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ostr00000 /
Created July 6, 2020 22:04
Simple program to display all icons available for pyqt
Create widget with available icons from qt and based on
from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize
from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QVBoxLayout, QWidget, QGridLayout, QStyle, \
QFormLayout, QLabel, QScrollArea, QLineEdit, QTabWidget
eyllanesc /
Last active November 25, 2020 09:38
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import QDrag
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
class TreeWidget(QTreeWidget):
customMimeType = "application/x-customTreeWidgetdata"
def mimeTypes(self):
mimetypes = QTreeWidget.mimeTypes(self)
Building Python 3 with PyQt5, QWebEngine, QScintilla, VTK on Windows 64bit
Install Visual C++ 2013 (I failed to get MingW working with PyQt5)
Install the vs2013 version of Qt5
Install Python 3.4 64bit
Get sip (4.17), PyQt5 (5.5.1), and QScintilla sources
Add path to qmake to PATH
ShadowKyogre /
Last active April 22, 2017 20:09
Select multiple windows with slop. Needs slop, xwininfo, and xprop. Edit if you want to pass different params to the slop wrapper.
for window in $( -l -c 0,0.5,1,0.6)
xdotool windowactivate --sync $window key "$1"
if [ $happened -a -n "$2" ];then
mottosso /
Last active September 5, 2016 06:46
Restore Script Editor focus



On Windows systems using Autodesk Maya, the text input field of the Script Editor doesn't regain focus after having restored focus to the main window. This event handler explicitly restores focus, if it turns out to have been the last active panel at the time of leaving the application.


Place the full contents of the script below into your and never again lose focus.

mbbx6spp / ALTERNATIVES.adoc
Last active January 7, 2025 16:25
Super quick list of alternatives to Jira and/or Confluence, Stash, Crucible, etc.
manuelmacha / gist:6cc29ec040734e21a768
Created February 3, 2015 10:05
QTextEdit extended with a signal 'lineNumbersChanged' which gets triggered when the line-numbers of the visible text change. Such functionality already exists for QPlainTextEdit via firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber() and lastVisibleBlock().blockNumber(). However these methods are not accessible using QTextEdit and PyQt. The signal can be used to …
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
class TextEdit(QtGui.QTextEdit):
QTextEdit extended with a signal 'lineNumbersChanged' which gets triggered when the line-numbers of the visible text change.
Such functionality already exists for QPlainTextEdit via firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber() and lastVisibleBlock().blockNumber()
However these functions are not accessible using QTextEdit and PyQt.
The signal can be used to update custom widgets that compliment the QTextEdit such as lineNumberWidgets or miniMapWidgets.
fpsunflower / nanoexr.cpp
Last active December 9, 2021 14:42
Tiny OpenEXR output
// c++ -o nanoexr nanoexr.cpp && ./nanoexr /tmp/foo.exr
#include <cstdio>
// writes a tiled OpenEXR file from a float RGB buffer
struct Exr {
FILE* f; enum{TS=64}; ~Exr() { fclose(f); }
void B(unsigned char i) { fputc(i,f); }
void I(unsigned int i) { fwrite(&i,1,4,f); }
void L(unsigned long long i) { fwrite(&i,1,8,f); }
void F(float x) { fwrite(&x,1,4,f); }
dferg / howto-tomato-install-extras.markdown
Last active December 30, 2021 07:57
HOWTO: Install extra kernel modules on Shibby TomatoUSB


This howto describes installing the extra kernel modules for the Tomato open-source router firmware. We will install them in the /opt/extras area.


  • Router running Shibby's fork of TomatoUSB
  • entware installed to a USB stick mounted at /opt

This Howto Was Tested With

vertexclique /
Last active February 22, 2025 13:20
Cracking guide for Sublime Text 3 Build 3059 / 3065 ( Mac / Win x86_64 / Windows x86 / Linux x64 / Linux x86 )


Build 3059

MD5: 59bab8f71f8c096cd3f72cd73851515d

Rename it to: Sublime Text

Make it executable with: chmod u+x Sublime\ Text