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Created June 13, 2023 16:56
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use std::prelude::rust_2021::*;
extern crate std;
use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// Formats the sum of two numbers as string.
fn sum_as_string(a: usize, b: usize) -> PyResult<String> {
Ok((a + b).to_string())
mod sum_as_string {
pub(crate) struct MakeDef;
pub const DEF: ::pyo3::impl_::pyfunction::PyMethodDef = MakeDef::DEF;
const _: () = {
use ::pyo3 as _pyo3;
impl sum_as_string::MakeDef {
const DEF: ::pyo3::impl_::pyfunction::PyMethodDef = _pyo3::impl_::pymethods::PyMethodDef::fastcall_cfunction_with_keywords(
unsafe extern "C" fn trampoline(
_slf: *mut _pyo3::ffi::PyObject,
_args: *const *mut _pyo3::ffi::PyObject,
_nargs: _pyo3::ffi::Py_ssize_t,
_kwnames: *mut _pyo3::ffi::PyObject,
) -> *mut _pyo3::ffi::PyObject {
"sum_as_string(a, b)\n--\n\nFormats the sum of two numbers as string.\0",
unsafe fn __pyfunction_sum_as_string<'py>(
_py: _pyo3::Python<'py>,
_slf: *mut _pyo3::ffi::PyObject,
_args: *const *mut _pyo3::ffi::PyObject,
_nargs: _pyo3::ffi::Py_ssize_t,
_kwnames: *mut _pyo3::ffi::PyObject,
) -> _pyo3::PyResult<*mut _pyo3::ffi::PyObject> {
let function = sum_as_string;
const DESCRIPTION: _pyo3::impl_::extract_argument::FunctionDescription = _pyo3::impl_::extract_argument::FunctionDescription {
cls_name: ::std::option::Option::None,
func_name: "sum_as_string",
positional_parameter_names: &["a", "b"],
positional_only_parameters: 0usize,
required_positional_parameters: 2usize,
keyword_only_parameters: &[],
let mut output = [::std::option::Option::None; 2usize];
let (_args, _kwargs) = DESCRIPTION
>(_py, _args, _nargs, _kwnames, &mut output)?;
let mut ret = function(
&mut { _pyo3::impl_::extract_argument::FunctionArgumentHolder::INIT },
&mut { _pyo3::impl_::extract_argument::FunctionArgumentHolder::INIT },
let owned = _pyo3::impl_::pymethods::OkWrap::wrap(ret, _py);
.map(|obj| _pyo3::conversion::IntoPyPointer::into_ptr(obj))
/// A Python module implemented in Rust.
fn my_first_pyo3(_py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
use sum_as_string as wrapped_pyfunction;
::pyo3::impl_::pyfunction::wrap_pyfunction_impl(&wrapped_pyfunction::DEF, m)
mod my_first_pyo3 {
pub(crate) struct MakeDef;
pub static DEF: ::pyo3::impl_::pymodule::ModuleDef = MakeDef::make_def();
pub const NAME: &'static str = "my_first_pyo3\u{0}";
/// This autogenerated function is called by the python interpreter when importing
/// the module.
#[export_name = "PyInit_my_first_pyo3"]
pub unsafe extern "C" fn init() -> *mut ::pyo3::ffi::PyObject {
::pyo3::impl_::trampoline::module_init(|py| DEF.make_module(py))
const _: () = {
use ::pyo3::impl_::pymodule as impl_;
impl my_first_pyo3::MakeDef {
const fn make_def() -> impl_::ModuleDef {
const INITIALIZER: impl_::ModuleInitializer = impl_::ModuleInitializer(
unsafe {
"A Python module implemented in Rust.\0",
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