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Last active December 7, 2017 02:18
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R postprocess
title: "UMCCR Patient Summary"
author: "Oliver Hofmann"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
theme: readable
toc: false
toc_float: false
code_folding: hide
highlight: kate
```{r custom, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
```{r setup}
# Set the patient identifier / name of the folder and other variables. These are equivalent
# to the variables used in the postprocessing script. Could be passed as arguments eventually
PATIENT <- 'WPT-013'
TUMOR <- 'WPT-013-organoid'
BATCH <- 'batch1'
# Set basepath depending on patient data we want to process. Assumes standard
# `analysis` folder structure
patientpath <- here(PATIENT)
## Allelic frequencies
Comparing the allelic frequencies of all somatic mutations vs those present in a subset of ~300 known cancer genes. Frequencies are currently based on [VarDict]( calls only and limited to 'high confidence' regions as determined by the [Genome in a Botte consortium].
```{r af}
# Global AF
af <- read.table(file.path(patientpath, 'af', 'af_vardict_tumor.txt'),
header=FALSE, colClasses='numeric') %>%
mutate(set='wgs') %>%
select(set, af=V1)
# AF for AstraZeneca's AZ300 gene set
af_az300 <- read.table(file.path(patientpath, 'af', 'af_vardict_az300.txt'),
header=FALSE) %>%
mutate(set='cancer_genes') %>%
select(set, af=V6)
all_af <- rbind(af, af_az300)
ggplot(all_af, aes(af)) +
geom_histogram(stat='bin', binwidth = 0.01) +
facet_wrap(~set, scales='free_y')
## Mutational signature
[PCGR]( uses [deconstructSigs]( to generate somatic signatures. From our experience it can miss signatures quite frequently; using [MutationalPatterns]( to doublecheck.
```{r importVCF}
ref_genome <- "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19"
library(ref_genome, character.only = TRUE)
# Grab ensemble calls from the post-processing stage. These were converted with
# awk '{ if($0 !~ /^#/) print "chr"$0; else if(match($0,/(##contig=<ID=)(.*)/,m))
# print m[1]"chr"m[2]; else print $0 }' | grep -v chrG
# Also needs removal of GL.* chromosomes. Sigh..
vcf <- read_vcfs_as_granges(file.path(patientpath,
paste(BATCH, 'ensemble-annotated-subset-ucsf.vcf', sep='-')),
Look at somatic change distribution:
```{r somProfile}
muts <- mutations_from_vcf(vcf)
type_occurrences <- mut_type_occurrences(vcf, ref_genome)
plot_spectrum(type_occurrences, CT=TRUE)
# Could do this relative to a few reference samples
mut_mat <- mut_matrix(vcf_list=as.list(vcf), ref_genome=ref_genome)
Extract somatic signatures and compare to the reference set:
```{r somSig}
# Get Sanger sigs
sp_url <- paste("",
"signatures_probabilities.txt", sep = "")
cancer_signatures <- read.table(sp_url, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
# Reorder (to make the order of the trinucleotide changes the same)
cancer_signatures <- cancer_signatures[order(cancer_signatures[, 1]), ]
# Only signatures in matrix
cancer_signatures <- as.matrix(cancer_signatures[, 4:33])
# Fit mutation matrix to cancer signatures. This function finds the optimal linear
# combination of mutation signatures that most closely reconstructs the
# mutation matrix by solving a non-negative least-squares constraints problem.
fit_res <- fit_to_signatures(mut_mat, cancer_signatures)
# Select signatures with some contribution
select <- which(rowSums(fit_res$contribution) > 0)
# plot contribution
result <-$contribution[select, ]) %>%
mutate(Contribution=fit_res$contribution[select, ]) %>%
select(Contribution) %>%
# Quick summary of the results; no plotting yet
datatable(result) %>%
formatRound('Contribution', 1)
Check for positional enrichment of somatic signatures (limited to autosomes):
```{r rainfall}
chromosomes <- seqnames(get(ref_genome))[1:22]
plot_rainfall(vcf[[1]], chromosomes=chromosomes, cex = 1.5, ylim = 1e+09 )
## Addendum
```{r sessioninfo}
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