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Last active December 6, 2015 19:33
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Save ogrotten/853d396fffcf781afa0f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Filtered Virtual Keys list for Fallout 4 as JS module or JSON data.
A javascript module for windows virtual keys.
Originally used for Fallout 4.
Removed are the keys that we don't care about as they're
generally not reproducable on a standard 104 key keyboard.
VKeys.keys = keyboard keys
VKeys.mouse = mouse buttons
It is a valid JSON OBJECT if you remove
the variable declaration and the export statement,
so you can remove that and save it as a file if you need.
var VKeys =
"keys": [
["0x01", "Left mouse button"],
["0x02", "Right mouse button"],
["0x04", "Middle mouse button"],
["0x08", "BACKSPACE key"],
["0x09", "TAB key"],
["0x0c", "CLEAR key"],
["0x0d", "ENTER key"],
["0x10", "SHIFT key"],
["0x11", "CTRL key"],
["0x12", "ALT key"],
["0x13", "PAUSE key"],
["0x14", "CAPS LOCK key"],
["0x1b", "ESC key"],
["0x20", "SPACEBAR"],
["0x21", "PAGE UP key"],
["0x22", "PAGE DOWN key"],
["0x23", "END key"],
["0x24", "HOME key"],
["0x25", "LEFT ARROW key"],
["0x26", "UP ARROW key"],
["0x27", "RIGHT ARROW key"],
["0x28", "DOWN ARROW key"],
["0x2c", "PRINT SCREEN key"],
["0x2d", "INS key"],
["0x2e", "DEL key"],
["0x2f", "HELP key"],
["0x30", "0 key"],
["0x31", "1 key"],
["0x32", "2 key"],
["0x33", "3 key"],
["0x34", "4 key"],
["0x35", "5 key"],
["0x36", "6 key"],
["0x37", "7 key"],
["0x38", "8 key"],
["0x39", "9 key"],
["0x41", "A key"],
["0x42", "B key"],
["0x43", "C key"],
["0x44", "D key"],
["0x45", "E key"],
["0x46", "F key"],
["0x47", "G key"],
["0x48", "H key"],
["0x49", "I key"],
["0x4a", "J key"],
["0x4b", "K key"],
["0x4c", "L key"],
["0x4d", "M key"],
["0x4e", "N key"],
["0x4f", "O key"],
["0x50", "P key"],
["0x51", "Q key"],
["0x52", "R key"],
["0x53", "S key"],
["0x54", "T key"],
["0x55", "U key"],
["0x56", "V key"],
["0x57", "W key"],
["0x58", "X key"],
["0x59", "Y key"],
["0x5a", "Z key"],
["0x5b", "Left Windows key"],
["0x5c", "Right Windows key"],
["0x5d", "Applications key"],
["0x60", "Numeric keypad 0 key"],
["0x61", "Numeric keypad 1 key"],
["0x62", "Numeric keypad 2 key"],
["0x63", "Numeric keypad 3 key"],
["0x64", "Numeric keypad 4 key"],
["0x65", "Numeric keypad 5 key"],
["0x66", "Numeric keypad 6 key"],
["0x67", "Numeric keypad 7 key"],
["0x68", "Numeric keypad 8 key"],
["0x69", "Numeric keypad 9 key"],
["0x6a", "Multiply key"],
["0x6b", "Add key (Numpad +)"],
["0x6d", "Subtract key"],
["0x6e", "Decimal key"],
["0x6f", "Divide key"],
["0x70", "F1 key"],
["0x71", "F2 key"],
["0x72", "F3 key"],
["0x73", "F4 key"],
["0x74", "F5 key"],
["0x75", "F6 key"],
["0x76", "F7 key"],
["0x77", "F8 key"],
["0x78", "F9 key"],
["0x79", "F10 key"],
["0x7a", "F11 key"],
["0x7b", "F12 key"],
["0x7c", "F13 key"],
["0x7d", "F14 key"],
["0x7e", "F15 key"],
["0x7f", "F16 key"],
["0x80", "F17 key"],
["0x81", "F18 key"],
["0x82", "F19 key"],
["0x83", "F20 key"],
["0x84", "F21 key"],
["0x85", "F22 key"],
["0x86", "F23 key"],
["0x87", "F24 key"],
["0x90", "NUM LOCK key"],
["0x91", "SCROLL LOCK key"],
["0xa0", "Left SHIFT key"],
["0xa1", "Right SHIFT key"],
["0xa2", "Left CONTROL key"],
["0xa3", "Right CONTROL key"],
["0xa4", "Left MENU key"],
["0xa5", "Right MENU key"],
["0xa6", "Browser Back key"],
["0xa7", "Browser Forward key"],
["0xa8", "Browser Refresh key"],
["0xa9", "Browser Stop key"],
["0xaa", "Browser Search key"],
["0xab", "Browser Favorites key"],
["0xac", "Browser Start and Home key"],
["0xad", "Volume Mute key"],
["0xbb", "Plus/+ key"],
["0xbc", "Comma/, key"],
["0xbd", "Dash/- key"],
["0xbe", "Period/. key"],
["0xbf", "Slash/Question /? key"],
["0xc0", "Backtick/Tilde `~ key"],
["0xdb", "Open Bracket/Brace [{ key"],
["0xdc", "Backslash/Pipe \\| key"],
["0xdd", "Close Bracket/Brace ]} key"],
["0xde", "Single/Double Quote'\""],
["0xae", "Volume Down key"],
["0xaf", "Volume Up key"],
["0xb0", "Next Track key"],
["0xb1", "Previous Track key"],
["0xb2", "Stop Media key"],
["0xb3", "Play/Pause Media key"],
["0xb4", "Start Mail key"],
["0xb5", "Select Media key"],
["0xb6", "Start Application 1 key"],
["0xb7", "Start Application 2 key"],
["0xff", "U N A S S I G N E D"],
"mouse": [
["0x0", "LEFT Mouse Button"],
["0x1", "RIGHT Mouse Button"],
["0x2", "MIDDLE Mouse Button"],
["0x800", "Mouse Wheel UP"],
["0x900", "Mouse Wheel DOWN"]
module.exports = VKeys;
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