-pre-initialize", function(c, d) {
b(d, !0), d._onHashChange = function() {
b(d, !1)
}, a(window).on("hashchange", d._onHashChange)
}), a(document).on("cycle-update-view", function(a, b, c) {
c.hash && "#" + c.hash != window.location.hash && (b._hashFence = !0, window.location.hash = c.hash)
}), a(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function(b, c) {
c._onHashChange && a(window).off("hashchange", c._onHashChange)
}(jQuery), /*! loader plugin for Cycle2; version: 20131121 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
loader: !1
}), a(document).on("cycle-bootstrap", function(b, c) {
function d(b, d) {
function f(b) {
var f;
"wait" == c.loader ? (h.push(b), 0 === j && (h.sort(g), e.apply(c.API, [h, d]), c.container.removeClass("cycle-loading"))) : (f = a(c.slides[c.currSlide]), e.apply(c.API, [b, d]),, c.container.removeClass("cycle-loading"))
function g(a, b) {
return"index") -"index")
var h = [];
if ("string" == a.type(b)) b = a.trim(b);
else if ("array" === a.type(b))
for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) b[i] = a(b[i])[0];
b = a(b);
var j = b.length;
j && (b.css("visibility", "hidden").appendTo("body").each(function(b) {
function g() {
0 === --i && (--j, f(k))
var i = 0,
k = a(this),
l ="img") ? k : k.find("img");
return"index", b), l = l.filter(":not(.cycle-loader-ignore)").filter(':not([src=""])'), l.length ? (i = l.length, void l.each(function() {
this.complete ? g() : a(this).load(function() {
}).on("error", function() {
0 === --i && (c.API.log("slide skipped; img not loaded:", this.src), 0 === --j && "wait" == c.loader && e.apply(c.API, [h, d]))
})) : (--j, void h.push(k))
}), j && c.container.addClass("cycle-loading"))
var e;
c.loader && (e = c.API.add, c.API.add = d)
}(jQuery), /*! pager plugin for Cycle2; version: 20140415 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(b, c, d) {
var e, f = b.API.getComponent("pager");
f.each(function() {
var f = a(this);
if (c.pagerTemplate) {
var g = b.API.tmpl(c.pagerTemplate, c, b, d[0]);
e = a(g).appendTo(f)
} else e = f.children().eq(b.slideCount - 1);
e.on(b.pagerEvent, function(a) {
b.pagerEventBubble || a.preventDefault(),, a.currentTarget)
function c(a, b) {
var c = this.opts();
if (!c.busy || c.manualTrump) {
var d = a.children().index(b),
e = d,
f = c.currSlide < e;
c.currSlide != e && (c.nextSlide = e, c._tempFx = c.pagerFx, c.API.prepareTx(!0, f), c.API.trigger("cycle-pager-activated", [c, a, b]))
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
pager: "> .cycle-pager",
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pagerEvent: "click.cycle",
pagerEventBubble: void 0,
pagerTemplate: "<span>&bull;</span>"
}), a(document).on("cycle-bootstrap", function(a, c, d) {
d.buildPagerLink = b
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b.pager && (b.API.buildPagerLink(b, d, e), = c)
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var e = c.API.getComponent("pager");
e.each(function() {
var b = a(this);
}), a(document).on("cycle-update-view", function(b, c) {
var d;
c.pager && (d = c.API.getComponent("pager"), d.each(function() {
}), a(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function(a, b) {
var c = b.API.getComponent("pager");
c && (c.children().off(b.pagerEvent), b.pagerTemplate && c.empty())
}(jQuery), /*! prevnext plugin for Cycle2; version: 20140408 */
function(a) {
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a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
next: "> .cycle-next",
nextEvent: "click.cycle",
disabledClass: "disabled",
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swipe: !1
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if (b.API.getComponent("next").on(b.nextEvent, function(a) {
}), b.API.getComponent("prev").on(b.prevEvent, function(a) {
a.preventDefault(), b.API.prev()
}), b.swipe) {
var c = b.swipeVert ? "swipeUp.cycle" : "swipeLeft.cycle swipeleft.cycle",
d = b.swipeVert ? "swipeDown.cycle" : "swipeRight.cycle swiperight.cycle";
b.container.on(c, function() {
b._tempFx = b.swipeFx,
}), b.container.on(d, function() {
b._tempFx = b.swipeFx, b.API.prev()
}), a(document).on("cycle-update-view", function(a, b) {
if (!b.allowWrap) {
var c = b.disabledClass,
d = b.API.getComponent("next"),
e = b.API.getComponent("prev"),
f = b._prevBoundry || 0,
g = void 0 !== b._nextBoundry ? b._nextBoundry : b.slideCount - 1;
b.currSlide == g ? d.addClass(c).prop("disabled", !0) : d.removeClass(c).prop("disabled", !1), b.currSlide === f ? e.addClass(c).prop("disabled", !0) : e.removeClass(c).prop("disabled", !1)
}), a(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function(a, b) {
b.API.getComponent("prev").off(b.nextEvent), b.API.getComponent("next").off(b.prevEvent),"swipeleft.cycle swiperight.cycle swipeLeft.cycle swipeRight.cycle swipeUp.cycle swipeDown.cycle")
}(jQuery), /*! progressive loader plugin for Cycle2; version: 20130315 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
progressive: !1
}), a(document).on("cycle-pre-initialize", function(b, c) {
if ( {
var d, e, f = c.API,
g =,
h = f.prev,
i = f.prepareTx,
j = a.type(;
if ("array" == j) d =;
else if (a.isFunction( d =;
else if ("string" == j) {
if (e = a(, d = a.trim(e.html()), !d) return;
if (/^(\[)/.test(d)) try {
d = a.parseJSON(d)
} catch (k) {
return void f.log("error parsing progressive slides", k)
} else d = d.split(new RegExp("cycle-split") || "\n")), d[d.length - 1] || d.pop()
i && (f.prepareTx = function(a, b) {
var e, f;
return a || 0 === d.length ? void i.apply(c.API, [a, b]) : void(b && c.currSlide == c.slideCount - 1 ? (f = d[0], d = d.slice(1),"cycle-slide-added", function(a, b) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 50)
}), c.API.add(f)) : b || 0 !== c.currSlide ? i.apply(c.API, [a, b]) : (e = d.length - 1, f = d[e], d = d.slice(0, e),"cycle-slide-added", function(a, b) {
setTimeout(function() {
b.currSlide = 1, b.API.advanceSlide(-1)
}, 50)
}), c.API.add(f, !0)))
}), g && ( = function() {
var a = this.opts();
if (d.length && a.currSlide == a.slideCount - 1) {
var b = d[0];
d = d.slice(1),"cycle-slide-added", function(a, b) {
g.apply(b.API), b.container.removeClass("cycle-loading")
}), a.container.addClass("cycle-loading"), a.API.add(b)
} else g.apply(a.API)
}), h && (f.prev = function() {
var a = this.opts();
if (d.length && 0 === a.currSlide) {
var b = d.length - 1,
c = d[b];
d = d.slice(0, b),"cycle-slide-added", function(a, b) {
b.currSlide = 1, b.API.advanceSlide(-1), b.container.removeClass("cycle-loading")
}), a.container.addClass("cycle-loading"), a.API.add(c, !0)
} else h.apply(a.API)
}(jQuery), /*! tmpl plugin for Cycle2; version: 20121227 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
tmplRegex: "{{((.)?.*?)}}"
}), a.extend(a.fn.cycle.API, {
tmpl: function(b, c) {
var d = new RegExp(c.tmplRegex || a.fn.cycle.defaults.tmplRegex, "g"),
e = a.makeArray(arguments);
return e.shift(), b.replace(d, function(b, c) {
var d, f, g, h, i = c.split(".");
for (d = 0; d < e.length; d++)
if (g = e[d]) {
if (i.length > 1)
for (h = g, f = 0; f < i.length; f++) g = h, h = h[i[f]] || c;
else h = g[c];
if (a.isFunction(h)) return h.apply(g, e);
if (void 0 !== h && null !== h && h != c) return h
return c
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## Beautification options
**Editor Options**:
Options from Atom Editor settings
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**Config Options**:
Options from Atom Beautify package settings
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"default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
"beautify_on_save": false
**Home Options**:
Options from `/Users/brandonpowell/.jsbeautifyrc`
"_default": {}
**EditorConfig Options**:
Options from [EditorConfig]( file
"_default": {
"indent_style": "space",
"indent_size": 2,
"end_of_line": "lf",
"charset": "utf-8",
"trim_trailing_whitespace": true,
"insert_final_newline": true,
"tab_width": 2,
"indent_char": " "
**Project Options**:
Options from `.jsbeautifyrc` files starting from directory `/Users/brandonpowell/sites/valet/wordpress-development/web/app/themes/sage-8.5.0/assets/scripts` and going up to root
"_default": {}
"_default": {}
"_default": {}
"_default": {}
"_default": {}
"_default": {}
"_default": {}
"_default": {}
"_default": {}
"_default": {}
"_default": {}
**Pre-Transformed Options**:
Combined options before transforming them given a beautifier's specifications
"indent_size": 2,
"indent_char": " ",
"indent_with_tabs": false,
"indent_level": 0,
"preserve_newlines": true,
"max_preserve_newlines": 10,
"space_in_paren": false,
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"space_after_anon_function": false,
"brace_style": "collapse",
"break_chained_methods": false,
"keep_array_indentation": false,
"keep_function_indentation": false,
"space_before_conditional": true,
"eval_code": false,
"unescape_strings": false,
"wrap_line_length": 0,
"end_with_newline": false,
"end_with_comma": false,
"disabled": false,
"default_beautifier": "JS Beautify",
"beautify_on_save": false,
"indent_style": "space",
"end_of_line": "lf",
"charset": "utf-8",
"trim_trailing_whitespace": true,
"insert_final_newline": true,
"tab_width": 2
### Final Options
Final combined and transformed options that are used
"indent_size": 2,
"indent_char": " ",
"indent_with_tabs": false,
"indent_level": 0,
"preserve_newlines": true,
"max_preserve_newlines": 10,
"space_in_paren": false,
"jslint_happy": false,
"space_after_anon_function": false,
"brace_style": "collapse",
"break_chained_methods": false,
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"keep_function_indentation": false,
"space_before_conditional": true,
"eval_code": false,
"unescape_strings": false,
"wrap_line_length": 0,
"end_with_newline": false,
"end_with_comma": false,
"disabled": false,
"default_beautifier": "JS Beautify",
"beautify_on_save": false,
"indent_style": "space",
"end_of_line": "lf",
"charset": "utf-8",
"trim_trailing_whitespace": true,
"insert_final_newline": true,
"tab_width": 2
## Results
**Beautified File Contents**:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
* jQuery Cycle2; version: 2.1.6 build: 20141007
* Copyright (c) 2014 M. Alsup; Dual licensed: MIT/GPL
! function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(a) {
return (a || "").toLowerCase()
var c = "2.1.6";
a.fn.cycle = function(c) {
var d;
return 0 !== this.length || a.isReady ? this.each(function() {
var d, e, f, g, h = a(this),
i = a.fn.cycle.log;
if (!"cycle.opts")) {
("cycle-log") === !1 || c && c.log === !1 || e && e.log === !1) && (i = a.noop), i("--c2 init--"), d =;
for (var j in d) d.hasOwnProperty(j) && /^cycle[A-Z]+/.test(j) && (g = d[j], f = j.match(/^cycle(.*)/)[1].replace(/^[A-Z]/, b), i(f + ":", g, "(" + typeof g + ")"), d[f] = g);
e = a.extend({}, a.fn.cycle.defaults, d, c || {}), e.timeoutId = 0, e.paused = e.paused || !1, e.container = h, e._maxZ = e.maxZ, e.API = a.extend({
_container: h
}, a.fn.cycle.API), e.API.log = i, e.API.trigger = function(a, b) {
return e.container.trigger(a, b), e.API
},"cycle.opts", e),"cycle.API", e.API), e.API.trigger("cycle-bootstrap", [e, e.API]), e.API.addInitialSlides(), e.API.preInitSlideshow(), e.slides.length && e.API.initSlideshow()
}) : (d = {
s: this.selector,
c: this.context
}, a.fn.cycle.log("requeuing slideshow (dom not ready)"), a(function() {
a(d.s, d.c).cycle(c)
}), this)
}, a.fn.cycle.API = {
opts: function() {
addInitialSlides: function() {
var b = this.opts(),
c = b.slides;
b.slideCount = 0, b.slides = a(), c = c.jquery ? c : b.container.find(c), b.random && c.sort(function() {
return Math.random() - .5
}), b.API.add(c)
preInitSlideshow: function() {
var b = this.opts();
b.API.trigger("cycle-pre-initialize", [b]);
var c = a.fn.cycle.transitions[b.fx];
c && a.isFunction(c.preInit) && c.preInit(b), b._preInitialized = !0
postInitSlideshow: function() {
var b = this.opts();
b.API.trigger("cycle-post-initialize", [b]);
var c = a.fn.cycle.transitions[b.fx];
c && a.isFunction(c.postInit) && c.postInit(b)
initSlideshow: function() {
var b, c = this.opts(),
d = c.container;
c.API.calcFirstSlide(), "static" == c.container.css("position") && c.container.css("position", "relative"), a(c.slides[c.currSlide]).css({
opacity: 1,
display: "block",
visibility: "visible"
}), c.API.stackSlides(c.slides[c.currSlide], c.slides[c.nextSlide], !c.reverse), c.pauseOnHover && (c.pauseOnHover !== !0 && (d = a(c.pauseOnHover)), d.hover(function() {
}, function() {
})), c.timeout && (b = c.API.getSlideOpts(c.currSlide), c.API.queueTransition(b, b.timeout + c.delay)), c._initialized = !0, c.API.updateView(!0), c.API.trigger("cycle-initialized", [c]), c.API.postInitSlideshow()
pause: function(b) {
var c = this.opts(),
d = c.API.getSlideOpts(),
e = c.hoverPaused || c.paused;
b ? c.hoverPaused = !0 : c.paused = !0, e || (c.container.addClass("cycle-paused"), c.API.trigger("cycle-paused", [c]).log("cycle-paused"), d.timeout && (clearTimeout(c.timeoutId), c.timeoutId = 0, c._remainingTimeout -= - c._lastQueue, (c._remainingTimeout < 0 || isNaN(c._remainingTimeout)) && (c._remainingTimeout = void 0)))
resume: function(a) {
var b = this.opts(),
c = !b.hoverPaused && !b.paused;
a ? b.hoverPaused = !1 : b.paused = !1, c || (b.container.removeClass("cycle-paused"), 0 === b.slides.filter(":animated").length && b.API.queueTransition(b.API.getSlideOpts(), b._remainingTimeout), b.API.trigger("cycle-resumed", [b, b._remainingTimeout]).log("cycle-resumed"))
add: function(b, c) {
var d, e = this.opts(),
f = e.slideCount,
g = !1;
"string" == a.type(b) && (b = a.trim(b)), a(b).each(function() {
var b, d = a(this);
c ? e.container.prepend(d) : e.container.append(d), e.slideCount++, b = e.API.buildSlideOpts(d), e.slides = c ? a(d).add(e.slides) : e.slides.add(d), e.API.initSlide(b, d, --e._maxZ),"cycle.opts", b), e.API.trigger("cycle-slide-added", [e, b, d])
}), e.API.updateView(!0), g = e._preInitialized && 2 > f && e.slideCount >= 1, g && (e._initialized ? e.timeout && (d = e.slides.length, e.nextSlide = e.reverse ? d - 1 : 1, e.timeoutId || e.API.queueTransition(e)) : e.API.initSlideshow())
calcFirstSlide: function() {
var a, b = this.opts();
a = parseInt(b.startingSlide || 0, 10), (a >= b.slides.length || 0 > a) && (a = 0), b.currSlide = a, b.reverse ? (b.nextSlide = a - 1, b.nextSlide < 0 && (b.nextSlide = b.slides.length - 1)) : (b.nextSlide = a + 1, b.nextSlide == b.slides.length && (b.nextSlide = 0))
calcNextSlide: function() {
var a, b = this.opts();
b.reverse ? (a = b.nextSlide - 1 < 0, b.nextSlide = a ? b.slideCount - 1 : b.nextSlide - 1, b.currSlide = a ? 0 : b.nextSlide + 1) : (a = b.nextSlide + 1 == b.slides.length, b.nextSlide = a ? 0 : b.nextSlide + 1, b.currSlide = a ? b.slides.length - 1 : b.nextSlide - 1)
calcTx: function(b, c) {
var d, e = b;
return e._tempFx ? d = a.fn.cycle.transitions[e._tempFx] : c && e.manualFx && (d = a.fn.cycle.transitions[e.manualFx]), d || (d = a.fn.cycle.transitions[e.fx]), e._tempFx = null, this.opts()._tempFx = null, d || (d = a.fn.cycle.transitions.fade, e.API.log('Transition "' + e.fx + '" not found. Using fade.')), d
prepareTx: function(a, b) {
var c, d, e, f, g, h = this.opts();
return h.slideCount < 2 ? void(h.timeoutId = 0) : (!a || h.busy && !h.manualTrump || (h.API.stopTransition(), h.busy = !1, clearTimeout(h.timeoutId), h.timeoutId = 0), void(h.busy || (0 !== h.timeoutId || a) && (d = h.slides[h.currSlide], e = h.slides[h.nextSlide], f = h.API.getSlideOpts(h.nextSlide), g = h.API.calcTx(f, a), h._tx = g, a && void 0 !== f.manualSpeed && (f.speed = f.manualSpeed), h.nextSlide != h.currSlide && (a || !h.paused && !h.hoverPaused && h.timeout) ? (h.API.trigger("cycle-before", [f, d, e, b]), g.before && g.before(f, d, e, b), c = function() {
h.busy = !1,"cycle.opts") && (g.after && g.after(f, d, e, b), h.API.trigger("cycle-after", [f, d, e, b]), h.API.queueTransition(f), h.API.updateView(!0))
}, h.busy = !0, g.transition ? g.transition(f, d, e, b, c) : h.API.doTransition(f, d, e, b, c), h.API.calcNextSlide(), h.API.updateView()) : h.API.queueTransition(f))))
doTransition: function(b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = b,
h = a(c),
i = a(d),
j = function() {
i.animate(g.animIn || {
opacity: 1
}, g.speed, g.easeIn || g.easing, f)
i.css(g.cssBefore || {}), h.animate(g.animOut || {}, g.speed, g.easeOut || g.easing, function() {
h.css(g.cssAfter || {}), g.sync || j()
}), g.sync && j()
queueTransition: function(b, c) {
var d = this.opts(),
e = void 0 !== c ? c : b.timeout;
return 0 === d.nextSlide && 0 === --d.loop ? (d.API.log("terminating; loop=0"), d.timeout = 0, e ? setTimeout(function() {
d.API.trigger("cycle-finished", [d])
}, e) : d.API.trigger("cycle-finished", [d]), void(d.nextSlide = d.currSlide)) : void 0 !== d.continueAuto && (d.continueAuto === !1 || a.isFunction(d.continueAuto) && d.continueAuto() === !1) ? (d.API.log("terminating automatic transitions"), d.timeout = 0, void(d.timeoutId && clearTimeout(d.timeoutId))) : void(e && (d._lastQueue =, void 0 === c && (d._remainingTimeout = b.timeout), d.paused || d.hoverPaused || (d.timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
d.API.prepareTx(!1, !d.reverse)
}, e))))
stopTransition: function() {
var a = this.opts();
a.slides.filter(":animated").length && (a.slides.stop(!1, !0), a.API.trigger("cycle-transition-stopped", [a])), a._tx && a._tx.stopTransition && a._tx.stopTransition(a)
advanceSlide: function(a) {
var b = this.opts();
return clearTimeout(b.timeoutId), b.timeoutId = 0, b.nextSlide = b.currSlide + a, b.nextSlide < 0 ? b.nextSlide = b.slides.length - 1 : b.nextSlide >= b.slides.length && (b.nextSlide = 0), b.API.prepareTx(!0, a >= 0), !1
buildSlideOpts: function(c) {
var d, e, f = this.opts(),
g = || {};
for (var h in g) g.hasOwnProperty(h) && /^cycle[A-Z]+/.test(h) && (d = g[h], e = h.match(/^cycle(.*)/)[1].replace(/^[A-Z]/, b), f.API.log("[" + (f.slideCount - 1) + "]", e + ":", d, "(" + typeof d + ")"), g[e] = d);
g = a.extend({}, a.fn.cycle.defaults, f, g), g.slideNum = f.slideCount;
try {
delete g.API, delete g.slideCount, delete g.currSlide, delete g.nextSlide, delete g.slides
} catch (i) {}
return g
getSlideOpts: function(b) {
var c = this.opts();
void 0 === b && (b = c.currSlide);
var d = c.slides[b],
e = a(d).data("cycle.opts");
return a.extend({}, c, e)
initSlide: function(b, c, d) {
var e = this.opts();
c.css(b.slideCss || {}), d > 0 && c.css("zIndex", d), isNaN(b.speed) && (b.speed = a.fx.speeds[b.speed] || a.fx.speeds._default), b.sync || (b.speed = b.speed / 2), c.addClass(e.slideClass)
updateView: function(a, b) {
var c = this.opts();
if (c._initialized) {
var d = c.API.getSlideOpts(),
e = c.slides[c.currSlide];
!a && b !== !0 && (c.API.trigger("cycle-update-view-before", [c, d, e]), c.updateView < 0) || (c.slideActiveClass && c.slides.removeClass(c.slideActiveClass).eq(c.currSlide).addClass(c.slideActiveClass), a && c.hideNonActive && c.slides.filter(":not(." + c.slideActiveClass + ")").css("visibility", "hidden"), 0 === c.updateView && setTimeout(function() {
c.API.trigger("cycle-update-view", [c, d, e, a])
}, d.speed / (c.sync ? 2 : 1)), 0 !== c.updateView && c.API.trigger("cycle-update-view", [c, d, e, a]), a && c.API.trigger("cycle-update-view-after", [c, d, e]))
getComponent: function(b) {
var c = this.opts(),
d = c[b];
return "string" == typeof d ? /^\s*[\>|\+|~]/.test(d) ? c.container.find(d) : a(d) : d.jquery ? d : a(d)
stackSlides: function(b, c, d) {
var e = this.opts();
b || (b = e.slides[e.currSlide], c = e.slides[e.nextSlide], d = !e.reverse), a(b).css("zIndex", e.maxZ);
var f, g = e.maxZ - 2,
h = e.slideCount;
if (d) {
for (f = e.currSlide + 1; h > f; f++) a(e.slides[f]).css("zIndex", g--);
for (f = 0; f < e.currSlide; f++) a(e.slides[f]).css("zIndex", g--)
} else {
for (f = e.currSlide - 1; f >= 0; f--) a(e.slides[f]).css("zIndex", g--);
for (f = h - 1; f > e.currSlide; f--) a(e.slides[f]).css("zIndex", g--)
a(c).css("zIndex", e.maxZ - 1)
getSlideIndex: function(a) {
return this.opts().slides.index(a)
}, a.fn.cycle.log = function() {
window.console && console.log && console.log("[cycle2] " +, " "))
}, a.fn.cycle.version = function() {
return "Cycle2: " + c
}, a.fn.cycle.transitions = {
custom: {},
none: {
before: function(a, b, c, d) {
a.API.stackSlides(c, b, d), a.cssBefore = {
opacity: 1,
visibility: "visible",
display: "block"
fade: {
before: function(b, c, d, e) {
var f = b.API.getSlideOpts(b.nextSlide).slideCss || {};
b.API.stackSlides(c, d, e), b.cssBefore = a.extend(f, {
opacity: 0,
visibility: "visible",
display: "block"
}), b.animIn = {
opacity: 1
}, b.animOut = {
opacity: 0
fadeout: {
before: function(b, c, d, e) {
var f = b.API.getSlideOpts(b.nextSlide).slideCss || {};
b.API.stackSlides(c, d, e), b.cssBefore = a.extend(f, {
opacity: 1,
visibility: "visible",
display: "block"
}), b.animOut = {
opacity: 0
scrollHorz: {
before: function(a, b, c, d) {
a.API.stackSlides(b, c, d);
var e = a.container.css("overflow", "hidden").width();
a.cssBefore = {
left: d ? e : -e,
top: 0,
opacity: 1,
visibility: "visible",
display: "block"
}, a.cssAfter = {
zIndex: a._maxZ - 2,
left: 0
}, a.animIn = {
left: 0
}, a.animOut = {
left: d ? -e : e
}, a.fn.cycle.defaults = {
allowWrap: !0,
autoSelector: ".cycle-slideshow[data-cycle-auto-init!=false]",
delay: 0,
easing: null,
fx: "fade",
hideNonActive: !0,
loop: 0,
manualFx: void 0,
manualSpeed: void 0,
manualTrump: !0,
maxZ: 100,
pauseOnHover: !1,
reverse: !1,
slideActiveClass: "cycle-slide-active",
slideClass: "cycle-slide",
slideCss: {
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0
slides: "> img",
speed: 500,
startingSlide: 0,
sync: !0,
timeout: 4e3,
updateView: 0
}, a(document).ready(function() {
}(jQuery), /*! Cycle2 autoheight plugin; Copyright (c) M.Alsup, 2012; version: 20130913 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(b, d) {
var e, f, g, h = d.autoHeight;
if ("container" == h) f = a(d.slides[d.currSlide]).outerHeight(), d.container.height(f);
else if (d._autoHeightRatio) d.container.height(d.container.width() / d._autoHeightRatio);
else if ("calc" === h || "number" == a.type(h) && h >= 0) {
if (g = "calc" === h ? c(b, d) : h >= d.slides.length ? 0 : h, g == d._sentinelIndex) return;
d._sentinelIndex = g, d._sentinel && d._sentinel.remove(), e = a(d.slides[g].cloneNode(!0)), e.removeAttr("id name rel").find("[id],[name],[rel]").removeAttr("id name rel"), e.css({
position: "static",
visibility: "hidden",
display: "block"
}).prependTo(d.container).addClass("cycle-sentinel cycle-slide").removeClass("cycle-slide-active"), e.find("*").css("visibility", "hidden"), d._sentinel = e
function c(b, c) {
var d = 0,
e = -1;
return c.slides.each(function(b) {
var c = a(this).height();
c > e && (e = c, d = b)
}), d
function d(b, c, d, e) {
var f = a(e).outerHeight();
height: f
}, c.autoHeightSpeed, c.autoHeightEasing)
function e(c, f) {
f._autoHeightOnResize && (a(window).off("resize orientationchange", f._autoHeightOnResize), f._autoHeightOnResize = null),"cycle-slide-added cycle-slide-removed", b),"cycle-destroyed", e),"cycle-before", d), f._sentinel && (f._sentinel.remove(), f._sentinel = null)
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
autoHeight: 0,
autoHeightSpeed: 250,
autoHeightEasing: null
}), a(document).on("cycle-initialized", function(c, f) {
function g() {
b(c, f)
var h, i = f.autoHeight,
j = a.type(i),
k = null;
("string" === j || "number" === j) && (f.container.on("cycle-slide-added cycle-slide-removed", b), f.container.on("cycle-destroyed", e), "container" == i ? f.container.on("cycle-before", d) : "string" === j && /\d+\:\d+/.test(i) && (h = i.match(/(\d+)\:(\d+)/), h = h[1] / h[2], f._autoHeightRatio = h), "number" !== j && (f._autoHeightOnResize = function() {
clearTimeout(k), k = setTimeout(g, 50)
}, a(window).on("resize orientationchange", f._autoHeightOnResize)), setTimeout(g, 30))
}(jQuery), /*! caption plugin for Cycle2; version: 20130306 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
caption: "> .cycle-caption",
captionTemplate: "{{slideNum}} / {{slideCount}}",
overlay: "> .cycle-overlay",
overlayTemplate: "<div>{{title}}</div><div>{{desc}}</div>",
captionModule: "caption"
}), a(document).on("cycle-update-view", function(b, c, d, e) {
if ("caption" === c.captionModule) {
a.each(["caption", "overlay"], function() {
var a = this,
b = d[a + "Template"],
f = c.API.getComponent(a);
f.length && b ? (f.html(c.API.tmpl(b, d, c, e)), : f.hide()
}), a(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function(b, c) {
var d;
a.each(["caption", "overlay"], function() {
var a = this,
b = c[a + "Template"];
c[a] && b && (d = c.API.getComponent("caption"), d.empty())
}(jQuery), /*! command plugin for Cycle2; version: 20140415 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
var b = a.fn.cycle;
a.fn.cycle = function(c) {
var d, e, f, g = a.makeArray(arguments);
return "number" == a.type(c) ? this.cycle("goto", c) : "string" == a.type(c) ? this.each(function() {
var h;
return d = c, f = a(this).data("cycle.opts"), void 0 === f ? void b.log('slideshow must be initialized before sending commands; "' + d + '" ignored') : (d = "goto" == d ? "jump" : d, e = f.API[d], a.isFunction(e) ? (h = a.makeArray(g), h.shift(), e.apply(f.API, h)) : void b.log("unknown command: ", d))
}) : b.apply(this, arguments)
}, a.extend(a.fn.cycle, b), a.extend(b.API, {
next: function() {
var a = this.opts();
if (!a.busy || a.manualTrump) {
var b = a.reverse ? -1 : 1;
a.allowWrap === !1 && a.currSlide + b >= a.slideCount || (a.API.advanceSlide(b), a.API.trigger("cycle-next", [a]).log("cycle-next"))
prev: function() {
var a = this.opts();
if (!a.busy || a.manualTrump) {
var b = a.reverse ? 1 : -1;
a.allowWrap === !1 && a.currSlide + b < 0 || (a.API.advanceSlide(b), a.API.trigger("cycle-prev", [a]).log("cycle-prev"))
destroy: function() {
var b = this.opts(),
c = a.isFunction(a._data) ? a._data : a.noop;
clearTimeout(b.timeoutId), b.timeoutId = 0, b.API.stop(), b.API.trigger("cycle-destroyed", [b]).log("cycle-destroyed"), b.container.removeData(), c(b.container[0], "parsedAttrs", !1), b.retainStylesOnDestroy || (b.container.removeAttr("style"), b.slides.removeAttr("style"), b.slides.removeClass(b.slideActiveClass)), b.slides.each(function() {
var d = a(this);
d.removeData(), d.removeClass(b.slideClass), c(this, "parsedAttrs", !1)
jump: function(a, b) {
var c, d = this.opts();
if (!d.busy || d.manualTrump) {
var e = parseInt(a, 10);
if (isNaN(e) || 0 > e || e >= d.slides.length) return void d.API.log("goto: invalid slide index: " + e);
if (e == d.currSlide) return void d.API.log("goto: skipping, already on slide", e);
d.nextSlide = e, clearTimeout(d.timeoutId), d.timeoutId = 0, d.API.log("goto: ", e, " (zero-index)"), c = d.currSlide < d.nextSlide, d._tempFx = b, d.API.prepareTx(!0, c)
stop: function() {
var b = this.opts(),
c = b.container;
clearTimeout(b.timeoutId), b.timeoutId = 0, b.API.stopTransition(), b.pauseOnHover && (b.pauseOnHover !== !0 && (c = a(b.pauseOnHover)),"mouseenter mouseleave")), b.API.trigger("cycle-stopped", [b]).log("cycle-stopped")
reinit: function() {
var a = this.opts();
a.API.destroy(), a.container.cycle()
remove: function(b) {
for (var c, d, e = this.opts(), f = [], g = 1, h = 0; h < e.slides.length; h++) c = e.slides[h], h == b ? d = c : (f.push(c), a(c).data("cycle.opts").slideNum = g, g++);
d && (e.slides = a(f), e.slideCount--, a(d).remove(), b == e.currSlide ? e.API.advanceSlide(1) : b < e.currSlide ? e.currSlide-- : e.currSlide++, e.API.trigger("cycle-slide-removed", [e, b, d]).log("cycle-slide-removed"), e.API.updateView())
}), a(document).on("click.cycle", "[data-cycle-cmd]", function(b) {
var c = a(this),
d ="cycle-cmd"),
e ="cycle-context") || ".cycle-slideshow";
}(jQuery), /*! hash plugin for Cycle2; version: 20130905 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(b, c) {
var d;
return b._hashFence ? void(b._hashFence = !1) : (d = window.location.hash.substring(1), void b.slides.each(function(e) {
if (a(this).data("cycle-hash") == d) {
if (c === !0) b.startingSlide = e;
else {
var f = b.currSlide < e;
b.nextSlide = e, b.API.prepareTx(!0, f)
return !1
a(document).on("cycle-pre-initialize", function(c, d) {
b(d, !0), d._onHashChange = function() {
b(d, !1)
}, a(window).on("hashchange", d._onHashChange)
}), a(document).on("cycle-update-view", function(a, b, c) {
c.hash && "#" + c.hash != window.location.hash && (b._hashFence = !0, window.location.hash = c.hash)
}), a(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function(b, c) {
c._onHashChange && a(window).off("hashchange", c._onHashChange)
}(jQuery), /*! loader plugin for Cycle2; version: 20131121 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
loader: !1
}), a(document).on("cycle-bootstrap", function(b, c) {
function d(b, d) {
function f(b) {
var f;
"wait" == c.loader ? (h.push(b), 0 === j && (h.sort(g), e.apply(c.API, [h, d]), c.container.removeClass("cycle-loading"))) : (f = a(c.slides[c.currSlide]), e.apply(c.API, [b, d]),, c.container.removeClass("cycle-loading"))
function g(a, b) {
return"index") -"index")
var h = [];
if ("string" == a.type(b)) b = a.trim(b);
else if ("array" === a.type(b))
for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) b[i] = a(b[i])[0];
b = a(b);
var j = b.length;
j && (b.css("visibility", "hidden").appendTo("body").each(function(b) {
function g() {
0 === --i && (--j, f(k))
var i = 0,
k = a(this),
l ="img") ? k : k.find("img");
return"index", b), l = l.filter(":not(.cycle-loader-ignore)").filter(':not([src=""])'), l.length ? (i = l.length, void l.each(function() {
this.complete ? g() : a(this).load(function() {
}).on("error", function() {
0 === --i && (c.API.log("slide skipped; img not loaded:", this.src), 0 === --j && "wait" == c.loader && e.apply(c.API, [h, d]))
})) : (--j, void h.push(k))
}), j && c.container.addClass("cycle-loading"))
var e;
c.loader && (e = c.API.add, c.API.add = d)
}(jQuery), /*! pager plugin for Cycle2; version: 20140415 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(b, c, d) {
var e, f = b.API.getComponent("pager");
f.each(function() {
var f = a(this);
if (c.pagerTemplate) {
var g = b.API.tmpl(c.pagerTemplate, c, b, d[0]);
e = a(g).appendTo(f)
} else e = f.children().eq(b.slideCount - 1);
e.on(b.pagerEvent, function(a) {
b.pagerEventBubble || a.preventDefault(),, a.currentTarget)
function c(a, b) {
var c = this.opts();
if (!c.busy || c.manualTrump) {
var d = a.children().index(b),
e = d,
f = c.currSlide < e;
c.currSlide != e && (c.nextSlide = e, c._tempFx = c.pagerFx, c.API.prepareTx(!0, f), c.API.trigger("cycle-pager-activated", [c, a, b]))
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
pager: "> .cycle-pager",
pagerActiveClass: "cycle-pager-active",
pagerEvent: "click.cycle",
pagerEventBubble: void 0,
pagerTemplate: "<span>&bull;</span>"
}), a(document).on("cycle-bootstrap", function(a, c, d) {
d.buildPagerLink = b
}), a(document).on("cycle-slide-added", function(a, b, d, e) {
b.pager && (b.API.buildPagerLink(b, d, e), = c)
}), a(document).on("cycle-slide-removed", function(b, c, d) {
if (c.pager) {
var e = c.API.getComponent("pager");
e.each(function() {
var b = a(this);
}), a(document).on("cycle-update-view", function(b, c) {
var d;
c.pager && (d = c.API.getComponent("pager"), d.each(function() {
}), a(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function(a, b) {
var c = b.API.getComponent("pager");
c && (c.children().off(b.pagerEvent), b.pagerTemplate && c.empty())
}(jQuery), /*! prevnext plugin for Cycle2; version: 20140408 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
next: "> .cycle-next",
nextEvent: "click.cycle",
disabledClass: "disabled",
prev: "> .cycle-prev",
prevEvent: "click.cycle",
swipe: !1
}), a(document).on("cycle-initialized", function(a, b) {
if (b.API.getComponent("next").on(b.nextEvent, function(a) {
}), b.API.getComponent("prev").on(b.prevEvent, function(a) {
a.preventDefault(), b.API.prev()
}), b.swipe) {
var c = b.swipeVert ? "swipeUp.cycle" : "swipeLeft.cycle swipeleft.cycle",
d = b.swipeVert ? "swipeDown.cycle" : "swipeRight.cycle swiperight.cycle";
b.container.on(c, function() {
b._tempFx = b.swipeFx,
}), b.container.on(d, function() {
b._tempFx = b.swipeFx, b.API.prev()
}), a(document).on("cycle-update-view", function(a, b) {
if (!b.allowWrap) {
var c = b.disabledClass,
d = b.API.getComponent("next"),
e = b.API.getComponent("prev"),
f = b._prevBoundry || 0,
g = void 0 !== b._nextBoundry ? b._nextBoundry : b.slideCount - 1;
b.currSlide == g ? d.addClass(c).prop("disabled", !0) : d.removeClass(c).prop("disabled", !1), b.currSlide === f ? e.addClass(c).prop("disabled", !0) : e.removeClass(c).prop("disabled", !1)
}), a(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function(a, b) {
b.API.getComponent("prev").off(b.nextEvent), b.API.getComponent("next").off(b.prevEvent),"swipeleft.cycle swiperight.cycle swipeLeft.cycle swipeRight.cycle swipeUp.cycle swipeDown.cycle")
}(jQuery), /*! progressive loader plugin for Cycle2; version: 20130315 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
progressive: !1
}), a(document).on("cycle-pre-initialize", function(b, c) {
if ( {
var d, e, f = c.API,
g =,
h = f.prev,
i = f.prepareTx,
j = a.type(;
if ("array" == j) d =;
else if (a.isFunction( d =;
else if ("string" == j) {
if (e = a(, d = a.trim(e.html()), !d) return;
if (/^(\[)/.test(d)) try {
d = a.parseJSON(d)
} catch (k) {
return void f.log("error parsing progressive slides", k)
} else d = d.split(new RegExp("cycle-split") || "\n")), d[d.length - 1] || d.pop()
i && (f.prepareTx = function(a, b) {
var e, f;
return a || 0 === d.length ? void i.apply(c.API, [a, b]) : void(b && c.currSlide == c.slideCount - 1 ? (f = d[0], d = d.slice(1),"cycle-slide-added", function(a, b) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 50)
}), c.API.add(f)) : b || 0 !== c.currSlide ? i.apply(c.API, [a, b]) : (e = d.length - 1, f = d[e], d = d.slice(0, e),"cycle-slide-added", function(a, b) {
setTimeout(function() {
b.currSlide = 1, b.API.advanceSlide(-1)
}, 50)
}), c.API.add(f, !0)))
}), g && ( = function() {
var a = this.opts();
if (d.length && a.currSlide == a.slideCount - 1) {
var b = d[0];
d = d.slice(1),"cycle-slide-added", function(a, b) {
g.apply(b.API), b.container.removeClass("cycle-loading")
}), a.container.addClass("cycle-loading"), a.API.add(b)
} else g.apply(a.API)
}), h && (f.prev = function() {
var a = this.opts();
if (d.length && 0 === a.currSlide) {
var b = d.length - 1,
c = d[b];
d = d.slice(0, b),"cycle-slide-added", function(a, b) {
b.currSlide = 1, b.API.advanceSlide(-1), b.container.removeClass("cycle-loading")
}), a.container.addClass("cycle-loading"), a.API.add(c, !0)
} else h.apply(a.API)
}(jQuery), /*! tmpl plugin for Cycle2; version: 20121227 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
tmplRegex: "{{((.)?.*?)}}"
}), a.extend(a.fn.cycle.API, {
tmpl: function(b, c) {
var d = new RegExp(c.tmplRegex || a.fn.cycle.defaults.tmplRegex, "g"),
e = a.makeArray(arguments);
return e.shift(), b.replace(d, function(b, c) {
var d, f, g, h, i = c.split(".");
for (d = 0; d < e.length; d++)
if (g = e[d]) {
if (i.length > 1)
for (h = g, f = 0; f < i.length; f++) g = h, h = h[i[f]] || c;
else h = g[c];
if (a.isFunction(h)) return h.apply(g, e);
if (void 0 !== h && null !== h && h != c) return h
return c
**Original vs. Beautified Diff**:
Index: /Users/brandonpowell/sites/valet/wordpress-development/web/app/themes/sage-8.5.0/assets/scripts/jquery.cycle2.js
--- /Users/brandonpowell/sites/valet/wordpress-development/web/app/themes/sage-8.5.0/assets/scripts/jquery.cycle2.js original
+++ /Users/brandonpowell/sites/valet/wordpress-development/web/app/themes/sage-8.5.0/assets/scripts/jquery.cycle2.js beautified
### Logs
2017-01-08T22:58:38.305Z - info: [beautifiers/] beautify jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
* jQuery Cycle2; version: 2.1.6 build: 20141007
* Copyright (c) 2014 M. Alsup; Dual licensed: MIT/GPL
! function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(a) {
return (a || "").toLowerCase()
var c = "2.1.6";
a.fn.cycle = function(c) {
var d;
return 0 !== this.length || a.isReady ? this.each(function() {
var d, e, f, g, h = a(this),
i = a.fn.cycle.log;
if (!"cycle.opts")) {
("cycle-log") === !1 || c && c.log === !1 || e && e.log === !1) && (i = a.noop), i("--c2 init--"), d =;
for (var j in d) d.hasOwnProperty(j) && /^cycle[A-Z]+/.test(j) && (g = d[j], f = j.match(/^cycle(.*)/)[1].replace(/^[A-Z]/, b), i(f + ":", g, "(" + typeof g + ")"), d[f] = g);
e = a.extend({}, a.fn.cycle.defaults, d, c || {}), e.timeoutId = 0, e.paused = e.paused || !1, e.container = h, e._maxZ = e.maxZ, e.API = a.extend({
_container: h
}, a.fn.cycle.API), e.API.log = i, e.API.trigger = function(a, b) {
return e.container.trigger(a, b), e.API
},"cycle.opts", e),"cycle.API", e.API), e.API.trigger("cycle-bootstrap", [e, e.API]), e.API.addInitialSlides(), e.API.preInitSlideshow(), e.slides.length && e.API.initSlideshow()
}) : (d = {
s: this.selector,
c: this.context
}, a.fn.cycle.log("requeuing slideshow (dom not ready)"), a(function() {
a(d.s, d.c).cycle(c)
}), this)
}, a.fn.cycle.API = {
opts: function() {
addInitialSlides: function() {
var b = this.opts(),
c = b.slides;
b.slideCount = 0, b.slides = a(), c = c.jquery ? c : b.container.find(c), b.random && c.sort(function() {
return Math.random() - .5
}), b.API.add(c)
preInitSlideshow: function() {
var b = this.opts();
b.API.trigger("cycle-pre-initialize", [b]);
var c = a.fn.cycle.transitions[b.fx];
c && a.isFunction(c.preInit) && c.preInit(b), b._preInitialized = !0
postInitSlideshow: function() {
var b = this.opts();
b.API.trigger("cycle-post-initialize", [b]);
var c = a.fn.cycle.transitions[b.fx];
c && a.isFunction(c.postInit) && c.postInit(b)
initSlideshow: function() {
var b, c = this.opts(),
d = c.container;
c.API.calcFirstSlide(), "static" == c.container.css("position") && c.container.css("position", "relative"), a(c.slides[c.currSlide]).css({
opacity: 1,
display: "block",
visibility: "visible"
}), c.API.stackSlides(c.slides[c.currSlide], c.slides[c.nextSlide], !c.reverse), c.pauseOnHover && (c.pauseOnHover !== !0 && (d = a(c.pauseOnHover)), d.hover(function() {
}, function() {
})), c.timeout && (b = c.API.getSlideOpts(c.currSlide), c.API.queueTransition(b, b.timeout + c.delay)), c._initialized = !0, c.API.updateView(!0), c.API.trigger("cycle-initialized", [c]), c.API.postInitSlideshow()
pause: function(b) {
var c = this.opts(),
d = c.API.getSlideOpts(),
e = c.hoverPaused || c.paused;
b ? c.hoverPaused = !0 : c.paused = !0, e || (c.container.addClass("cycle-paused"), c.API.trigger("cycle-paused", [c]).log("cycle-paused"), d.timeout && (clearTimeout(c.timeoutId), c.timeoutId = 0, c._remainingTimeout -= - c._lastQueue, (c._remainingTimeout < 0 || isNaN(c._remainingTimeout)) && (c._remainingTimeout = void 0)))
resume: function(a) {
var b = this.opts(),
c = !b.hoverPaused && !b.paused;
a ? b.hoverPaused = !1 : b.paused = !1, c || (b.container.removeClass("cycle-paused"), 0 === b.slides.filter(":animated").length && b.API.queueTransition(b.API.getSlideOpts(), b._remainingTimeout), b.API.trigger("cycle-resumed", [b, b._remainingTimeout]).log("cycle-resumed"))
add: function(b, c) {
var d, e = this.opts(),
f = e.slideCount,
g = !1;
"string" == a.type(b) && (b = a.trim(b)), a(b).each(function() {
var b, d = a(this);
c ? e.container.prepend(d) : e.container.append(d), e.slideCount++, b = e.API.buildSlideOpts(d), e.slides = c ? a(d).add(e.slides) : e.slides.add(d), e.API.initSlide(b, d, --e._maxZ),"cycle.opts", b), e.API.trigger("cycle-slide-added", [e, b, d])
}), e.API.updateView(!0), g = e._preInitialized && 2 > f && e.slideCount >= 1, g && (e._initialized ? e.timeout && (d = e.slides.length, e.nextSlide = e.reverse ? d - 1 : 1, e.timeoutId || e.API.queueTransition(e)) : e.API.initSlideshow())
calcFirstSlide: function() {
var a, b = this.opts();
a = parseInt(b.startingSlide || 0, 10), (a >= b.slides.length || 0 > a) && (a = 0), b.currSlide = a, b.reverse ? (b.nextSlide = a - 1, b.nextSlide < 0 && (b.nextSlide = b.slides.length - 1)) : (b.nextSlide = a + 1, b.nextSlide == b.slides.length && (b.nextSlide = 0))
calcNextSlide: function() {
var a, b = this.opts();
b.reverse ? (a = b.nextSlide - 1 < 0, b.nextSlide = a ? b.slideCount - 1 : b.nextSlide - 1, b.currSlide = a ? 0 : b.nextSlide + 1) : (a = b.nextSlide + 1 == b.slides.length, b.nextSlide = a ? 0 : b.nextSlide + 1, b.currSlide = a ? b.slides.length - 1 : b.nextSlide - 1)
calcTx: function(b, c) {
var d, e = b;
return e._tempFx ? d = a.fn.cycle.transitions[e._tempFx] : c && e.manualFx && (d = a.fn.cycle.transitions[e.manualFx]), d || (d = a.fn.cycle.transitions[e.fx]), e._tempFx = null, this.opts()._tempFx = null, d || (d = a.fn.cycle.transitions.fade, e.API.log('Transition "' + e.fx + '" not found. Using fade.')), d
prepareTx: function(a, b) {
var c, d, e, f, g, h = this.opts();
return h.slideCount < 2 ? void(h.timeoutId = 0) : (!a || h.busy && !h.manualTrump || (h.API.stopTransition(), h.busy = !1, clearTimeout(h.timeoutId), h.timeoutId = 0), void(h.busy || (0 !== h.timeoutId || a) && (d = h.slides[h.currSlide], e = h.slides[h.nextSlide], f = h.API.getSlideOpts(h.nextSlide), g = h.API.calcTx(f, a), h._tx = g, a && void 0 !== f.manualSpeed && (f.speed = f.manualSpeed), h.nextSlide != h.currSlide && (a || !h.paused && !h.hoverPaused && h.timeout) ? (h.API.trigger("cycle-before", [f, d, e, b]), g.before && g.before(f, d, e, b), c = function() {
h.busy = !1,"cycle.opts") && (g.after && g.after(f, d, e, b), h.API.trigger("cycle-after", [f, d, e, b]), h.API.queueTransition(f), h.API.updateView(!0))
}, h.busy = !0, g.transition ? g.transition(f, d, e, b, c) : h.API.doTransition(f, d, e, b, c), h.API.calcNextSlide(), h.API.updateView()) : h.API.queueTransition(f))))
doTransition: function(b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = b,
h = a(c),
i = a(d),
j = function() {
i.animate(g.animIn || {
opacity: 1
}, g.speed, g.easeIn || g.easing, f)
i.css(g.cssBefore || {}), h.animate(g.animOut || {}, g.speed, g.easeOut || g.easing, function() {
h.css(g.cssAfter || {}), g.sync || j()
}), g.sync && j()
queueTransition: function(b, c) {
var d = this.opts(),
e = void 0 !== c ? c : b.timeout;
return 0 === d.nextSlide && 0 === --d.loop ? (d.API.log("terminating; loop=0"), d.timeout = 0, e ? setTimeout(function() {
d.API.trigger("cycle-finished", [d])
}, e) : d.API.trigger("cycle-finished", [d]), void(d.nextSlide = d.currSlide)) : void 0 !== d.continueAuto && (d.continueAuto === !1 || a.isFunction(d.continueAuto) && d.continueAuto() === !1) ? (d.API.log("terminating automatic transitions"), d.timeout = 0, void(d.timeoutId && clearTimeout(d.timeoutId))) : void(e && (d._lastQueue =, void 0 === c && (d._remainingTimeout = b.timeout), d.paused || d.hoverPaused || (d.timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
d.API.prepareTx(!1, !d.reverse)
}, e))))
stopTransition: function() {
var a = this.opts();
a.slides.filter(":animated").length && (a.slides.stop(!1, !0), a.API.trigger("cycle-transition-stopped", [a])), a._tx && a._tx.stopTransition && a._tx.stopTransition(a)
advanceSlide: function(a) {
var b = this.opts();
return clearTimeout(b.timeoutId), b.timeoutId = 0, b.nextSlide = b.currSlide + a, b.nextSlide < 0 ? b.nextSlide = b.slides.length - 1 : b.nextSlide >= b.slides.length && (b.nextSlide = 0), b.API.prepareTx(!0, a >= 0), !1
buildSlideOpts: function(c) {
var d, e, f = this.opts(),
g = || {};
for (var h in g) g.hasOwnProperty(h) && /^cycle[A-Z]+/.test(h) && (d = g[h], e = h.match(/^cycle(.*)/)[1].replace(/^[A-Z]/, b), f.API.log("[" + (f.slideCount - 1) + "]", e + ":", d, "(" + typeof d + ")"), g[e] = d);
g = a.extend({}, a.fn.cycle.defaults, f, g), g.slideNum = f.slideCount;
try {
delete g.API, delete g.slideCount, delete g.currSlide, delete g.nextSlide, delete g.slides
} catch (i) {}
return g
getSlideOpts: function(b) {
var c = this.opts();
void 0 === b && (b = c.currSlide);
var d = c.slides[b],
e = a(d).data("cycle.opts");
return a.extend({}, c, e)
initSlide: function(b, c, d) {
var e = this.opts();
c.css(b.slideCss || {}), d > 0 && c.css("zIndex", d), isNaN(b.speed) && (b.speed = a.fx.speeds[b.speed] || a.fx.speeds._default), b.sync || (b.speed = b.speed / 2), c.addClass(e.slideClass)
updateView: function(a, b) {
var c = this.opts();
if (c._initialized) {
var d = c.API.getSlideOpts(),
e = c.slides[c.currSlide];
!a && b !== !0 && (c.API.trigger("cycle-update-view-before", [c, d, e]), c.updateView < 0) || (c.slideActiveClass && c.slides.removeClass(c.slideActiveClass).eq(c.currSlide).addClass(c.slideActiveClass), a && c.hideNonActive && c.slides.filter(":not(." + c.slideActiveClass + ")").css("visibility", "hidden"), 0 === c.updateView && setTimeout(function() {
c.API.trigger("cycle-update-view", [c, d, e, a])
}, d.speed / (c.sync ? 2 : 1)), 0 !== c.updateView && c.API.trigger("cycle-update-view", [c, d, e, a]), a && c.API.trigger("cycle-update-view-after", [c, d, e]))
getComponent: function(b) {
var c = this.opts(),
d = c[b];
return "string" == typeof d ? /^\s*[\>|\+|~]/.test(d) ? c.container.find(d) : a(d) : d.jquery ? d : a(d)
stackSlides: function(b, c, d) {
var e = this.opts();
b || (b = e.slides[e.currSlide], c = e.slides[e.nextSlide], d = !e.reverse), a(b).css("zIndex", e.maxZ);
var f, g = e.maxZ - 2,
h = e.slideCount;
if (d) {
for (f = e.currSlide + 1; h > f; f++) a(e.slides[f]).css("zIndex", g--);
for (f = 0; f < e.currSlide; f++) a(e.slides[f]).css("zIndex", g--)
} else {
for (f = e.currSlide - 1; f >= 0; f--) a(e.slides[f]).css("zIndex", g--);
for (f = h - 1; f > e.currSlide; f--) a(e.slides[f]).css("zIndex", g--)
a(c).css("zIndex", e.maxZ - 1)
getSlideIndex: function(a) {
return this.opts().slides.index(a)
}, a.fn.cycle.log = function() {
window.console && console.log && console.log("[cycle2] " +, " "))
}, a.fn.cycle.version = function() {
return "Cycle2: " + c
}, a.fn.cycle.transitions = {
custom: {},
none: {
before: function(a, b, c, d) {
a.API.stackSlides(c, b, d), a.cssBefore = {
opacity: 1,
visibility: "visible",
display: "block"
fade: {
before: function(b, c, d, e) {
var f = b.API.getSlideOpts(b.nextSlide).slideCss || {};
b.API.stackSlides(c, d, e), b.cssBefore = a.extend(f, {
opacity: 0,
visibility: "visible",
display: "block"
}), b.animIn = {
opacity: 1
}, b.animOut = {
opacity: 0
fadeout: {
before: function(b, c, d, e) {
var f = b.API.getSlideOpts(b.nextSlide).slideCss || {};
b.API.stackSlides(c, d, e), b.cssBefore = a.extend(f, {
opacity: 1,
visibility: "visible",
display: "block"
}), b.animOut = {
opacity: 0
scrollHorz: {
before: function(a, b, c, d) {
a.API.stackSlides(b, c, d);
var e = a.container.css("overflow", "hidden").width();
a.cssBefore = {
left: d ? e : -e,
top: 0,
opacity: 1,
visibility: "visible",
display: "block"
}, a.cssAfter = {
zIndex: a._maxZ - 2,
left: 0
}, a.animIn = {
left: 0
}, a.animOut = {
left: d ? -e : e
}, a.fn.cycle.defaults = {
allowWrap: !0,
autoSelector: ".cycle-slideshow[data-cycle-auto-init!=false]",
delay: 0,
easing: null,
fx: "fade",
hideNonActive: !0,
loop: 0,
manualFx: void 0,
manualSpeed: void 0,
manualTrump: !0,
maxZ: 100,
pauseOnHover: !1,
reverse: !1,
slideActiveClass: "cycle-slide-active",
slideClass: "cycle-slide",
slideCss: {
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0
slides: "> img",
speed: 500,
startingSlide: 0,
sync: !0,
timeout: 4e3,
updateView: 0
}, a(document).ready(function() {
}(jQuery), /*! Cycle2 autoheight plugin; Copyright (c) M.Alsup, 2012; version: 20130913 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(b, d) {
var e, f, g, h = d.autoHeight;
if ("container" == h) f = a(d.slides[d.currSlide]).outerHeight(), d.container.height(f);
else if (d._autoHeightRatio) d.container.height(d.container.width() / d._autoHeightRatio);
else if ("calc" === h || "number" == a.type(h) && h >= 0) {
if (g = "calc" === h ? c(b, d) : h >= d.slides.length ? 0 : h, g == d._sentinelIndex) return;
d._sentinelIndex = g, d._sentinel && d._sentinel.remove(), e = a(d.slides[g].cloneNode(!0)), e.removeAttr("id name rel").find("[id],[name],[rel]").removeAttr("id name rel"), e.css({
position: "static",
visibility: "hidden",
display: "block"
}).prependTo(d.container).addClass("cycle-sentinel cycle-slide").removeClass("cycle-slide-active"), e.find("*").css("visibility", "hidden"), d._sentinel = e
function c(b, c) {
var d = 0,
e = -1;
return c.slides.each(function(b) {
var c = a(this).height();
c > e && (e = c, d = b)
}), d
function d(b, c, d, e) {
var f = a(e).outerHeight();
height: f
}, c.autoHeightSpeed, c.autoHeightEasing)
function e(c, f) {
f._autoHeightOnResize && (a(window).off("resize orientationchange", f._autoHeightOnResize), f._autoHeightOnResize = null),"cycle-slide-added cycle-slide-removed", b),"cycle-destroyed", e),"cycle-before", d), f._sentinel && (f._sentinel.remove(), f._sentinel = null)
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
autoHeight: 0,
autoHeightSpeed: 250,
autoHeightEasing: null
}), a(document).on("cycle-initialized", function(c, f) {
function g() {
b(c, f)
var h, i = f.autoHeight,
j = a.type(i),
k = null;
("string" === j || "number" === j) && (f.container.on("cycle-slide-added cycle-slide-removed", b), f.container.on("cycle-destroyed", e), "container" == i ? f.container.on("cycle-before", d) : "string" === j && /\d+\:\d+/.test(i) && (h = i.match(/(\d+)\:(\d+)/), h = h[1] / h[2], f._autoHeightRatio = h), "number" !== j && (f._autoHeightOnResize = function() {
clearTimeout(k), k = setTimeout(g, 50)
}, a(window).on("resize orientationchange", f._autoHeightOnResize)), setTimeout(g, 30))
}(jQuery), /*! caption plugin for Cycle2; version: 20130306 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
caption: "> .cycle-caption",
captionTemplate: "{{slideNum}} / {{slideCount}}",
overlay: "> .cycle-overlay",
overlayTemplate: "<div>{{title}}</div><div>{{desc}}</div>",
captionModule: "caption"
}), a(document).on("cycle-update-view", function(b, c, d, e) {
if ("caption" === c.captionModule) {
a.each(["caption", "overlay"], function() {
var a = this,
b = d[a + "Template"],
f = c.API.getComponent(a);
f.length && b ? (f.html(c.API.tmpl(b, d, c, e)), : f.hide()
}), a(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function(b, c) {
var d;
a.each(["caption", "overlay"], function() {
var a = this,
b = c[a + "Template"];
c[a] && b && (d = c.API.getComponent("caption"), d.empty())
}(jQuery), /*! command plugin for Cycle2; version: 20140415 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
var b = a.fn.cycle;
a.fn.cycle = function(c) {
var d, e, f, g = a.makeArray(arguments);
return "number" == a.type(c) ? this.cycle("goto", c) : "string" == a.type(c) ? this.each(function() {
var h;
return d = c, f = a(this).data("cycle.opts"), void 0 === f ? void b.log('slideshow must be initialized before sending commands; "' + d + '" ignored') : (d = "goto" == d ? "jump" : d, e = f.API[d], a.isFunction(e) ? (h = a.makeArray(g), h.shift(), e.apply(f.API, h)) : void b.log("unknown command: ", d))
}) : b.apply(this, arguments)
}, a.extend(a.fn.cycle, b), a.extend(b.API, {
next: function() {
var a = this.opts();
if (!a.busy || a.manualTrump) {
var b = a.reverse ? -1 : 1;
a.allowWrap === !1 && a.currSlide + b >= a.slideCount || (a.API.advanceSlide(b), a.API.trigger("cycle-next", [a]).log("cycle-next"))
prev: function() {
var a = this.opts();
if (!a.busy || a.manualTrump) {
var b = a.reverse ? 1 : -1;
a.allowWrap === !1 && a.currSlide + b < 0 || (a.API.advanceSlide(b), a.API.trigger("cycle-prev", [a]).log("cycle-prev"))
destroy: function() {
var b = this.opts(),
c = a.isFunction(a._data) ? a._data : a.noop;
clearTimeout(b.timeoutId), b.timeoutId = 0, b.API.stop(), b.API.trigger("cycle-destroyed", [b]).log("cycle-destroyed"), b.container.removeData(), c(b.container[0], "parsedAttrs", !1), b.retainStylesOnDestroy || (b.container.removeAttr("style"), b.slides.removeAttr("style"), b.slides.removeClass(b.slideActiveClass)), b.slides.each(function() {
var d = a(this);
d.removeData(), d.removeClass(b.slideClass), c(this, "parsedAttrs", !1)
jump: function(a, b) {
var c, d = this.opts();
if (!d.busy || d.manualTrump) {
var e = parseInt(a, 10);
if (isNaN(e) || 0 > e || e >= d.slides.length) return void d.API.log("goto: invalid slide index: " + e);
if (e == d.currSlide) return void d.API.log("goto: skipping, already on slide", e);
d.nextSlide = e, clearTimeout(d.timeoutId), d.timeoutId = 0, d.API.log("goto: ", e, " (zero-index)"), c = d.currSlide < d.nextSlide, d._tempFx = b, d.API.prepareTx(!0, c)
stop: function() {
var b = this.opts(),
c = b.container;
clearTimeout(b.timeoutId), b.timeoutId = 0, b.API.stopTransition(), b.pauseOnHover && (b.pauseOnHover !== !0 && (c = a(b.pauseOnHover)),"mouseenter mouseleave")), b.API.trigger("cycle-stopped", [b]).log("cycle-stopped")
reinit: function() {
var a = this.opts();
a.API.destroy(), a.container.cycle()
remove: function(b) {
for (var c, d, e = this.opts(), f = [], g = 1, h = 0; h < e.slides.length; h++) c = e.slides[h], h == b ? d = c : (f.push(c), a(c).data("cycle.opts").slideNum = g, g++);
d && (e.slides = a(f), e.slideCount--, a(d).remove(), b == e.currSlide ? e.API.advanceSlide(1) : b < e.currSlide ? e.currSlide-- : e.currSlide++, e.API.trigger("cycle-slide-removed", [e, b, d]).log("cycle-slide-removed"), e.API.updateView())
}), a(document).on("click.cycle", "[data-cycle-cmd]", function(b) {
var c = a(this),
d ="cycle-cmd"),
e ="cycle-context") || ".cycle-slideshow";
}(jQuery), /*! hash plugin for Cycle2; version: 20130905 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(b, c) {
var d;
return b._hashFence ? void(b._hashFence = !1) : (d = window.location.hash.substring(1), void b.slides.each(function(e) {
if (a(this).data("cycle-hash") == d) {
if (c === !0) b.startingSlide = e;
else {
var f = b.currSlide < e;
b.nextSlide = e, b.API.prepareTx(!0, f)
return !1
a(document).on("cycle-pre-initialize", function(c, d) {
b(d, !0), d._onHashChange = function() {
b(d, !1)
}, a(window).on("hashchange", d._onHashChange)
}), a(document).on("cycle-update-view", function(a, b, c) {
c.hash && "#" + c.hash != window.location.hash && (b._hashFence = !0, window.location.hash = c.hash)
}), a(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function(b, c) {
c._onHashChange && a(window).off("hashchange", c._onHashChange)
}(jQuery), /*! loader plugin for Cycle2; version: 20131121 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
loader: !1
}), a(document).on("cycle-bootstrap", function(b, c) {
function d(b, d) {
function f(b) {
var f;
"wait" == c.loader ? (h.push(b), 0 === j && (h.sort(g), e.apply(c.API, [h, d]), c.container.removeClass("cycle-loading"))) : (f = a(c.slides[c.currSlide]), e.apply(c.API, [b, d]),, c.container.removeClass("cycle-loading"))
function g(a, b) {
return"index") -"index")
var h = [];
if ("string" == a.type(b)) b = a.trim(b);
else if ("array" === a.type(b))
for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) b[i] = a(b[i])[0];
b = a(b);
var j = b.length;
j && (b.css("visibility", "hidden").appendTo("body").each(function(b) {
function g() {
0 === --i && (--j, f(k))
var i = 0,
k = a(this),
l ="img") ? k : k.find("img");
return"index", b), l = l.filter(":not(.cycle-loader-ignore)").filter(':not([src=""])'), l.length ? (i = l.length, void l.each(function() {
this.complete ? g() : a(this).load(function() {
}).on("error", function() {
0 === --i && (c.API.log("slide skipped; img not loaded:", this.src), 0 === --j && "wait" == c.loader && e.apply(c.API, [h, d]))
})) : (--j, void h.push(k))
}), j && c.container.addClass("cycle-loading"))
var e;
c.loader && (e = c.API.add, c.API.add = d)
}(jQuery), /*! pager plugin for Cycle2; version: 20140415 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(b, c, d) {
var e, f = b.API.getComponent("pager");
f.each(function() {
var f = a(this);
if (c.pagerTemplate) {
var g = b.API.tmpl(c.pagerTemplate, c, b, d[0]);
e = a(g).appendTo(f)
} else e = f.children().eq(b.slideCount - 1);
e.on(b.pagerEvent, function(a) {
b.pagerEventBubble || a.preventDefault(),, a.currentTarget)
function c(a, b) {
var c = this.opts();
if (!c.busy || c.manualTrump) {
var d = a.children().index(b),
e = d,
f = c.currSlide < e;
c.currSlide != e && (c.nextSlide = e, c._tempFx = c.pagerFx, c.API.prepareTx(!0, f), c.API.trigger("cycle-pager-activated", [c, a, b]))
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
pager: "> .cycle-pager",
pagerActiveClass: "cycle-pager-active",
pagerEvent: "click.cycle",
pagerEventBubble: void 0,
pagerTemplate: "<span>&bull;</span>"
}), a(document).on("cycle-bootstrap", function(a, c, d) {
d.buildPagerLink = b
}), a(document).on("cycle-slide-added", function(a, b, d, e) {
b.pager && (b.API.buildPagerLink(b, d, e), = c)
}), a(document).on("cycle-slide-removed", function(b, c, d) {
if (c.pager) {
var e = c.API.getComponent("pager");
e.each(function() {
var b = a(this);
}), a(document).on("cycle-update-view", function(b, c) {
var d;
c.pager && (d = c.API.getComponent("pager"), d.each(function() {
}), a(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function(a, b) {
var c = b.API.getComponent("pager");
c && (c.children().off(b.pagerEvent), b.pagerTemplate && c.empty())
}(jQuery), /*! prevnext plugin for Cycle2; version: 20140408 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
next: "> .cycle-next",
nextEvent: "click.cycle",
disabledClass: "disabled",
prev: "> .cycle-prev",
prevEvent: "click.cycle",
swipe: !1
}), a(document).on("cycle-initialized", function(a, b) {
if (b.API.getComponent("next").on(b.nextEvent, function(a) {
}), b.API.getComponent("prev").on(b.prevEvent, function(a) {
a.preventDefault(), b.API.prev()
}), b.swipe) {
var c = b.swipeVert ? "swipeUp.cycle" : "swipeLeft.cycle swipeleft.cycle",
d = b.swipeVert ? "swipeDown.cycle" : "swipeRight.cycle swiperight.cycle";
b.container.on(c, function() {
b._tempFx = b.swipeFx,
}), b.container.on(d, function() {
b._tempFx = b.swipeFx, b.API.prev()
}), a(document).on("cycle-update-view", function(a, b) {
if (!b.allowWrap) {
var c = b.disabledClass,
d = b.API.getComponent("next"),
e = b.API.getComponent("prev"),
f = b._prevBoundry || 0,
g = void 0 !== b._nextBoundry ? b._nextBoundry : b.slideCount - 1;
b.currSlide == g ? d.addClass(c).prop("disabled", !0) : d.removeClass(c).prop("disabled", !1), b.currSlide === f ? e.addClass(c).prop("disabled", !0) : e.removeClass(c).prop("disabled", !1)
}), a(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function(a, b) {
b.API.getComponent("prev").off(b.nextEvent), b.API.getComponent("next").off(b.prevEvent),"swipeleft.cycle swiperight.cycle swipeLeft.cycle swipeRight.cycle swipeUp.cycle swipeDown.cycle")
}(jQuery), /*! progressive loader plugin for Cycle2; version: 20130315 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
progressive: !1
}), a(document).on("cycle-pre-initialize", function(b, c) {
if ( {
var d, e, f = c.API,
g =,
h = f.prev,
i = f.prepareTx,
j = a.type(;
if ("array" == j) d =;
else if (a.isFunction( d =;
else if ("string" == j) {
if (e = a(, d = a.trim(e.html()), !d) return;
if (/^(\[)/.test(d)) try {
d = a.parseJSON(d)
} catch (k) {
return void f.log("error parsing progressive slides", k)
} else d = d.split(new RegExp("cycle-split") || "\n")), d[d.length - 1] || d.pop()
i && (f.prepareTx = function(a, b) {
var e, f;
return a || 0 === d.length ? void i.apply(c.API, [a, b]) : void(b && c.currSlide == c.slideCount - 1 ? (f = d[0], d = d.slice(1),"cycle-slide-added", function(a, b) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 50)
}), c.API.add(f)) : b || 0 !== c.currSlide ? i.apply(c.API, [a, b]) : (e = d.length - 1, f = d[e], d = d.slice(0, e),"cycle-slide-added", function(a, b) {
setTimeout(function() {
b.currSlide = 1, b.API.advanceSlide(-1)
}, 50)
}), c.API.add(f, !0)))
}), g && ( = function() {
var a = this.opts();
if (d.length && a.currSlide == a.slideCount - 1) {
var b = d[0];
d = d.slice(1),"cycle-slide-added", function(a, b) {
g.apply(b.API), b.container.removeClass("cycle-loading")
}), a.container.addClass("cycle-loading"), a.API.add(b)
} else g.apply(a.API)
}), h && (f.prev = function() {
var a = this.opts();
if (d.length && 0 === a.currSlide) {
var b = d.length - 1,
c = d[b];
d = d.slice(0, b),"cycle-slide-added", function(a, b) {
b.currSlide = 1, b.API.advanceSlide(-1), b.container.removeClass("cycle-loading")
}), a.container.addClass("cycle-loading"), a.API.add(c, !0)
} else h.apply(a.API)
}(jQuery), /*! tmpl plugin for Cycle2; version: 20121227 */
function(a) {
"use strict";
a.extend(a.fn.cycle.defaults, {
tmplRegex: "{{((.)?.*?)}}"
}), a.extend(a.fn.cycle.API, {
tmpl: function(b, c) {
var d = new RegExp(c.tmplRegex || a.fn.cycle.defaults.tmplRegex, "g"),
e = a.makeArray(arguments);
return e.shift(), b.replace(d, function(b, c) {
var d, f, g, h, i = c.split(".");
for (d = 0; d < e.length; d++)
if (g = e[d]) {
if (i.length > 1)
for (h = g, f = 0; f < i.length; f++) g = h, h = h[i[f]] || c;
else h = g[c];
if (a.isFunction(h)) return h.apply(g, e);
if (void 0 !== h && null !== h && h != c) return h
return c
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2017-01-08T22:58:38.309Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] [ { name: 'JavaScript',
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2017-01-08T22:58:38.310Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] Language JavaScript supported
2017-01-08T22:58:38.310Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] getOptions selections [ 'js' ] indent_size=2, indent_char= , indent_with_tabs=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, indent_size=2, disabled=false, default_beautifier=beautysh, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, disabled=false, default_beautifier=cljfmt, beautify_on_save=false, indent_size=4, indent_char= , indent_level=0, indent_with_tabs=false, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, space_in_paren=false, jslint_happy=false, space_after_anon_function=false, brace_style=collapse, break_chained_methods=false, keep_array_indentation=false, keep_function_indentation=false, space_before_conditional=true, eval_code=false, 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return a.indexOf(i) < 0;
2017-01-08T22:58:38.312Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true indent_size=2, indent_char= , indent_with_tabs=false
2017-01-08T22:58:38.312Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.312Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js indent_size=2, indent_char= , indent_with_tabs=false
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2017-01-08T22:58:38.314Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js indent_size=4, indent_char= , indent_level=0, indent_with_tabs=false, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, space_in_paren=false, jslint_happy=false, space_after_anon_function=false, brace_style=collapse, break_chained_methods=false, keep_array_indentation=false, keep_function_indentation=false, space_before_conditional=true, eval_code=false, unescape_strings=false, wrap_line_length=0, end_with_newline=false, end_with_comma=false, disabled=false, default_beautifier=JS Beautify, beautify_on_save=false
2017-01-08T22:58:38.314Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js indent_size=4, indent_char= , indent_level=0, indent_with_tabs=false, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, space_in_paren=false, jslint_happy=false, space_after_anon_function=false, brace_style=collapse, break_chained_methods=false, keep_array_indentation=false, keep_function_indentation=false, space_before_conditional=true, eval_code=false, unescape_strings=false, wrap_line_length=0, end_with_newline=false, end_with_comma=false, disabled=false, default_beautifier=JS Beautify, beautify_on_save=false
2017-01-08T22:58:38.314Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true
2017-01-08T22:58:38.314Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.314Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.314Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true indent_style=space, indent_size=2, end_of_line=lf, charset=utf-8, trim_trailing_whitespace=true, insert_final_newline=true, tab_width=2, indent_char=
2017-01-08T22:58:38.314Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.314Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js indent_style=space, indent_size=2, end_of_line=lf, charset=utf-8, trim_trailing_whitespace=true, insert_final_newline=true, tab_width=2, indent_char=
2017-01-08T22:58:38.315Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true
2017-01-08T22:58:38.316Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.316Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.316Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true
2017-01-08T22:58:38.316Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.316Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.316Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true
2017-01-08T22:58:38.316Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.316Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.316Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true
2017-01-08T22:58:38.316Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.316Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.316Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true
2017-01-08T22:58:38.316Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.317Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.318Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true
2017-01-08T22:58:38.318Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.318Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.318Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true
2017-01-08T22:58:38.319Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.319Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.319Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true
2017-01-08T22:58:38.319Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.319Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.319Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true
2017-01-08T22:58:38.319Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.320Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.320Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true
2017-01-08T22:58:38.320Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.320Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.320Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true
2017-01-08T22:58:38.320Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.320Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options js
2017-01-08T22:58:38.320Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] JavaScript name=JavaScript, namespace=js, grammars=[JavaScript], extensions=[js], defaultBeautifier=JS Beautify, type=integer, default=2, minimum=0, description=Indentation size/length, type=string, default= , description=Indentation character, type=integer, default=0, description=Initial indentation level, type=boolean, default=false, description=Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char`, type=boolean, default=true, description=Preserve line-breaks, type=integer, default=10, description=Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk, type=boolean, default=false, description=Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b ), type=boolean, default=false, description=Enable jslint-stricter mode, type=boolean, default=false, description=Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function (), type=string, default=collapse, enum=[collapse, collapse-preserve-inline, expand, end-expand, none], description=[collapse|collapse-preserve-inline|expand|end-expand|none], type=boolean, default=false, description=Break chained method calls across subsequent lines, type=boolean, default=false, description=Preserve array indentation, type=boolean, default=false, description=, type=boolean, default=true, description=, type=boolean, default=false, description=, type=boolean, default=false, description=Decode printable characters encoded in xNN notation, type=integer, default=0, description=Wrap lines at next opportunity after N characters, type=boolean, default=false, description=End output with newline, type=boolean, default=false, description=If a terminating comma should be inserted into arrays, object literals, and destructured objects.
2017-01-08T22:58:38.321Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] language options: {
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2017-01-08T22:58:38.321Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] JavaScript /Users/brandonpowell/sites/valet/wordpress-development/web/app/themes/sage-8.5.0/assets/scripts/jquery.cycle2.js { indent_size: 2,
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trim_trailing_whitespace=true, insert_final_newline=true, tab_width=2, indent_char= , , , , , , , , , , , , difference=function (a) {
return this.filter(function(i) {
return a.indexOf(i) < 0;
2017-01-08T22:58:38.323Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] beautifiers 0=JS Beautify, 1=JSCS Fixer, 2=Pretty Diff, difference=function (a) {
return this.filter(function(i) {
return a.indexOf(i) < 0;
2017-01-08T22:58:38.323Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] beautifier JS Beautify
2017-01-08T22:58:38.324Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] JS Beautify language JavaScript
2017-01-08T22:58:38.324Z - info: [beautifiers/] JS Beautify Options: {
"indent_size": 2,
"indent_char": " ",
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"max_preserve_newlines": 10,
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"disabled": false,
"default_beautifier": "JS Beautify",
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"end_of_line": "lf",
"charset": "utf-8",
"trim_trailing_whitespace": true,
"insert_final_newline": true,
"tab_width": 2
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